
Cantonese frying heap Cantonese frying heap

author:under the kitchen

Categories: snacks, pastries, frying

Author: Actually

Created: 2012-01-27 01:45:16

Cantonese frying heap Cantonese frying heap

Description: Cantonese fried heap, crispy in the mouth, crispy on the outside and soft on the inside, sweet and delicious, sesame seeds evenly distributed! "The fried pile is full of gold and silver." Cantonese people want to eat fried heaps in the New Year, which means that the fried heaps are round and round, if there is a filling inside full and strong, if the hollow will roll and fry bigger and bigger, there is a sense of initiation! Therefore, they all symbolize the meaning of gold and silver full of houses and harvesting abundantly! Fried heap is the festival food in Guangdong during the New Year, but it can be made to eat, a ball of glutinous rice flour, rising into a large ball, with the meaning of "hair". In the Nanhai and Zhongshan regions of Guangdong, the frying piles are basically the same, but in some parts of Zhongshan, such as Shaxi, there are fried heaps with fillings, sweet and salty, much like the rice in the Chaoshan region. In the "family" of frying piles, there are many varieties, including Shiqi frying piles, Jiujiang fried piles, hollow fried piles and so on. The frying heaps in many parts of Guangdong are filled with different fillings of various popcorn, peanuts, shredded coconuts or fatty pork! In fact, I actually don't like those fillings too much, and I am more tired to eat! I'm particularly fond of hollow fried heaps! Or a fried heap made of pure glutinous rice flour without other fillings!

Glutinous rice flour 200 g

Sesame seeds to taste

Sugar 80 g

Water about 135 g

Soda 4 g

Baking powder 1.5 g

0. Mix all ingredients except sesame seeds

Cantonese frying heap Cantonese frying heap

1. Add water, at the end of the day you can leave a little bit depending on the situation, some glutinous rice flour may need about 10 grams of water if it has a high water content

Cantonese frying heap Cantonese frying heap

2. Kneading rice flour can almost become a dough, but make sure that all the glutinous rice flour is soaked and there can be no dry powder

Cantonese frying heap Cantonese frying heap

3. Take a ball, my one is very large to take a picture, in fact, only fifteen grams of glutinous rice flour dough, get two drops of water in the palm of your hand, and knead the surface of the dough smooth and moist

Cantonese frying heap Cantonese frying heap

4. Then put it in a bag with sesame seeds and gently turn the bag from side to side

Cantonese frying heap Cantonese frying heap

5. All the sesame seeds are evenly glued together

Cantonese frying heap Cantonese frying heap

6. The oil is first burned to 60% hot, and then reduced back to 30% or 40% hot, keep the heat unchanged, put the dough in, immediately gently flip the dough, keep turning, use the bottom of the sieve to roll the dough back and forth like a circle, and gently flatten the dough at the appropriate time, and then let go, until the dough is fried more than twice as much

Cantonese frying heap Cantonese frying heap

7. Until the surface is golden and rounded. You can fish it out

Cantonese frying heap Cantonese frying heap


1, this formula is suitable for fast hands to do, if you do not put soda powder and baking powder then the water should be more, glutinous rice flour to be able to knead into a dough, and to use the mouth to forget the glutinous rice dumplings inside the air, at least to wrap the air inside, it will be more troublesome. 2, baking powder to choose aluminum-free baking powder! Soda powder should not be put too much, and if you put too much, it will have a bitter taste. 3, when frying, rolling on the surface of the frying pile is to make the frying pile more round, and squashing can make it bigger! 4, at least can be sent to twice as large, if you are very patient to fry, you can fry to three times the size. 5, after frying well, be careful to put lightly, it is easy to deform, relying on the side of the low dish will definitely be a little flat, this next day to eat it will be very hard, the taste is not just fried out of the delicious, the next day is best steamed hot to eat. 6, I use about 15 grams of each squeeze, do a lot, you can do about 30 grams of one, blow out of the fist as big as a fist!

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