
Britain: The War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea china's tactics of employing people and seas have won disgracefully! Jin Yinan replied and silenced the audience

author:Stronghold Defense

When it comes to China's modern history, it is well known to be a bloody history of humiliation. Since the beginning of the Opium War, China has been divided and divided by the great powers, and every pile and piece of it is a tragic pain that the descendants of Yanhuang need to remember. After the founding of New China, there was one war that we need to remember, that is, the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea. There has always been much controversy in the Campaign to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, and some people believe that although China won, it actually lost. The West has even more directly questioned the disgraceful success of China's War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, but it is nothing more than the tactics of fighting a large number of people and a sea of people. So, what is the truth of history? Is the Anglo-American doubt justified?

Britain: The War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea china's tactics of employing people and seas have won disgracefully! Jin Yinan replied and silenced the audience

The War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea

In the early 1950s, there was a war between The two koreas, and at the beginning of the war, China did not join the war. Because of their familiarity with the terrain, the Korean army maintained victory in the early stages of the war, and the U.S.-Rok allies also successfully entered the Busan area. With the gradual change of time and terrain, the war once entered a state of glue.

Britain: The War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea china's tactics of employing people and seas have won disgracefully! Jin Yinan replied and silenced the audience

The situation was very unfavorable for the North Korean army, and the long front line made the North Korean army not enough to supply food and ammunition. If the supplies could not keep up, they naturally lost to the US-ROK coalition forces, which were well fed. In a short period of time, the situation has deteriorated greatly, and the US-ROK coalition forces have crossed the 38th Line, which seriously threatens China's homeland security. Under such circumstances, the DPRK side sent a cry for help to our country, hoping that our country could send troops to support.

Britain: The War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea china's tactics of employing people and seas have won disgracefully! Jin Yinan replied and silenced the audience

In 1950, when the founding of New China was only the second year, it was not much good for our country to go to war at this time, and there were many voices of opposition in China at that time. However, considering the unfavorable situation for our country after the US-ROK coalition crossed the 38th Line, China finally decided to support North Korea. It took three years, and finally in 1953, it ended with the signing of the armistice agreement by the United States. The victory in the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea greatly boosted the morale of the Chinese people.

Britain: The War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea china's tactics of employing people and seas have won disgracefully! Jin Yinan replied and silenced the audience

The truth of history

Western countries, led by Britain and the United States, often spare no effort to smear China, and acknowledging China's victory is a very difficult thing for them. Naturally, such a victorious campaign as the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea was questioned without exception, and even some British media directly interviewed General Jin Yinan said that the Campaign to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea was won by using the tactics of the sea of people. It's ridiculous to smear it.

At that time, the United States had the most powerful economic power in the world, and the founding of New China at this time was only in its second year. The gap in strength between the two sides is very large, which is also the reason why there is a lot of opposition in the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea. In order to win the war, the United States not only adopted more than a thousand artillery, but also hundreds of tanks. At that time, a Chinese army only had more than a hundred artillery pieces, and the difference in strength between the two was huge. In addition, at that time, the United States also used the world's most advanced military enterprises, continuously sending weapons to the battlefield. Such a background can be said to be very unfavorable to China. But even so, the United States was forced to sign the armistice. Afterwards, I made up for it and said that our country relied on the tactics of the sea of people, which inevitably made some self-defeating remarks.

Britain: The War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea china's tactics of employing people and seas have won disgracefully! Jin Yinan replied and silenced the audience

Fight with a raised eyebrow

After the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, the world re-acquainted itself with New China. They clearly realized that the new China is no longer the old China that was bullied by others in the past, and it has greatly boosted the morale of our people. After this battle, Western countries no longer dare to despise China. The United States even banned the US military from bombing the area within 40 kilometers of the Sino-Vietnamese border during the Vietnam War, and the reason for this was only because the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea made the United States realize China's greatness. What kind of tactics of the sea of people are said today is really disgraceful.

Britain: The War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea china's tactics of employing people and seas have won disgracefully! Jin Yinan replied and silenced the audience


The so-called "backwardness means being beaten," and the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea has made the world realize China's strength. Even though Western countries are eyeing the tiger, they do not dare to act rashly. The truth is always the truth, even if you try to cover it up, it is useless, and the courage to admit your own flaws can only be long-term. I also hope that Britain will face up to history and not make some unnecessary smears and questions.

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