
Bitter, sweet – there's always one you love the most, The Love Chocolate, the magical chocolate Armadan's hot cocoa Josephine's pan Father Henry's sermon Town Mayor Renault's holy war Arnock's kangaroo epilogue

author:Momo Film and Drama Club

Chocolate - ancient, cunning, mysterious, evil, seductive, enchanting, enchanting elves, make your heart spark, love can not be said.

The movie "Thick Chocolate" gives people the feeling of chocolate, bitter and sweet, real and psychedelic.

Bitter, sweet – there's always one you love the most, The Love Chocolate, the magical chocolate Armadan's hot cocoa Josephine's pan Father Henry's sermon Town Mayor Renault's holy war Arnock's kangaroo epilogue

Poster for the movie "Chocolate"

Chocolate, chocolate, also known as chocolate, is native to mysterious Central and South America and was called "xocolatl" when it was first introduced to Europe, meaning "bitter water". Its main raw material, cocoa beans, was once circulated as currency and was called "green gold". More than 1300 years ago, the Mayan Indians of Yorktan made a drink called chocolate from cocoa beans, called "hot chocolate" or cocoa.

Bitter, sweet – there's always one you love the most, The Love Chocolate, the magical chocolate Armadan's hot cocoa Josephine's pan Father Henry's sermon Town Mayor Renault's holy war Arnock's kangaroo epilogue

Chocolate is made from a mixture of ingredients, but its flavor depends mainly on the unique taste of the cocoa itself. Cocoa contains theobromine and caffeine, which bring a pleasant bitter taste; the tannins have a faint astringency; the cocoa butter can produce a fat and smooth taste; with the help of granulated sugar, milk powder and other excipients; and then exquisite processing, so that chocolate can not only maintain the unique taste of cocoa and make it more moist, pleasant and delicious.

Chocolate contains two important psychostimulants, theobromine and caffeine, which not only help relieve sadness and sadness, but also have a sexual stimulation effect. It can open up all kinds of obstructions, awaken people's physical senses, make people have sexual pleasure, more sexy and feminine.

Bitter, sweet – there's always one you love the most, The Love Chocolate, the magical chocolate Armadan's hot cocoa Josephine's pan Father Henry's sermon Town Mayor Renault's holy war Arnock's kangaroo epilogue

After introducing the chocolate trivia, I would like to tell the story of a "red-robed witch" who comes and goes with the north wind in the form of monologues of each character in the film, and uses her "roulette wheel of desire" and "magic chocolate" to help the quiet but monotonous people of the town to lift the shackles and embrace nature.

Bitter, sweet – there's always one you love the most, The Love Chocolate, the magical chocolate Armadan's hot cocoa Josephine's pan Father Henry's sermon Town Mayor Renault's holy war Arnock's kangaroo epilogue

Don't ask me how old I am, you should be able to tell from this lax face and damn figure, not blind don't talk nonsense! I am very satisfied and very tired at the moment, but the author begs me to say a few words to this old lady who is going to die.

The day their mother and daughter came to my lonely old house, on a snowy day, the bright red robe was very dazzling, which upset me. The woman's snow-white breasts and the uneasiness in her eyes, my God, I confess that it reminds me of the past when I was a teenager, and I will not give her a good face.

Bitter, sweet – there's always one you love the most, The Love Chocolate, the magical chocolate Armadan's hot cocoa Josephine's pan Father Henry's sermon Town Mayor Renault's holy war Arnock's kangaroo epilogue

She rented my house and started a strange business – a chocolate shop! I thought she wouldn't end well. But it was certainly more attractive than my mean-spirited only daughter, the mayor of the town who was worse than dead, and the old geese-like neighborhoods. Under the brutal excuse of checking to see if the house had been damaged, I coldly entered the door under her warm greeting.

