
Zhang Dai is not a rich and idle person

author:Southern Weekly
Zhang Dai is not a rich and idle person

The Zhejiang Library holds a portrait of Zhang Dai. There is a painting by Li Changxiang that praises: "The appearance is very warm and the heart is iron, the meaning is very cold and the air is hot." The bullet is homeless, and the tongue of the survivors. Looking at shu has no soul, and the one who cries is a bird. Fingers under the fountain of sorrow, chest in the ape pharynx. His life has ambitions, then seven autumn waters, three feet of wind and thunder, and a roll of ice and snow. ”

Since it was recommended and punctuated by Zhou Zuoren and Yu Pingbo in the 1930s, tao'an dream memories have been published for nearly a hundred years, and dozens of new collated and annotated editions have been published. Especially in recent years, various editions have emerged in an endless stream, and I have selectively read several of them, all of which have advantages that are worth learning and learning from, because the target audience is different, and each has its own existence value. However, there are some contemptible opinions that have not yet been humanely published for readers to review their defiance.

"Tao An Dream Memories" has two problems that are easy to lead the reader into misunderstandings, and both are intentional or unintentional caused by Zhang Dai himself, and it is impossible not to do some analysis.

First of all, who is Zhang Dai? This does not seem to be a problem, he himself said in the Epitaph of Self-Made:

Less for the stupid children, very much love prosperity, good house, good beauty, good child prostitution, good fresh clothes, good food, good horses, good lanterns, good fireworks, good pear orchards, good trumpets, good antiques, good flowers and birds, and tea obscene orange abuse, book and poetry magic...

Honest readers think that this is Zhang Dai in the wind and self-congratulation, used to compare the content of "Dream Memories" and all of them are "needle and mustard", so they made this "twelve good" as the "Introduction" of "Dream Memories"; the most unfortunate result is to make individual readers feel that as long as the ancestors have some money, it is not too difficult to be a Zhang Dai.

However, Zhang Dai's pen turned and the heavy ink was put into the "seven unsolvable":

To the prince who went up to Webb, and now to the beggar with the family, so that the noble and the disorderly are incomprehensible. The production is not as good as the MiddleMan, and if you want to drive the Golden Valley together, there are many shortcuts in the world, and the sole plant is in the mausoleum, so that the rich and the poor are insoluble. The field of practicing horses with books, and the house of articles as a general, so that the literature and martial arts are wrong and cannot be understood. Accompanying the Jade Emperor without being obedient, and accompanying the beggars of the Sad TianYuan without being arrogant, so that they are dignified and inferior, and they cannot be understood. The weak are spit and willing to do their own thing, and the strong are able to ride alone and go to the enemy, so they are wide and fierce, and they cannot be solved. After winning the battle for fame, after the people, watching the game, willing to let people go first, so it is slow and fallacious, and it is impossible to understand six. If the game is not good, it does not know whether to win or lose, sipping tea and tasting water, it can distinguish between the seven, so that the wisdom is foolish and unsolvable. There are these seven unsolvable, self-incomprehensible, anwang people to solve?

After seeing "seven incomprehensible", "twelve good" has become the view of "skin phase", which is the background of the hero Haojie that he is really proud of. If the reader does not understand this aspect of him, Zhang Dai thinks that he is sad; and the reader selectively reads "Dream Remembrance" with the taste of the wind and snow, which is also Zhang Dai's sadness.

Zhang Dai is not a rich and idle person, but a utilitarian person. In my humble opinion, instead of comparing him to Jia Baoyu, I would rather compare him to Chen Tongfu of the Southern Song Dynasty. Of course, this is not entirely appropriate, Chen Liang finally won the title before he died, and Zhang Dai was not even a person in his life. It's just that Zhang Dai's middle-aged people have faded his name, and although he still participates in the township examination to meet him once, if he has the thousand-year-old cause of repairing ming history as a point in his heart, that is, he cannot further make meritorious contributions, and he can still retreat and make a statement. However, although the two encounters are different, they have the same heart of deeds, the same ambitions, and finally the same reputation for the integrity of the article.

