
Today's heavy snow, remember to give your family osmanthus glutinous rice root, soft glutinous sweet, warm stomach and warm heart

author:Hunan food experts
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Heavy snow, is the 21st of the 24 solar terms, into the snow, the temperature dropped significantly, the rain increased, the temperature decreased and the cold was compelling, so that people's diets in such a season also need to be adjusted and changed, to eat more warm stomach and seasonal ingredients, heavy snow season, lotus root is just on the market, is the best time to eat lotus root.

Today's heavy snow, remember to give your family osmanthus glutinous rice root, soft glutinous sweet, warm stomach and warm heart

Lotus root, grown in the swamp, is a large underground stem of the lotus, slightly sweet and crisp, can be eaten raw or vegetables, and the medicinal value is quite high. Lotus root is a treasure, root leaves, flowers and fruits, are of great use, lotus leaves can be dried and soaked in water to drink; lotus seeds can be eaten raw can also be dried and stewed; lotus root can be mixed cold, but also can be stewed; and the lotus powder made of lotus root, soaking water to drink has a good effect on eating and stopping diarrhea, appetizing and clearing heat, nourishing and nourishing, and eating lotus root in winter is the best time for most people to supplement.

Today's heavy snow, remember to give your family osmanthus glutinous rice root, soft glutinous sweet, warm stomach and warm heart

Although lotus root is a common vegetable, its nutritional value is very high, containing a variety of vitamins and nutrients, often eat lotus root in the snow season can not only promote the body's absorption of nutrients, but also promote blood circulation, play a role in warming the stomach and heart.

There are many common ways to eat lotus root, there are cold mixed lotus slices, stir-fried lotus root slices and lotus root stewed ribs, but today I want to share with you a osmanthus glutinous rice root method, osmanthus glutinous rice root has a sweet, crisp taste, during the snow season to eat a meal of osmanthus glutinous rice root is simply full of happiness.

Today's heavy snow, remember to give your family osmanthus glutinous rice root, soft glutinous sweet, warm stomach and warm heart

【Osmanthus glutinous rice root】

Ingredients: Fresh lotus root, fresh glutinous rice, brown sugar, rock sugar, osmanthus paste

Detailed instructions:

In the first step, the fresh glutinous rice bought is washed several times, and then soaked for another 3 hours to make the glutinous rice absorb water and foam.

In the second step, the fresh lotus root removes the root whiskers, repeatedly washes it several times, and the mud in the lotus hole is best rinsed with a high-pressure water gun, then peeled and cut off as a cover.

Today's heavy snow, remember to give your family osmanthus glutinous rice root, soft glutinous sweet, warm stomach and warm heart

In the third step, drain the soaked glutinous rice, scoop a spoonful on top of the lotus hole, and use chopsticks to pound it a few times so that the glutinous rice can be stuffed into the lotus hole.

Today's heavy snow, remember to give your family osmanthus glutinous rice root, soft glutinous sweet, warm stomach and warm heart

In the fourth step, cover the cut lotus cover and insert it with a toothpick to fix the lotus cover from falling off.

Today's heavy snow, remember to give your family osmanthus glutinous rice root, soft glutinous sweet, warm stomach and warm heart

In the fifth step, put the lotus root filled with glutinous rice into the rice cooker, add the right amount of water, rock sugar and brown sugar, steam for about 40 minutes on high heat, wait for the aroma to be fragrant, turn off the heat, fish it out and let it cool and slice it, and finally drizzle with osmanthus sauce to eat.

Today's heavy snow, remember to give your family osmanthus glutinous rice root, soft glutinous sweet, warm stomach and warm heart
Today's heavy snow, remember to give your family osmanthus glutinous rice root, soft glutinous sweet, warm stomach and warm heart


1. Soak glutinous rice for as long as possible so that it is fully foamed.

2, with a high-pressure water gun can be used to thoroughly clean the sediment inside the lotus hole.

3, when boiling lotus root, you can put an appropriate amount of dried osmanthus flowers in it, so that the aroma is stronger.

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