Bitter, sweet – there's always one you love the most, The Love Chocolate, the magical chocolate Armadan's hot cocoa Josephine's pan Father Henry's sermon Town Mayor Renault's holy war Arnock's kangaroo epilogue
Bitter, sweet – there's always one you love the most, The Love Chocolate, the magical chocolate Armadan's hot cocoa Josephine's pan Father Henry's sermon Town Mayor Renault's holy war Arnock's kangaroo epilogue

I was very proud of myself that I often choked her to stay there and couldn't speak, girl, the old lady had seen more, and asked for some dry goods to go back to the warmth. She spun up the weird roulette wheel and eagerly asked me what I saw, I wasn't an obedient puppy, I told her to get out of the way, she brought me a cup of hot chocolate and added paprika. When I finished drinking the cup, I found that the girl was peeking at me with the corner of her eyes, and the bright corners of her mouth were smiling happily, very dazzling.

Bitter, sweet – there's always one you love the most, The Love Chocolate, the magical chocolate Armadan's hot cocoa Josephine's pan Father Henry's sermon Town Mayor Renault's holy war Arnock's kangaroo epilogue

In the days that followed, I used to go there to inspect the house, and by the way, I gossiped a little, and of course she was targeted, and how someone like her could exist in the town, I knew. Anyway, she was not long gone, what did I say that mattered, I said the biggest thing, maybe this cunning little fox spirit seduced me, who knows.

Bitter, sweet – there's always one you love the most, The Love Chocolate, the magical chocolate Armadan's hot cocoa Josephine's pan Father Henry's sermon Town Mayor Renault's holy war Arnock's kangaroo epilogue

Oh, forgot to say, her name is Vian, she helped me a lot, she was so cunning, and with Vian's arrangement, I was able to meet my grandson in the shop. I'm not an old lady who teases Sun, I'm just worried about the child, his mother is too rigid, her husband is even more dead after death, the child is like a soulless doll, how does this work.

Bitter, sweet – there's always one you love the most, The Love Chocolate, the magical chocolate Armadan's hot cocoa Josephine's pan Father Henry's sermon Town Mayor Renault's holy war Arnock's kangaroo epilogue

O hypocritical people of the town, I told poor Vivian that people liked her chocolates, and that it was the mayor and the church who separated them from the little shop. Some days later, I felt that the situation was very bad, and I asked Vivian to help me throw a party, in the name of my birthday, invited a table full of people, and I saw who dared not come! I deliberately invited the ronin, a gypsy handsome guy, and Vivian secretly loved him to death, I know.

Bitter, sweet – there's always one you love the most, The Love Chocolate, the magical chocolate Armadan's hot cocoa Josephine's pan Father Henry's sermon Town Mayor Renault's holy war Arnock's kangaroo epilogue

Today's party wasn't bad... I mean to say it's too perfect. The old guys are like sneaky cats, eating sweetly and slippery. Vivian's craftsmanship is awesome, I really want her to be around all the time, when I am hungry... My lovely grandson gave me his sketch today, drawing me, her eccentric grandmother.

Bitter, sweet – there's always one you love the most, The Love Chocolate, the magical chocolate Armadan's hot cocoa Josephine's pan Father Henry's sermon Town Mayor Renault's holy war Arnock's kangaroo epilogue

The kid is getting better, he's washing the dishes in the kitchen, making my old thing lie in this rocking chair, how well-behaved... I knew he would love my adventure novels, and if I could, I would have liked to read him the whole book...

What a good night... What is Vivian doing? I'm afraid I'm having a meeting with that gypsy boy, huh... I'm really worried about her, the mayor is not easy to deal with...

Bitter, sweet – there's always one you love the most, The Love Chocolate, the magical chocolate Armadan's hot cocoa Josephine's pan Father Henry's sermon Town Mayor Renault's holy war Arnock's kangaroo epilogue

At this time, people have endless words, but child, I am too tired... Tired...

Bitter, sweet – there's always one you love the most, The Love Chocolate, the magical chocolate Armadan's hot cocoa Josephine's pan Father Henry's sermon Town Mayor Renault's holy war Arnock's kangaroo epilogue

When I told the author that I had been a thief, she was surprised.