When Zhang Dai was thirty years old, he compiled the "Biography of Ancient and Modern Righteous Martyrs", and in his later years, he wrote "Youming YuYue San Immortal Tuzan", and his zhijie was really carried out throughout. This is not only because he has a love of history, but also because he regards the characters written in the biography as his own ambition, which will have a very deep feeling just by looking at the self-introduction of the two books. And Zhang Dai spent half his life to write the "Book of Stone Kui", which was based on the material of the lichuan, and paid special attention to the matter of border plugging, and also wrote many books and martial strategies for the characters, and strongly praised the famous ministers who had made meritorious achievements, such as Wang Yangming and Zhu Hengyue, even for the tainted figures like Wang Yue, who also praised his military achievements and forgave them. In fact, in "Dream Remembrance", Zhang Dai's heart of doing deeds is not without expression. There are two times in the book that climb high and look far away, one in the second year of Chongzhen to climb the Jinshan Mountain in Zhenjiang, and the other in the eleventh year of Chongzhen to climb the Qixia Mountain, the content of Huaigu is exactly the same, both are remotely imagining the Great Battle of the Yangtze River between Han Shizhong and Wushu in that year. Under the situation that the Manchurian Iron Horse had harassed the emperor's capital Qifu several times, was it an accident that Zhang Dai was so nostalgic? In particular, before going to Yan to visit his father, he rehearsed the anti-gold drama "The Tale of The Two Spirits" in the family drama class, and at this time, in the face of the Haoyue River, he sang with the drums, and his heart was surging and his ambition was thousands of miles, which could be imagined. But it's not the only way to go. Zhang Dai is a person who is both rational and gentle, as Liu Guangdou said, is "good looking, gentle, and unashamed", and this wild and uninhibited thing of beating a drum at night in the Golden Mountains is actually in great contrast with the personality of ordinary life. The reason for speculating on this should be to evoke a sense of caressing the present at the time of nostalgia, that is, the resentment of no way to ask for help in the chest. So when I read "Golden Mountain Night Drama", I can always feel the sadness hidden behind the wild,—— the ancient madman is not like this!

Zhang Dai, like his father, was too old to aspire to the field house. In the Ming Dynasty, there were living members who were not allowed to state the meritorious orders of the people's beneficial diseases, and as a cloth cloth, Zhang Dai really had no way to serve the country. Even Zhang Dai's good friend Qi Biaojia, a weak crown, that is, a high school scholar, and an official to you du Yushi, but once he was dismissed, he could only go to Yushan Garden to use Lin Quan to sell his heroism. The saddest thing is that only after the collapse of the earth and the collapse of the building, Zhang Dai has a glimmer of hope of making a meritorious career, although he hopes to make a thin tree that supports the endgame, but it will eventually become a bubble. In the seventeenth year of Chongzhen, he went to Huai'an to deal with uncle Zhong's affairs, heard about the fall of Beijing, and immediately "corrected the masses to revolt and mourned for the former emperor", but immediately "Hongguang heir, the courtiers had the proposal not to allow King Kusawa Qin, looking north to weep, Sui'er suspended." After Hongguang's death, he first paid tribute to King Hui, who surrendered to Qing, and he broke down to recruit troops to support King Lu in overseeing the country. When the traitorous minister Ma Shiying sneaked to eastern Zhejiang, Zhang Dai immediately asked the King of Lu to lead hundreds of troops to pursue him, but he was also blocked by the Ma Dang. There were many factions in king Lu's regime, and Zhang Dai was ostracized by both Ma Nguyen's henchmen and the eastern lin clique, and one of the excuses was that he had no scientific name and was not qualified to participate in military politics. He had no choice but to resign and return to the mountain, as if disheartened, but as soon as he received a call to discuss military affairs, he took the call with illness. On the way, Pingshui had a dream, although Qi Biaojia's dream soul warned of the dangers of this trip and advised him to return to the mountains to repair history, but still resolutely went. After his son was kidnapped by Fang Guoan and forced to go bankrupt and ransom, he still went to the river to inspect the military camp for more than 100 days. Seeing that the soldiers did not become soldiers, they would not become generals, and finally realized the reality that "a piece of meat of the Zhao clan is stinky and rotten when they started", so they were discouraged and fell into the mountains, and instead of spinning, the troops on the river collapsed and eastern Zhejiang fell. Zhang Dai had six "Notes on the King of Shanglu" here, weeping blood and strangling his wrists, and the spirit of loyalty and righteousness sprayed on thin paper, was it possible for a rich and idle person and a stupid disciple who had no accumulation in his life to be able to do it?

