
Jiujiang fried heap incense, Canton new year flavor! The century-old craftsmanship of Jiujiang Pandui also has so many gourmet "codes"... The cantonese new year flavor of the good intentions is enough to be crisp, sweet and refreshing for a hundred years, and the process is unique and rigorous, handmade

author:Drive through Foshan
Jiujiang fried heap incense, Canton new year flavor! The century-old craftsmanship of Jiujiang Pandui also has so many gourmet "codes"... The cantonese new year flavor of the good intentions is enough to be crisp, sweet and refreshing for a hundred years, and the process is unique and rigorous, handmade

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<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > the non-heritage custom of good intentions</h1>

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > interesting Cantonese New Year flavor


Where to find the authentic taste of the year? Cantonese New Year taste is the most Lingnan! Recently, the national radio and television media reporters walked into the South China Sea of Guangdong, through reporting and live broadcasting, invited friends from all over the country to Guangdong for the New Year! FM92.4 by Foshan Radio, Chang Driving will introduce you to 4 kinds of Cantonese Customs of Foshan South China Sea, jiujiang fried pile full of gold and silver, Danzao bamboo weaving of bamboo newspaper peace, Luocun flower lantern of Tianding Fortune, and ruyi auspicious South China Sea lion... With wonderful original short videos, it shows the most Lingnan style and Cantonese style for small partners across the country.

As the Cantonese proverb goes, "Fry the heap, the house full of gold and silver", the meaning is that the round frying pile, where the tumbling is wealth!

Jiujiang fried heap incense, Canton new year flavor! The century-old craftsmanship of Jiujiang Pandui also has so many gourmet "codes"... The cantonese new year flavor of the good intentions is enough to be crisp, sweet and refreshing for a hundred years, and the process is unique and rigorous, handmade

For thousands of years, crispy fried heaps have become a taste label for Lingnan people in China, integrating into people's simple and warm New Year memories. The Spring Festival is approaching, and it is time to eat fried heaps again.

The traditional Cantonese fried heap has a golden appearance, a round body throughout, and a crispy taste. In the South China Sea, there is a kind of Jiujiang fried pile known for its "flatness". This kind of flat frying pile, the only one in the country, has been passed down for hundreds of years, but the production and materials have always been careful and exquisite.

69 seconds to see the South China Sea Jiujiang frying pile ↓↓↓

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<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > crisp, sweet and refreshing</h1>

As a provincial intangible cultural heritage project, Jiujiang Pandui is a famous traditional flavor snack in the South China Sea of Guangdong, its shape is unique, with a unique "flat" style, with glutinous rice flour, ice flake sugar, peanut kernels, cannon valley, white sesame seeds, orange cake as the main materials, through steaming, frying and other traditional processes.

Jiujiang fried heap incense, Canton new year flavor! The century-old craftsmanship of Jiujiang Pandui also has so many gourmet "codes"... The cantonese new year flavor of the good intentions is enough to be crisp, sweet and refreshing for a hundred years, and the process is unique and rigorous, handmade

Jiujiang fried heap is characterized by golden color, thin skin filling, no oil, sweet and crispy entrance, flat and round shape. It's a great taste and texture!

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > centuries-old heritage, unique craftsmanship</h1>

The origin of the pan-heap can be traced back thousands of years ago in the Qin and Han Dynasties, according to written records, the Tang Dynasty called the fried heap as "Ludui", from the Tang Dynasty poet "greedy for his oil frying hammer, love like jackfruit" verse can be known, the pan-heap should be the best food in the Chang'an court of the Tang Dynasty, and later because the residents of the Pearl River Delta, many of them gradually moved from the south of the Central Plains to Lingnan during the Southern Song Dynasty, so the food of the pandui was introduced to Guangdong.

The Jiujiang fried pile in Foshan Nanhai has been listed in the intangible cultural heritage of Guangdong Province in 2015, and the local Zou family has been passed down for more than 130 years, and has been improved by four generations, making the Jiujiang fried pile outstanding in shape, known for its thin skin and crispy skin, eating it immediately after opening the bag, full of incense, and is a good New Year's greeting for Foshan people to visit relatives and friends.

Jiujiang fried heap incense, Canton new year flavor! The century-old craftsmanship of Jiujiang Pandui also has so many gourmet "codes"... The cantonese new year flavor of the good intentions is enough to be crisp, sweet and refreshing for a hundred years, and the process is unique and rigorous, handmade

Hu Jiajie, the fifth generation of Non-hereditary heirs of the Zou clan, has just taken over the responsibility from his father Hu Buren this year and is about to usher in the first Spring Festival when he is in charge of this craft alone. Boiling sugar, mixing, filling, wrapping, patting sesame seeds, oil panning, patting oil, each link is handmade, wrapped in the ingenuity of the masters.