Bitter, sweet – there's always one you love the most, The Love Chocolate, the magical chocolate Armadan's hot cocoa Josephine's pan Father Henry's sermon Town Mayor Renault's holy war Arnock's kangaroo epilogue

It didn't take long, but it was like a past life, when I tied my long hair that grew haphazardly and dressed scruffily. The day Vian came, it was a snowy day, and I took the little box from the boy's school bag in the church while people were praying.

I felt genuinely sorry that I swore that my theft was not due to greed, but to catharsis, which I learned later.

Vivian was so different, she was an angel to me, and the day she walked into my life, I went to her shop for the first time and took a small box of chocolates.

Bitter, sweet – there's always one you love the most, The Love Chocolate, the magical chocolate Armadan's hot cocoa Josephine's pan Father Henry's sermon Town Mayor Renault's holy war Arnock's kangaroo epilogue

In fact, before that day, I used to wander outside the store, and inexplicably, I wanted to go in and taste the little chocolate, and even I would hallucinate that this strange woman would gently embrace me in the cold wind.

Wonderfully, one day she actually came to the coffee shop to find me, not to ask the teacher, but gave me a piece of chocolate, I almost ate it, but the man called me, I was afraid, I hurried over to help, otherwise, there would be dark green wine bottles to greet me.

Bitter, sweet – there's always one you love the most, The Love Chocolate, the magical chocolate Armadan's hot cocoa Josephine's pan Father Henry's sermon Town Mayor Renault's holy war Arnock's kangaroo epilogue
Bitter, sweet – there's always one you love the most, The Love Chocolate, the magical chocolate Armadan's hot cocoa Josephine's pan Father Henry's sermon Town Mayor Renault's holy war Arnock's kangaroo epilogue

Later I went to her, because the bastard man beat me hard again, and I was a woman who married him at a young age, washed her clothes and cooked, let him make love to him, and had to give him children. I used to think he was my god, and every time he beat me, I felt like the sky had fallen.

Bitter, sweet – there's always one you love the most, The Love Chocolate, the magical chocolate Armadan's hot cocoa Josephine's pan Father Henry's sermon Town Mayor Renault's holy war Arnock's kangaroo epilogue

Vivian saved me, she took me in, caressed my wounds, talked with me, taught me crafts, and let the days light up. At that time, only she could do it, well, even the mayor of the town lost to her, and the mayor wanted to help the bastard man and train him to be a gentleman.

Bitter, sweet – there's always one you love the most, The Love Chocolate, the magical chocolate Armadan's hot cocoa Josephine's pan Father Henry's sermon Town Mayor Renault's holy war Arnock's kangaroo epilogue
Bitter, sweet – there's always one you love the most, The Love Chocolate, the magical chocolate Armadan's hot cocoa Josephine's pan Father Henry's sermon Town Mayor Renault's holy war Arnock's kangaroo epilogue

How is that possible? He appeared at the door with flowers in his hand, and of course I refused him, and sure enough, he revealed his true nature, and after getting drunk, he broke through the door late at night, scolded me loudly that I couldn't even use a pan, and strangled Vian's neck. I greeted him with a pan, just as he had done countless times before when he had hit me on the forehead with a wine bottle.

Bitter, sweet – there's always one you love the most, The Love Chocolate, the magical chocolate Armadan's hot cocoa Josephine's pan Father Henry's sermon Town Mayor Renault's holy war Arnock's kangaroo epilogue
Bitter, sweet – there's always one you love the most, The Love Chocolate, the magical chocolate Armadan's hot cocoa Josephine's pan Father Henry's sermon Town Mayor Renault's holy war Arnock's kangaroo epilogue

He was later expelled by the mayor for setting fire to the Amanda party on the night of the party. It's so good, goodbye forever ~ so you see, I also took over this coffee shop ~

Bitter, sweet – there's always one you love the most, The Love Chocolate, the magical chocolate Armadan's hot cocoa Josephine's pan Father Henry's sermon Town Mayor Renault's holy war Arnock's kangaroo epilogue

I have committed unforgivable crimes, I have turned my back on honesty and deceived my faithful with lies... Fortunately, the Lord gave clarity and forgiveness, so that the mayor of the town, Count Renault, regained his wisdom and forgiveness, and let the small and hypocritical me no longer deceive myself... We've all all been forgiven by Vian, who was so kind and beautiful.