Looking at Zhang Dai's life, it can be said that "rich and noble cannot be adulterous, mighty and cannot be bent" of "The Prince of the Turbid World, the Great Husband of the Chaotic World", without looking at Zhang Dai in this way, it is difficult to correctly understand "Dream Remembrance", and I do not know this and learn Zhang Dai, I am afraid that I can only learn and not become an anti-Xue Pan.

Secondly, are all the articles of "Tao An Dream Memories" really reminiscents after the fall of the country? This question cannot be vaguely asked, as it is directly related to the interpretation of the work and the author. Let's take an example. Ruan Dacheng was the mastermind of Ma Shiying in the Hongguang Dynasty, and his viciousness was ten times more vicious than that of Shiying, and the death of Nan Ming was not redeemed in ten thousand deaths. The "Dream Remembrance" volume VIII "Ruan Yuanhai Drama" has a peaceful attitude, praises the talent of the Nguyen clan, and only lightly sentences "slander Donglin and defend the Wei Party" in its transgressions. If this article was written after Ma Nguyen's chaotic government, wouldn't Zhang Dai have no heart at all? Similar to those are also the second volume "Zhu Yunlai Female Drama", volume five "Liu Huiji Female Drama" and other chapters, both of which were descended after the fall of the country, and if their creation date is set as Jiashen, they are related to Zhang Dai's name.

The truth is that there are not only reminiscence articles in Dream Remembrance, but also more articles from the old times.

Zhang Dai's "Dream Remembrance of Self-Introduction" was written in the third year of Shunzhi, which said: "Thinking about the past from afar, remembering is the book, holding it before the Buddha, and repenting one by one." Not the next year, the spectrum of different years also; not divided into categories, do not "Zhilin" also". It seems that all the articles of "Dream Remembrance" are "reminiscences" and later books, but he does not hide or even deliberately indicate the time of writing of the old works before the fall of the country, such as "Nanzhen Prayer Dream" written at the age of sixteen, and "Silk Society" Xiao Tan (all see volume 3) and so on after the age of twenty-two. Most of these are skeletons and game texts, and the old texts before death collected in "Dream Memories" cannot only have a body and no scattered body.

Zhang Daiyan's "Dream Memories" is "not inferior to the years" and "does not distinguish between categories", which just shows that these articles have the order of years, and even some of the same themes were written in the same period, that is, slightly involved in "categories".

Volume III "Qixia" records that Chongzhen met Xiao Boyu at the end of the eleventh year at the regent mountain, talking about Putuo Mountain, Zhang Dai immediately took out the "Supplementary Tuozhi" and asked for advice. "Supplementary Tuozhi" is the long travelogue "Haizhi" in the "Collected Works of Huan Huan", and Zhang Dai traveled to Putuo just a few months ago, which shows that Zhang Dai had the habit of making travel notes after the tour. Therefore, Zhang Dai went from the second year of Chongzhen to his father in Yanzhou Province, and there were "Jinshan Night Drama", "Confucius Temple Juniper", "Kong Lin", "Lu Fan Fireworks", "Yanzhou Parade", "Lufu Pine Shed", "One Foot of Snow", "Ju Hai"; in the first half of the eleventh half of Chongzhen, Zhang Dai and Qin traveled to eastern Zhejiang, and there were "Sun Moon Lake", "Tiantai Peony", "Tiantong Temple Monk", "Ashoka Temple Relic", "Dinghai Exercise"; Chongzhen traveled to Nanjing in the second half of the eleventh year, and there were "Yan Ziji", "Min Laozi Tea", "Niushou Mountain Hunting", and "Wang Yuesheng" articles.

