
After the arrest of the son of an Indian official who "drove over the peasants," the spokesman for the biggest opposition party: he himself should be arrested

author:China Youth Network

The fact that the son of an Indian official "drove over the farmers" continued to ferment.

After the arrest of the son of an Indian official who "drove over the peasants," the spokesman for the biggest opposition party: he himself should be arrested

Screenshot of the Russian satellite network report

According to the Russian satellite network on the 10th, after the Indian Uttar Pradesh police arrested the son of Ajay Kumar Misra, minister of state of the Indian Ministry of Home Affairs, on the 9th for suspected murder, the spokesman of India's largest opposition party, the Congress Party, tweeted on the 10th that the suspect's father, Misra, should also be arrested because he was suspected of "deliberately misleading the police".

Indian Congress Party spokesman Sharma Mohammed wrote on Twitter on the same day condemning Ajay Kumar Mishra, saying that "Ashish Mishra (his son) has admitted that he was at the scene at the time of the violence." Many witnesses at the scene also confirmed that he was present at the time. But his father, Ajay Kumar Mishra, insisted his son was not there. Therefore, Sharma Mohammed argues, "Ajay Kumar Mishra should also be arrested on suspicion of deliberately misleading the police!" ”

After the arrest of the son of an Indian official who "drove over the peasants," the spokesman for the biggest opposition party: he himself should be arrested

According to the "New India Express" reported on the 4th, Indian officials confirmed that on the 3rd local time, farmers in Uttar Pradesh broke out in a demonstration with officials, causing at least 8 deaths. Farmers said Ajay Kumar Mishra's son was in one of the cars in the conflict at the time, and it was possible to drive one of them and run over the protesters, killing them.

The Minister of State in India's Ministry of Home Affairs refuted this claim, saying that his son had nothing to do with the matter and that it was because many people attacked cars with stones, sticks and swords that caused the driver to crash out of control into the crowd. "If my son had been there, he wouldn't have come out alive." According to CNN, Uttar Pradesh Police Chief Mukur Gore said eight people were killed in the day's violence, including four farmers who died in a car crash and three BJP officials and one driver.

The incident sparked mass protests online, with some angrily stating, "The son of an official drove over the farmers, and that's how they treated us!" Others wrote that such a "barbaric move" by the BJP government would never slow down peasant protests. Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adianat tweeted in Indian later on the 3rd, calling on the public to remain calm, calling the incident "very sad and unfortunate".

Source: World Wide Web

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