
Activities · Preview 丨 Li Birthday Dialogue with Sun Ganlu: Words Spoken and Written Words

author:Shangguan News
Activities · Preview 丨 Li Birthday Dialogue with Sun Ganlu: Words Spoken and Written Words

Words to say and words to write

Li Tian's "Waiting" new book dialogue


Li Birthday

Poet, comedian, writer

Special guests

Sun Ganlu


Vice Chairman of Shanghai Municipal Federation of Literature and Literature

Vice Chairman of Shanghai Writers Association

Lecture time

Monday, December 21, 2020 at 7:00 p.m

Lecture venue

Lecture Hall, 2nd Floor, West District, Shanghai Library

(No. 1555 Middle Huaihai Road, Gao'an Junction)


Shanghai Library Lecture Center

Shanghai Literature and Art Publishing House

Single read

Li Shi said: "I like to write words, and I have words to write. "One of the stand-up comedians who was considered the funniest wrote a novel that people couldn't laugh at, and it was cute and real eerie. In "Waiting", at a performance scene that is about to take place in reality, "Li Xiang" reads out word by word, "These words that I am writing in the past, and what I am exporting now, will only be heard by you in the future"; he speaks with "Generally when the present and the future are being completed", which is a novel that is true in all tenses.

On the evening of December 21, we invited Li Shi and Mr. Sun Ganlu to talk about "words", talk about language and style, and talk about this novel created in the form of writing.

Activities · Preview 丨 Li Birthday Dialogue with Sun Ganlu: Words Spoken and Written Words


Written by Li Tian

"Waiting" is a novella completed by Li Shi in early 2020. In this book, Li Tian wrote the story of a person named "Li Tian". "A young man who, in a time of rapid expansion, a young man who did not know how to step into Vanity Fair, a successful person who survived the short life of the rapids and bravely entered the mud, wrote his testimony for us through his observations."

The reader may want to directly recognize "Li Birthday" as Li Birthday, but this is a novel, and it only takes us to observe such a sample of the mind. If the spirit of this era is entertainment, then this novel hopes that you will hear the intermittent moments of laughter, the sound of those dreams being broken, and you will see the outstanding minds of this generation destroyed by laughter, and you will also see how conscience, friendship, and love have glued to this world that is about to collapse.


Activities · Preview 丨 Li Birthday Dialogue with Sun Ganlu: Words Spoken and Written Words

Chief planner and writer of "Spit Conference" and "Talk Show Conference". In addition to "Waiting Field", the published works "Laughing Field", "Cosmic Transcendence Guide" and "Cold Field".

Activities · Preview 丨 Li Birthday Dialogue with Sun Ganlu: Words Spoken and Written Words

Major works: "Breathing", "Visiting Dreams", "Messenger Letter", "I Am a Teenager's Wine Jar", "Remembering Qin'e", "The Language of the Night", "This Place is His Hometown", "Shanghai Flowing Water", "Slower than Slow", "Time to Be Folded", "Nothing Today", etc. Translations of works are available in English, French, Russian, Japanese, and Korean.



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Source: Shanghai Literature and Art Publishing House

Editor: Xu Xiangguo

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