In addition, those who can become the same "category" are those who write drama performances, such as "Zhu Yunlai Women's Plays", "Liu Huiji Women's Plays", "Zhu Chusheng", "Peng Tianxi String Plays", "Iceberg Records"; those who have writing skills, such as "Tianyan", "Wuzhong Stunts", "Pu Zhongqian Carving", "Sand Pot Tin Notes", "Shen Meigang", "Gan Wentai Furnace"; those who write antiques, such as "Zhu's Collection", "Zhongshu Antiques", "Qi Jing Cemetery Flower Basket"; those who remember grandfathers and friends, such as Huang Yuyong's "Ben yun shi", "Bao Han Suo" of Bao Yingdeng, and Fan Yunlin's "Fan Changbai". Remember Zou Diguang's "Valley of Foolishness". The reason I have proposed these to be old works before the Ming Dynasty is, of course, not only because of their various categories, but because they could not have been written in the mountains of The County of Shunzhi in the third year of Shunzhi. Zhang Dai completely broke away from the Lu dynasty and went into exile in the early summer of the third year of Shunzhi. At this time, he "put his hair into the mountains, terrified as a savage", "the bottle of corn is repeatedly sold out, can not hold up the fire", but he can still insist on writing, that is because the things he wants to write can make him have the motivation to write, such as the "Book of Stone"; then watching women's plays, playing antiques and other trivial things will arouse his enthusiasm for writing? At this time, Huai ren should also be close people like Qi Zhixiang and Zhang Jiezi, and what can someone like Bao Yingdeng miss?

In addition to the "Book of Stones", the only thing that made Zhang Dai eager to pick up the pen was to write a long scroll of words like the "Map of the Qingming River" to send the pain of the country. It is thought that "Fengmen Hedang", "Yue Custom Sweeping Tombs", "Qinhuai River House", "Yang temple Pavilion", "Yanzhu Temple", "Twenty-four Bridges Wind Moon", "Tai'an Zhou Guest House", "Xianghu Lake", "Tiger Hill Mid-Autumn Night", "Yangzhou Qingming", "Jinshan Jingdu", "Yangzhou Skinny Horse", "Mulian Drama", "Shaoxing Lantern Scene", "Yanyu Lou", "West Lake Xiangshi", "West Lake July and a Half", "Leap Mid-Autumn Festival", "Longshan Lanterns", etc. may have been made at this time, or rewritten according to old texts or according to other people's articles. In the past, the scenes of prosperity and wealth seemed to be ordinary, "the past can be included in paintings", inspiration and passion, these articles are almost splendid, and Zhang Dai's prose has reached the realm of pure fire here. The mountains and rivers change color, in the devastated homeland, with memories to evoke the festival scenes of the people of the old city, with pen and ink and emotion to write a picture of customs, every reading, turning over and being complacent, like traveling to the homeland. Some keen readers have found that Zhang Dai's thoughts about the homeland revealed by writing about these group festivals are not available in those garden scenes. But this is not because he has no feelings for the family's homeland, but because the sketches were not written at this time. Like "Zhang Shi Shengzhi", "Plum Blossom Bookhouse", "Bu Er Zhai", which may have been written after the fall of the country, how can there be no mourning and nostalgia? But Zhang Dai's valuable point is that his thoughts about his homeland are more intense than his nostalgia for the homeland.

Some other works after the Ming Dynasty in "Dream Memories", such as the last paragraph of "Chung Shan", the "Three Books", "Luyuan Temple Fang Persimmon", "Seocho Creek Pavilion", "Concubine Fudi", and "Lu Wang Feast" and "Pingshui Dream", which are included in the "addendum", can find the time trajectory of writing in the text. There are several articles related to "eating", "FangWu", "Cheese", "Fanjiang Chen's Orange", "PinshanTang Fish Dang", "Crab Society", for Zhang Dai, who is "growing king, Xie, quite luxurious", these foods that are not difficult to taste are not worth worrying about at all, only in the "hunger" of "repaying meat with stalks and repaying rice with stalks", it is possible to write them out as a "spiritual meal", and most readers who are now over seventy years old will understand my speculation.

Most of the articles in "Dream Memories" are old works from a few years ago, but Zhang Dai re-read them after the destruction of the country and his family, just like seeing the Golden Di Copper Camel in the Thorn Bush, the dust of the past, you can imagine the majesty and magnificence of the palace in those days, and now only cold smoke and grass are left, and it is also very natural to think about Mai Xiu. He compiled these old works into "Dream Memories" to inject new emotions into the old works, and deliberately disrupted the order to create illusions, but also to guide the reader to follow his own nostalgia. But although we can understand Zhang Dai's nostalgic experience, we cannot replace our reading experience today, let alone forcibly change the creation time of those chapters and create a false Zhang Dai in our hearts.

Luan Baoqun

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