
I'm from Guangxi and have a kind of rice cake called Pink Li

author:Zhuang little friend girl

2020 is an unforgettable year, because of the epidemic, many people have a home and can't go back. On the occasion of the New Year, I originally planned to return to my mother's house after the New Year and eat the New Year snacks in my hometown.

Speaking of hometown traditional snacks, there is nothing more than rice cakes, Guangxi people are also called powder li, usually in the autumn and winter to start listing, a year can eat its time, carefully calculated is not too long, but because it brings people delicate, tender, long cooked, refreshing tongue tip experience, become the first choice for the flavor of local food in this season.

Powder is made of rice, hometown customs and culture generally do not use sticky rice flour or a variety of powder processing, directly soaked soft rice with a traditional stone grinding disc grinding into rice milk, hand-ground rice milk made of powder, is really the original ecological rice products, across the distance can smell a faint smell of rice.

The rice that makes powder is also exquisite, generally using aged rice that is not very sticky, but it cannot be a little sticky. Carefully ground rice milk is then fried into rice balls, after beating, kneading and then carefully kneading the rice balls into a small cylindrical shape, steaming again, taking out to dry and then soaking in water for preservation. After these tedious steps, Fan Li is considered to be finished.

In the middle of winter, eating a powder profit, for us Guangxi people, not only satisfies the stomach, but also full of our beautiful expectations for the coming year, the New Year will eat powder profit, which means great luck and smooth profit.

I'm from Guangxi and have a kind of rice cake called Pink Li
I'm from Guangxi and have a kind of rice cake called Pink Li

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