
Abandoning the work of the ministry to the most basic level, Deng Zhongxia's nephew and Wang Jinxi fought side by side in the Daqing oilfield

author:Yangtze River Daily
Abandoning the work of the ministry to the most basic level, Deng Zhongxia's nephew and Wang Jinxi fought side by side in the Daqing oilfield

Deng Zhongxia, also known as Deng Kang, a native of Yizhang, Hunan, studied at Peking University and participated in leading the February 7 strike and organizing and leading the provincial and Hong Kong strikes. On May 15, 1933, he was arrested by a Patrol of the French Concession in Shanghai. On September 21, 1933, he bravely rebelled in Yuhuatai, Nanjing, at the age of 39.

Previously reported

Deng Zhongxia: "I don't want to be an official, I want to be a public servant of the people"

Abandoning the work of the ministry to the most basic level, Deng Zhongxia's nephew and Wang Jinxi fought side by side in the Daqing oilfield

Deng Zhongxia oil painting. Dunbond Town in 1982

The former residence of Deng Zhongxia in Yizhang County, Hunan Province, hangs an oil painting painted by the famous painter Deng Bangzhen for his uncle Deng Zhongxia. In the painting, Deng Zhongxia is dressed in a Zhongshan suit and looks resolutely into the distance. About 200 meters away from Deng Zhongxia's former residence, there is a Zhongxia Hope Primary School. On September 3, the first lesson of the new school year began with the acquaintance of Deng Zhongxia. Looking back at the past hundred years, the spirit of Deng Zhongxia has been deeply imprinted on this land.

On September 21, 1933, Deng Zhongxia, an early important leader of the Communist Party of China and an outstanding leader of the workers' movement, bravely inaugurated his righteousness at Yuhuatai in Nanjing. Eight years after Deng Zhongxia's sacrifice, his nephew Deng Bangzhen was born. "I haven't met my uncle Deng Zhongxia, but he has always lived in our hearts, and he is always at the center of the conversation at family gatherings."

Put away the paintbrush and apply for the economic major of the country's urgent need for talents

Abandoning the work of the ministry to the most basic level, Deng Zhongxia's nephew and Wang Jinxi fought side by side in the Daqing oilfield

Dunbon Town and Dungan (right).

In 1950, Deng Bangzhen, his brother Deng Gan, and his sister Deng Yunan's family went to Beijing as the bereaved families of the martyr Deng Zhongxia and were raised by the Central Organization Department. Deng Bangzhen and Deng Yunan were studying at North China Primary School, and Deng Gan was now an adult with a talent for painting, preparing to apply for the Central Academy of Fine Arts to study Chinese painting. In a conversation, Shuai Mengqi, head of the Organization Department, said that New China has just been founded and there is an urgent need for construction talents. Deng Gan, who understood the great righteousness, put away his paintbrush and applied for the national economic planning major of Chinese min University.

As soon as he entered school, Dungan encountered difficulties. Deng Gan's daughter Deng Songlan said: "Dad grew up in his hometown in Hunan, and he can only speak Hunan dialect and cannot understand Mandarin. "Because of the language difference, Dungan studied very hard.

At the beginning of the founding of New China, everything was wasted and waiting to be rebuilt, and petroleum products basically relied on imports. Because of the lack of oil, on the streets of Beijing at that time, buses were carrying gas bags and even burning charcoal. Witnessing the plight of poor oil, Deng Gan, deeply touched, studied even harder and graduated with honors in 1954.

After graduation, Dungan and two other outstanding graduates were assigned to the Ministry of Fuel Industry to oversee the nationwide oil exploration program.

"It was a very good job at the time," Deng Bangzhen recalled with a smile, "close to Tiananmen Square, right in the current Wangfujing." ”

Down to the grassroots level, at the Yumen oil mine and Wang Jinxi side by side to explore

Shortly after working in the Ministry of Fuel Industry, Deng Gan suddenly proposed to go to the grassroots level.

"He's dealing with oil every day, but he doesn't understand what oil is going on underground." Dunbon explained.

At Deng Gan's strong request, he was assigned to the Lanzhou oil refinery in Gansu. The Lanzhou refinery is a modern natural oil refinery aided by the Soviet Union, where crude oil from Yumen, Karamay and Qaidam is refined.

Dungan wanted to find more oil than refining. He again asked to go to the grassroots level, and this time went to the Yumen Oil Mine as he wished.

Abandoning the work of the ministry to the most basic level, Deng Zhongxia's nephew and Wang Jinxi fought side by side in the Daqing oilfield

Dungan (first from right) poses with colleagues while exploring for oil in the Northwest.