Bitter, sweet – there's always one you love the most, The Love Chocolate, the magical chocolate Armadan's hot cocoa Josephine's pan Father Henry's sermon Town Mayor Renault's holy war Arnock's kangaroo epilogue

The last priest had worked in the town for decades, and when he took the Bible from him, I was just a creepy kid who secretly loved rock 'n' roll. Of course, this could not be known to the mayor, and it could not be at that time. Happiness, here used to be a kind of... iniquity.

Bitter, sweet – there's always one you love the most, The Love Chocolate, the magical chocolate Armadan's hot cocoa Josephine's pan Father Henry's sermon Town Mayor Renault's holy war Arnock's kangaroo epilogue

Vian's redemption of the town begins with the opening of her small shop. At that time, more people came to me for repentance, and I thought back to what they all said:

"I tell myself every time that this is the last time, but I just have to smell hot chocolate... Or those things that are nothing, involuntarily and soullessly..." - "It looks so small, so ordinary, so innocent, I think it doesn't matter if I just taste it, but they hide it—deep sin, fragrant and overflowing..." " Feeling, may God forgive, it slowly dissolves in the tip of your tongue, fully teasing you..."
Bitter, sweet – there's always one you love the most, The Love Chocolate, the magical chocolate Armadan's hot cocoa Josephine's pan Father Henry's sermon Town Mayor Renault's holy war Arnock's kangaroo epilogue

Well, there are a lot of similar confessions. During those days, the mayor and I admonished people in the church to stay away from Vivian and her chocolates, thinking that it was a temptation in disguise, a sin that should be discarded from the heart.

But Vianne was so kind and determined that she forgave all who had offended her, and relieved people with sincerity and the fruits of her labor, just like the story of redemption in the Bible, and people finally woke up and accepted him. I remember that in the end, the mayor of the town, who had become different, asked me to arrange the different precepts myself:

Bitter, sweet – there's always one you love the most, The Love Chocolate, the magical chocolate Armadan's hot cocoa Josephine's pan Father Henry's sermon Town Mayor Renault's holy war Arnock's kangaroo epilogue
"What is the theme of today's sermon? Want to talk about the miraculous reincarnation of our Lord? No, it's not. I do not want to talk about the divinity of God, but I want to talk about His humanity, about His life on earth, about His mercy and forgiveness. It's my idea that I don't think we should judge virtue by what we don't do, and according to those criteria we deny ourselves and exclude dissidents; We should measure virtue in terms of what we can embrace, what we create, and who we accept. ”
Bitter, sweet – there's always one you love the most, The Love Chocolate, the magical chocolate Armadan's hot cocoa Josephine's pan Father Henry's sermon Town Mayor Renault's holy war Arnock's kangaroo epilogue

I was ashamed to say, but because of my responsibility as mayor, my sir's identity, and the nature of a man, I confessed my former conservativeness and extremism, ignorance and arrogance, and the absurd things I had done to Vivian.

Bitter, sweet – there's always one you love the most, The Love Chocolate, the magical chocolate Armadan's hot cocoa Josephine's pan Father Henry's sermon Town Mayor Renault's holy war Arnock's kangaroo epilogue

I used to be a stubborn and conservative representative, and I thought it was a sin to eat a piece of coarse bread on Fasting, so Vian's grandeur in opening a chocolate shop on Fasting was a devil's act for me. Not to mention that she also had children out of wedlock, so I aimed at Vivian, and I wanted to uphold the traditions of the town, which is also my public reason for opposing Vivian.

Bitter, sweet – there's always one you love the most, The Love Chocolate, the magical chocolate Armadan's hot cocoa Josephine's pan Father Henry's sermon Town Mayor Renault's holy war Arnock's kangaroo epilogue

In addition, my wife left me, the traditional sense of morality made me afraid to pursue the woman I liked, the long period of repression and abstinence tormented me, and I had no freedom and happiness. Therefore, I want everyone to be as abstinent as I am, and to use poison to attack poison so that I can get a negative balance mentally.

