
Food sharing: Braised eggplant, cucumber stir-fried ham slices, four seasons of beans fragrant fried in the middle of the method of braised eggplant cucumber stir-fried ham slices four seasons of beans fragrant fried rolls

author:Healthy food
Food sharing: Braised eggplant, cucumber stir-fried ham slices, four seasons of beans fragrant fried in the middle of the method of braised eggplant cucumber stir-fried ham slices four seasons of beans fragrant fried rolls

Eggplant has the effect of clearing heat and removing fire, reducing swelling and relieving pain, but eggplant is cold and cold, and should not be overdose.

Ingredients: 1 eggplant, 1 tomato, 5 cloves of garlic, 1 green onion, 2 teaspoons sugar, 3 teaspoons light soy sauce, 2 teaspoons vinegar, 1 teaspoon dark soy sauce, 1 teaspoon starch

Step 1: Peel the garlic and cut into garlic slices. After washing the eggplant and tomatoes, cut into hob pieces.

Step 2: Soak the chopped eggplant in water for 5 minutes and drain.

Step 3: Heat the oil pan, add the eggplant cubes, fry until soft and set aside.

Step 4: Take a small bowl, add sugar, soy sauce, soy sauce, vinegar and starch and mix well to form a sauce.

Step 5: Add a little oil to the pan to fry the eggplant, heat it up and sauté the chives and half the garlic, sauté to taste and add the tomato pieces.

Step 6: Stir-fry a few times, then add the fried eggplant and stir-fry.

Step 7: Then pour in the sauce that you made in step 4.

Step 8: Wait until the eggplant is soft and rotten, then pour in the remaining garlic. Cover and simmer for 10-15 minutes.

Food sharing: Braised eggplant, cucumber stir-fried ham slices, four seasons of beans fragrant fried in the middle of the method of braised eggplant cucumber stir-fried ham slices four seasons of beans fragrant fried rolls

Cucumber is rich in moisture, fragrant and delicious, containing vitamins, carotene, and a small amount of sugars, proteins, calcium, phosphorus, iron and other essential nutrients for the human body, and its fiber pair can promote intestinal peristalsis, prevent and alleviate constipation.

Ingredients: 1 cucumber, 2 ham, 1 teaspoon salt, 1/2 tablespoon cooking oil

Step 1: Wash the cucumber, peel it, and cut it into slices.

Step 2: Cut the ham into slices.

Step 3: Heat the oil pan, add the cucumber slices and stir-fry over high heat.

Step 4: When the cucumber is broken, add salt and stir-fry well.

Step 5: Add the slices of ham again and stir-fry for a few more moments.

Step 6: Finish with the tray.

Food sharing: Braised eggplant, cucumber stir-fried ham slices, four seasons of beans fragrant fried in the middle of the method of braised eggplant cucumber stir-fried ham slices four seasons of beans fragrant fried rolls

Carob is rich in vitamin B complex, dietary fiber, of which vitamin B6 is involved in maintaining the metabolic function of a variety of proteins and amino acids in cells, helping to promote human growth and development.

Ingredients: 150 g carob, 20 g carrots, 2 squid, 5 g ginger, a pinch of minced garlic, 1/2 tsp salt, 1 tsp cooking wine, 2 tsp oil

Step 1: Peel off the side stems and peduncles, wash them and break them into 5 cm long segments.

Step 2: Peel and wash the carrots and cut into thin slices.

Step 3: Take the body of the squid, wash it, cut the flower knife and cut it into slices.

Step 4: In a hot oil pan, sauté shredded ginger and minced garlic, add carrots and long beans and stir-fry.

Step 5: Then add the squid and stir-fry.

Step 6: After the ingredients are cut off, add a little salt.

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