
Battle of the Dark Trenches, Greyhound

author:Ride a skinny horse on the trail

Tom Hanks is a well-known American actor, whose masterpieces include Forrest Gump, Saving Private Ryan, Seattle Sleepless and the Rest of His Life on a Desert Island.

His performances are mostly known for their calmness and wisdom, coupled with just the right amount of humor, which makes people can't help but fall in love with the roles he plays. In the rescue of Private Ryan, he played Captain Miller, having completed the task given by his superiors, resolutely decided to stay and help the friendly troops garrison the bridge, even if he knew that this task was nine deaths, he was duty-bound, even his men firmly supported him, which is the image of the tender iron man portrayed by Hanks.

Today, I want to take you to enjoy another World War II movie starring Hanks - Greyhound.

By the early days of World War II, much of Western Europe had fallen into german Nazi hands, leaving only Britain to fend off the English Channel and struggle with the Germans. The Soviet Union had already been defeated by the Offensive of The German Blitzkrieg, and it was still difficult to protect itself, unable to give strong support to Britain.

In this stormy situation, only the United States on the other side of the ocean was left to transport supplies, crude oil, weapons and medicines to Britain through the Atlantic route, so that Britain could withstand the German bombing.

Hitler certainly understood the importance of the Atlantic Route to Britain and to the war situation in Western Europe as a whole, but Germany suffered from the lack of a powerful sea fleet to confront the old British Navy at sea, so submarines, mainly U-boats, were pushed onto the stage of history.

The wolf pack operation, led by Vice Admiral Carl Dönitz, took full advantage of the German Navy's advanced nature in submarine technology, the development of new torpedoes and submarine tactics, as well as the British Navy's backwardness in anti-submarine equipment and radar, and caught the Allies by surprise, a large number of merchant ships were sunk by U-boats, and countless supplies and valuable personnel were swept into the cold Atlantic ocean floor.

This continued until mid-1943, when German U-boats had to pay extremely high losses to achieve limited results due to the Allied use of new radars, coordinated anti-submarine aircraft and escort destroyers. It was in this context that the Battle of the Greyhound took place.

At the beginning of the film, a fleet of more than 40 cargo ships and four escort destroyers arrives near the Dark Trench in the Atlantic Ocean, and since the flight radius of the escort aircraft has been reached, it must return, and the pilot calls the Greyhound before returning: I wish you a smooth passage through the Dark Trench!

Battle of the Dark Trenches, Greyhound

Before the war began, Hanks also took time out of his busy time to deal with a brawl between sailors, look at the dialogue, like two disobedient boys fighting at home, the old father dropped a sentence: You two take care of it yourself, no matter what method you use, make you look good if you commit another crime! Haha, proper parents do pie.

Battle of the Dark Trenches, Greyhound

In the early morning of this day, the two destroyers of the British Army Eagle and Harry, who were also escort ships, simultaneously found traces of U-boat activity around the fleet, and the two ships went to "hunt" together. At this time, the commander-in-chief of the fleet generated electricity from Hanks's destroyer, and at 12 nautical miles, he found the German U-boat activity. At this point, the entire fleet was protected only by the Greyhound and another destroyer, and after a brief thought, Hanks decided to break away from the fleet and drive away the annoying U-boats.

The German U-boat dived 6 miles from the Greyhound, and by this time the Greyhound's sea-facing search radar could no longer scan the other side, and the sonar system on the destroyer began to work. At this time, the sonar system can detect the direction of the enemy ship, but it cannot detect the exact distance, and the atmosphere in the greyhound's command room is extremely solemn, and Hanks uses the telescope to check the sea surface while thinking about the tactics of the other side.

Suddenly, a loud warning from the sonar on the intercom appeared, and the enemy boat appeared, only 700 meters away from the Greyhound.

Battle of the Dark Trenches, Greyhound

The nerves of all the combatants in the command room immediately tensed, knowing that at this distance, the submarine could already make a substantial threat to the destroyer. But Hanks was still in no hurry, listening to the sonar read out the distance of the submarine while ordering the helmsman to adjust the course.

Closer, closer and closer, 600 meters, 550 meters, 500 meters, U boat towards a hungry wolf, is swooping towards the Greyhound. Hanks ordered the weapons officer to prepare the depth charge, dropping the depth at a medium depth. Finally, at about 200 meters, the other side entered the minimum detection range of the sonar, which means that from this moment on, the Greyhound has been unable to detect the exact distance of the submarine.

Quiet, breathtaking silence. Silent, only the sonars were constantly adjusting the instruments, trying to find out the location of the U boat.

Suddenly, the sonar shouted an alarm: the propeller is rapidly intensifying, sir! It wants to pass under us!

Battle of the Dark Trenches, Greyhound

Hanks immediately gave the order to the combat officer to drop depth charges in a row!

Battle of the Dark Trenches, Greyhound

The huge waves were stirred up by the explosion of the depth bomb, and Hanks and the other people on the bridge searched the surface with telescopes, and if the U boat was hit, the sea surface would be flooded with oil, unfortunately, this time it seemed to let it escape.

Battle of the Dark Trenches, Greyhound

Everyone was deeply sorry to let this guy escape, and officer Watson couldn't help but explode, and then immediately realized that Hanks was absolutely forbidden to explode on his boat, and immediately apologized to Hanks. Writing here, Xiaobian can't help but laugh, the old man's paternalistic style, don't want it.

Just as Hanks was reporting to the commander-in-chief of the fleet, suddenly an observer shouted, "Oil! "Everyone rushed to the side of the ship, looked at it with binoculars, and 450 meters away, a huge oil stain spread out on the surface of the sea, mixed with a large amount of debris debris.

Battle of the Dark Trenches, Greyhound

Hanks walked back to the command module, and the crew looked at him with excitement, you know, without the confirmation of the captain himself, even if he saw the oil and wreckage, it could not be regarded as sinking the enemy ship, and finally, Hanks said in a low and clear tone: We have sunk it!

Battle of the Dark Trenches, Greyhound

The whole ship applauded thunderously, this was the first U-boat sunk by the Greyhound's voyage, and it was also the first U-boat sunk in Hanks's life in the play.

Well, limited in space, this introduction is temporarily over, interested in everyone to continue to watch this movie, will not let you down!

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