
Yang Jinlin on the concept of life and death: Before going to the Arctic ice swimming, I wrote down my will

author:Red Star News

On November 21st, the 5th Anniversary Annual Meeting of Xiamen University Sichuan Alumni Association and the Western Alumni Summit Forum were held in Chengdu, and more than 200 alumni from Sichuan and Shu Dadi gathered together to share the friendship of Nanqiang. Sun Shigang, Vice President of Xiamen University Alumni Association, Huang Liangkui, Honorary Director of Alumni Association, Zeng Guobin, Secretary General of Alumni Association, Yang Jinlin, well-known alumni, Alumni Presidents of Zhejiang, Shaanxi, Hunan, Ningxia and other alumni were invited to attend, alumni representatives from Guangdong, Shenzhen, Chongqing, Tibet and other places attended the meeting to congratulate, in addition to more than 20 university representatives to attend the meeting.

Yesterday, Yang Jinlin, a well-known alumnus invited by the Alumni Association, presented a spiritual feast that should not be missed. Alumni Yang Jinlin began to talk about going to Hong Kong to work hard, experienced the 512 earthquake, crossed the no-man's land of Lop Nur and shared the philosophy of "living to die". He provides another dimension for thinking about life, learning to take responsibility in the face of responsibility, and sticking to the bottom line in the face of fame and fortune. Previously, when he shared in a speech at the Chinese Club, he mentioned that he once made a will before arctic ice swimming...
Yang Jinlin on the concept of life and death: Before going to the Arctic ice swimming, I wrote down my will
Yang Jinlin on the concept of life and death: Before going to the Arctic ice swimming, I wrote down my will
Yang Jinlin on the concept of life and death: Before going to the Arctic ice swimming, I wrote down my will

It is reported that the jinlin library public welfare activities are also officially launched in Sichuan, and the Jinlin rural library project is cooperated by the Jinlin Charity Foundation and the Xiamen University Sichuan Alumni Association to support the public welfare project of rural children's reading. "Jinlin Rural Library" is multi-dimensional, comprehensive and continuous reading support work. It is understood that the project will uphold the concept of "drip irrigation of roots" and "the happier reading", and continue the mature implementation path of "Jinlin Rural Reading Plan". The Jinlin Rural Library project will land in Bazhong.

Chengdu Business Daily client reporter Huang Haihong

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