Yellow sand is everywhere, deserted, yumen oil mine is located in the gobi hinterland under the Qilian Mountains. Here, Deng Gan met Wang Jinxi, an oil worker. Daughter Deng Songlan recalled: "Dad said that Wang Jinxi was a warm-hearted person, and when he first arrived at Yumen, it was the residence that Wang Jinxi arranged for them. ”

At the Yumen Oil Mine, Deng Gan and Wang Jinxi lived together day and night, exploring for oil side by side. Soon, oil was discovered in the Qaidam Basin. Deng Bangzhen said: "Brother and Wang Jinxi were the first oil workers to go to Qaidam. ”

On the Gobi Desert, where it is difficult to eat and use water, Deng Gan went deep into the Qaidam Basin to survey the selection base and supply network. In his spare time, Deng Gan used his strengths to write papers based on actual conditions, and his "Opinions on the Selection of Qaidam Basin and Supply Points" played a certain role in accelerating the development of Qaidam Basin. He has also participated in the five- to ten-year vision for the development of the Qaidam Basin.

Qaidam conditions are difficult, but when Deng Gan wrote to his brother Deng Bangzhen, he rarely mentioned, "What is said more is to let me send some painting materials." Painting was Dungan's hobby, and it was also his spiritual sustenance at this time.

Once when Deng Gan returned to Beijing to visit his family, Deng Bangzhen saw that his brother's fingernails were all sunken in. "The conditions are so harsh that he can't eat a little vegetable for a year, but he never says bitter."

Rooted in Daqing, the 3-year oil conference war made China bid farewell to the era of foreign oil

In 1959, a large oil field was discovered in the Songliao Basin, and soon after Deng Gan came to Daqing Oilfield and took root in Daqing ever since.

Daqing, located in the alpine region, has half a year of winter in one year, and the minimum temperature is more than -40 degrees Celsius. When they first arrived in Daqing, they lived in the nest. "The pit is a pit more than a meter deep in the ground, and people drill into it, and the hole is covered with a mat." When Deng Bangzhen later visited Deng Gan in Daqing, he also lived in this kind of nest.

Later, the conditions improved slightly, and they lived in "dry base". Dry bastions are built by filling the middle of two fixed planks with clay. Deng Songlan, who was born in Daqing in 1963, said that she still remembers "dry and fighting bases", and she said that she was born and raised here.

Deng Songlan also became a worker in the Daqing oil field. From the oil production workers of the fifth oil production plant, to the water testers of the transportation company, to the custodians of storage and transportation sales equipment, Deng Songlan has quietly dedicated 33 years in ordinary posts.

Abandoning the work of the ministry to the most basic level, Deng Zhongxia's nephew and Wang Jinxi fought side by side in the Daqing oilfield

Deng Songlan.

In Dungan's archives, there is a record of this: "Advanced producers of the Battle of 1962". Deng Songlan explained that the oil conference is to concentrate all the forces that can be concentrated in the oil system and use the method of fighting a war of annihilation to speed up the exploration and development of oil fields. "In the case of the oil war, everyone has to go up."

This oil conference lasted for more than 3 years and formed the spirit of Daqing. In the rainy season, they use the method of "wearing iron shoes on car tires" to solve the problem of driving in the mud. In winter, thermal insulation facilities such as "long flue", "hot wind blowing" and "flat-top coil heating furnace" are used to solve the thermal insulation problems of oil wells and oil and gas collection and transportation pipelines. From leading cadres, chief engineers, university professors to production workers, apprentices, and cooks, they all organized themselves to dig up soil and rammers, build "dry bases," and solve the problem of wintering.

The oil conference that lasted for more than 3 years has proved a large oilfield with an area of more than 860 square kilometers, built an annual crude oil production capacity of 5 million tons, and produced a total of 11.662 million tons of crude oil, accounting for 51.3% of the country's crude oil production in the same period, in addition to recovering investment, accumulating 350 million yuan of funds for the country, fundamentally changing the face of China's petroleum industry. On December 3, 1963, the Fourth Session of the Second National People's Congress came to a close, and Premier Zhou Enlai announced to the world: "The era of Chinese people using 'foreign oil' is about to go!" ”

In 1986, Deng Gan died in Daqing at the age of 56. "Dad submitted more than a dozen applications to join the party in his life, and finally joined the party before retiring." Deng Songlan said that his father dedicated his life to Daqing, and our brothers and sisters also worked in the Daqing oil field until retirement.

Deng Bangzhen's father, Deng Longwei, was Deng Zhongxia's younger brother. After Deng Zhongxia's sacrifice, his relatives in Deng Jiawan were still unknown. When the Japanese invaded Yizhang, Deng Longwei formed a self-defense force in his hometown to resist Japan. After the surrender of Japan, Deng Longwei went to Yan'an to look for Deng Zhongxia. Due to the tight blockade imposed by the Kuomintang, Deng Longwei returned to his hometown after traveling to Shaanxi and Gansu, joined the Shonan Detachment of the Chinese People's Liberation Army, and became a revolutionary fighter. Deng Bangzhen said: "My father died of illness in the spring of 1949, and neither he nor his uncle saw New China. ”

Deng Zhongxia and his wife Li Xiaming had 4 children, but they were displaced by the revolution, or lost or died prematurely, and none of them remained. But his descendants, like "red flowers blooming everywhere," continued the great spirit of party building.

(Correspondent Liu Andi)

【Editor: He Equation】

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