
The war movie "Greyhound" narrated copywriting

author:The daily life of the northwest rural mother

More than 80 of the entire film are in naval battles!

How cool is this movie, let's watch "Greyhound" together

In February 1942, at the beginning of World War II, the European Allies were in a tight war and were in urgent need of material support. 37 troop carriers and supply ships departed from the United States for Liverpool, England! In order to ensure the safe passage of the fleet through the dangerous North Atlantic, the Allies sent a fleet of 4 destroyers and aircraft to escort them, but the central waters of the Atlantic Ocean exceeded the limits of air cover and were the most vulnerable places to be attacked by De Army U-boats, known as the "Dark Trench". In order to cut off the Allied supply line in the Atlantic: the De Army adopted a wolf pack tactic based on U-boats, and multiple submarines chased and intercepted group attacks, they were haunted, most of them sneaked in at night, and each attack would cause heavy losses to the Allied fleet!

The army's aircraft reached the cover range, and the returning fleet needed to cross the Dark Sea on its own, converging with the Allied air cover on the other side! The fleet escort consisted of the American destroyer Greyhound, the British destroyer Eagle Harry and Dickie, led by the Greyhound. Captain Klaus, who crossed the Atlantic for the first time, served as commander-in-chief!

On the third day of sailing into the Dark Trench, 50 hours before the Allied air cover, all the crew members were nervous and careful, and it was not long before the fleet intercepted a De Army communication, at a position of 087 degrees, a distance of 15 to 20 nautical miles! De army u boat is coming!

Klaus immediately ordered the right full rudder to sail at full speed and go in pursuit! At the same time, order the Dickey to go to the right side of the fleet, and the sonar will probe the starboard side to cover the fleet! The Greyhound is fully on guard, with weapons in place, ready to meet the enemy! In the center of the battle situation, the deputy captain sent a message, and the surface of the water was scanned to the enemy position, and the target direction was 094 and 15 nautical miles away! Suspect that the de army u boat came out of the water to breathe, ready to attack the fleet! Submarine advantages sneak into the water to use its own low noise characteristics, under the interference cover of the ocean background, quietly attack the target, the main weapon is fish, but the u boat in the underwater speed mantle, fish range is limited, must be close to the target at a certain distance out of the water to strike!

The Greyhound's advantages are speed and kinesthesity as well as the lethality of the ship's guns and deep water oyster shells! However, due to the imperfect de military u boat that was not perfect in the technology of The Shedda at that time was very cunning, and the sneak attack was often unable to dive away immediately, and it had not yet sunk a de army u boat! The Greyhound sailed at full speed straight to the U-boat position but at a distance of 6 nautical miles, the de army U-boat dived and disappeared from the radar! The last information on the radar showed that the U-boat was heading towards the Ryū fleet! Klaus immediately made a decision, assuming that the enemy's heading was constant at a speed of 6 knots, and formulated the interception course! The Deputy Captain's Drawing Survey Locks the Enemy Heading to 096! The Greyhound changes the course to 096 and activates sonar detection! The sonar found the target at 091, 1 nautical mile away but before he could listen carefully, the target disappeared again, and Klaus immediately ordered the probe around the bow.

The war movie "Greyhound" narrated copywriting

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