When the frying piles come out of the oven to enter the mouth of the neighborhood, it is busy for him, but it maintains everyone's wishes and expectations of "gold and silver full house".

Jiujiang fried heap incense, Canton new year flavor! The century-old craftsmanship of Jiujiang Pandui also has so many gourmet "codes"... The cantonese new year flavor of the good intentions is enough to be crisp, sweet and refreshing for a hundred years, and the process is unique and rigorous, handmade

(Hubblen father and son make fried heaps together)

"Only by hand can the quality of the frying heap be guaranteed." Since he was a child, Hubblen has been following his mother Zou Pearl to learn to make fried heaps for more than fifty years. He also passed on the whole process to his son. From the selection of peanuts, syrup boiling, filling making, to rubbing powder and grinding the skin, adding sesame seeds, wrapping the filling, and then to the oil pan, degreasing... He is familiar with every process, he is strict in every link, and even the frying pan insists on cooking with firewood.

Jiujiang fried heap incense, Canton new year flavor! The century-old craftsmanship of Jiujiang Pandui also has so many gourmet "codes"... The cantonese new year flavor of the good intentions is enough to be crisp, sweet and refreshing for a hundred years, and the process is unique and rigorous, handmade

(Wood-fired boiling oil pot)

In order to adapt to the modern people's pursuit of healthy diet, Hubblen also specially "tailor-made" a degreasing machine for the frying pile, "the traditional frying pile is too greasy, so that many customers love to eat and dare not eat more." Hubblen said that coupled with the crisp and crispy characteristics of the frying pile, it is difficult for the degreasers on the market to meet the standard of "the frying pile is intact after degreasing". "After using the degreaser, the inside is almost oil-free." This unique craft was also passed down to his son. Foodies who are afraid of fat can eat with confidence

Jiujiang fried heap incense, Canton new year flavor! The century-old craftsmanship of Jiujiang Pandui also has so many gourmet "codes"... The cantonese new year flavor of the good intentions is enough to be crisp, sweet and refreshing for a hundred years, and the process is unique and rigorous, handmade

(Jiujiang frying heap special degreasing machine)

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > rigorous and handmade</h1>

In the early 1930s, Jiujiang fried piles have been exported to Hong Kong and Macao, Southeast Asia and the Americas, together with Jiujiang double steaming, fish flowers are known as the "Three Treasures of Jiujiang". In November 2015, the "Jiujiang Frying Heap Making Technique" was included in the sixth batch of intangible cultural heritage list in Guangdong Province.

Jiujiang fried heap incense, Canton new year flavor! The century-old craftsmanship of Jiujiang Pandui also has so many gourmet "codes"... The cantonese new year flavor of the good intentions is enough to be crisp, sweet and refreshing for a hundred years, and the process is unique and rigorous, handmade

Process Introduction:

1. The high-quality glutinous rice is fried at high temperature in an iron pot to remove impurities and unexploded grains

2, add peanut kernels in proportion to mix, inject the syrup cooked with brown sugar, mix well, that is, into the filling;

3. Add an appropriate amount of water to the glutinous rice flour and roll into a dough;

4, put the brown sugar into the pot at high temperature and melt it into syrup;

5: Cook the dough in brown sugar water, take it out to cool, and then roll out the dough by hand into a skin;

6, with high-quality glutinous rice flowers added to the peanut kernel mix, injected with brown sugar boiled syrup, mix well, that is, into the filling;

7, stirred the filling can be wrapped in the upper skin, and then dipped in sesame seeds;

8, fry until golden brown can be out of the pan;

9: After degreasing, the crispy frying pile comes out of the oven.

Fry the heap and fall into the pan, the oil flowers are everywhere, and they are golden one by one! With a loud bang, it is not only the frying pile that is fried, but also the new year's full circle and the prosperity of the family business.

Over the past hundred years, the crispy Jiujiang fried heap has become a taste label, integrated into the simple and warm New Year memories of Jiujiang people. This unique "New Year's Taste" of Jiujiang is full of generations of Foshan Nanhai people's wishes for family reunion and a happy life.

Jiujiang fried heap incense, Canton new year flavor! The century-old craftsmanship of Jiujiang Pandui also has so many gourmet "codes"... The cantonese new year flavor of the good intentions is enough to be crisp, sweet and refreshing for a hundred years, and the process is unique and rigorous, handmade
Jiujiang fried heap incense, Canton new year flavor! The century-old craftsmanship of Jiujiang Pandui also has so many gourmet "codes"... The cantonese new year flavor of the good intentions is enough to be crisp, sweet and refreshing for a hundred years, and the process is unique and rigorous, handmade

Foshan Radio FM92.4, produced by Changchao

Some text image sources: Nanhai Jiujiang, Nanhai Tourism, Foshan News Network, Nanhai Release, Sina Guangdong, etc

Some of the image sources are online, if there is infringement, please contact in time

Editor: Liu Jianning

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