Bitter, sweet – there's always one you love the most, The Love Chocolate, the magical chocolate Armadan's hot cocoa Josephine's pan Father Henry's sermon Town Mayor Renault's holy war Arnock's kangaroo epilogue

Later, I broke down, sneaked into Vian's shop late at night to wreak havoc, and after inadvertently tasting the sweetness of chocolate, I finally opened the door of my long-imprisoned heart, and I began to accept and face new things.

Bitter, sweet – there's always one you love the most, The Love Chocolate, the magical chocolate Armadan's hot cocoa Josephine's pan Father Henry's sermon Town Mayor Renault's holy war Arnock's kangaroo epilogue

In fact, people have long accepted Vianne and her chocolate from their hearts, and I have heard that many husbands have eaten chocolate and suddenly become enthusiastic about their wives; Briro, who is in the year of the flower, finally has the courage to pursue Madame Oder, who has been dead for more than thirty years. My wife is long gone, but I have neglected poor Caroline (Amanda's daughter) for too long, and I will slowly make up for it in the days to come.

Bitter, sweet – there's always one you love the most, The Love Chocolate, the magical chocolate Armadan's hot cocoa Josephine's pan Father Henry's sermon Town Mayor Renault's holy war Arnock's kangaroo epilogue

In conclusion I would say that Vian was the best gift, and for the town, if I had enough power, I would confer on her the honor of Earl, which she deserved.

My name was Arnock, and I had been wandering with my mother since the day I was born, and she said it was fate, just like my grandmother had taken her young. With no place to go, I have no friends, and I have a kangaroo with a lame left leg by my side, Little Pando.

Bitter, sweet – there's always one you love the most, The Love Chocolate, the magical chocolate Armadan's hot cocoa Josephine's pan Father Henry's sermon Town Mayor Renault's holy war Arnock's kangaroo epilogue

It is a loyal friend who accompanies me to whisper anytime and anywhere. Pando's left leg was lame, but Mom wouldn't stop, and whenever the north wind blew furiously, we were going on our way, draped in red cloaks and holding Grandma's altar of ashes.

Pando wants to settle down, and so do I, and I want to play happily with a lot of friends...

Bitter, sweet – there's always one you love the most, The Love Chocolate, the magical chocolate Armadan's hot cocoa Josephine's pan Father Henry's sermon Town Mayor Renault's holy war Arnock's kangaroo epilogue

Later, here, I felt like I had lived in a fairy tale, people liked mom, and the handsome guy who was like the legendary pirate also liked mom, no, he came to fix the creaky gate again, hum, excuse.

Bitter, sweet – there's always one you love the most, The Love Chocolate, the magical chocolate Armadan's hot cocoa Josephine's pan Father Henry's sermon Town Mayor Renault's holy war Arnock's kangaroo epilogue

Pando said that mom would not go, and its legs were miraculously healed, and it said goodbye to me and jumped away.

Bitter, sweet – there's always one you love the most, The Love Chocolate, the magical chocolate Armadan's hot cocoa Josephine's pan Father Henry's sermon Town Mayor Renault's holy war Arnock's kangaroo epilogue

Writing about it, although the handsome gypsy who looks like a pirated pirate also wants to say something, I refuse, because it is a bit long for the reader. He would just fix the wooden door and take good care of Vian and Arnock. Like he said, his ship was not home. The roaring north wind is not the home of the red-robed mother and daughter, this town, now different ~ quiet and joyful.

Bitter, sweet – there's always one you love the most, The Love Chocolate, the magical chocolate Armadan's hot cocoa Josephine's pan Father Henry's sermon Town Mayor Renault's holy war Arnock's kangaroo epilogue

Such a movie, in the cool autumn night, sitting in the quilt watching, the heart will be warm.

And I have on hand, of course, there are, those magical sweet things ~ chocolate.

Bitter, sweet – there's always one you love the most, The Love Chocolate, the magical chocolate Armadan's hot cocoa Josephine's pan Father Henry's sermon Town Mayor Renault's holy war Arnock's kangaroo epilogue

Every inch feels life, and all the anger is beautiful

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