
"Beethoven" | fate choked his throat 3 times, he also choked the throat of fate 1, fell into a miserable battle since birth 2, physical suffering knocked on his door 3, poor material life

author:Wang Yuqian

In last year's hit movie "Nezha", there was a sentence that was particularly hot: My life is up to me.

This sentence hits the heart, speaks to the hearts of many people, and gives people a reason to go down.

"Beethoven" | fate choked his throat 3 times, he also choked the throat of fate 1, fell into a miserable battle since birth 2, physical suffering knocked on his door 3, poor material life

In real life, very few people are smooth sailing, and they will always encounter stumbling blocks in the way.

At this time, is it indifferent and accepts the "gift" of fate, or does it risk bloodshed and kicks the stone?

"Beethoven" | fate choked his throat 3 times, he also choked the throat of fate 1, fell into a miserable battle since birth 2, physical suffering knocked on his door 3, poor material life

This confusion has trapped many people

Some people think, "Is this my life?" Should it stop there? ” Others think, "I don't believe in fate, I only believe in myself!" ”

Undoubtedly, the latter is admirable.

Whatever the outcome, the latter is already a winner mentally, and if he succeeds in kicking the stone again, he is a big winner.

French writer and Nobel Laureate in Literature Roman Rolland recorded such a great winner in the "Celebrity Biography".

"Beethoven" | fate choked his throat 3 times, he also choked the throat of fate 1, fell into a miserable battle since birth 2, physical suffering knocked on his door 3, poor material life


After reading this biography and looking at What Happened to Beethoven, you can understand what is choked by fate, and what is my fate and I can't help it.

Beethoven has shown a musical talent that is different from ordinary people since he was a child, which is undoubtedly a fortunate thing for the children of rich families, but for Beethoven, this talent has made him suffer a lot.

He was born in a dilapidated house, his father was an alcoholic, and his mother was a maid. In order to take advantage of Beethoven's musical talent, his father blew him into a prodigy, and then began brutal training.

"Beethoven" | fate choked his throat 3 times, he also choked the throat of fate 1, fell into a miserable battle since birth 2, physical suffering knocked on his door 3, poor material life

From the age of four, he was "nailed" in front of the harpsichord, locked in the room every day, and sometimes his father would take him out of the bed to practice when he came back from drinking in the middle of the night.

When he was young, he had to worry about earning money, and he lacked his father's love from childhood, and he lost his mother at the age of 17, which was undoubtedly a psychological blow.

"Beethoven" | fate choked his throat 3 times, he also choked the throat of fate 1, fell into a miserable battle since birth 2, physical suffering knocked on his door 3, poor material life

Immediately after his father was forced to retire, he became the head of the family again, and he had to support two younger brothers, which weighed on him breathlessly.

Childhood life made Beethoven enter the society prematurely, and prematurely took on the burden that did not belong to this age. But he persevered and never left his responsibilities behind.

Scattered learning, poor family environment, and the burden of life not only did not destroy him, but gave him a sense of independence, developed a tenacious character, and prepared him for his future life.

There is no unbearable suffering, and whoever bears this burden must bear it, and it can be endured.

Everyone lamented that Fang Wenshan wrote beautiful songs, and who could have imagined that he had also had a bitter childhood.

"Beethoven" | fate choked his throat 3 times, he also choked the throat of fate 1, fell into a miserable battle since birth 2, physical suffering knocked on his door 3, poor material life

Teacher Fang Wenshan

He was born in a poor family, worked and studied since he was a child, worked hard in the winter and summer vacations to earn money to supplement the family, worked as a salesman and waiter, and tasted the bitterness of life at a young age.

The hardships of life did not crush him, he survived with hard work and will, and walked firmly step by step.

"Beethoven" | fate choked his throat 3 times, he also choked the throat of fate 1, fell into a miserable battle since birth 2, physical suffering knocked on his door 3, poor material life

Everyone can't decide where they come from, but we can decide whether to work hard or give up on ourselves.

Suffering, like a touchstone, appears at the time of heaven's selection.

Between 1796 and 1800, his hearing problems became serious, and his internal organs caused him pain.

As a musician, he couldn't accept the fact that he was proud of.

"Beethoven" | fate choked his throat 3 times, he also choked the throat of fate 1, fell into a miserable battle since birth 2, physical suffering knocked on his door 3, poor material life

He fantasized about recovering one day, but the results were unsatisfactory.

His self-reliance allowed him to keep this secret.

At the same time, he had to keep it a secret, because there was a group of tiger-eyed peers behind him.

"Beethoven" | fate choked his throat 3 times, he also choked the throat of fate 1, fell into a miserable battle since birth 2, physical suffering knocked on his door 3, poor material life

Helplessly forced to be alone, hiding his secrets alone.

Russell said that when he wanted to play the piano softly, the keys did not sound, and it was sad to watch the excited expression on his face and his twitching fingers in this silence.

Even in the face of such a situation, he is still composing, such as the sad "Pathos sonata", but there are still cheerful works, such as "Septet", "First Symphony" and so on.

"Beethoven" | fate choked his throat 3 times, he also choked the throat of fate 1, fell into a miserable battle since birth 2, physical suffering knocked on his door 3, poor material life

Maybe it's because the mind is in desperate need of happiness, and when there is no happiness, it has to create happiness itself.

In the harsh creative environment, he took the hearing aid, bit the small wooden pole and inserted it in the speaker to listen, and continued to create.

"Beethoven" | fate choked his throat 3 times, he also choked the throat of fate 1, fell into a miserable battle since birth 2, physical suffering knocked on his door 3, poor material life

Ordinary people's hearing loss will cause great inconvenience to life, let alone a musician who eats by ear.

He did not collapse, but actively cooperated with the doctor's treatment, even if there was little hope, he still had illusions.

In life, resigned to fate is a kind of sad forbearance.

Let it go, there will be a more wonderful life.

Helen Keller was blind in both eyes and deaf in both ears, but she learned to write and became an educator and writer. In a wheelchair, Stetson did not abandon himself, but left many classic works.
"Beethoven" | fate choked his throat 3 times, he also choked the throat of fate 1, fell into a miserable battle since birth 2, physical suffering knocked on his door 3, poor material life

Illness can destroy, or even destroy, a person's body, but it cannot destroy his spirit.

For the height of the mind and spirit is the height that the disease cannot reach.

Just like the ancients, those who have achieved great causes in ancient and modern times must not only have supernatural talents, but also have the will to persevere.

Beethoven said that it was really painful to create for bread.

Friends said that he often couldn't go out because his shoes were open.

He owes publishers a lot of money because his work can't sell much money.

"Beethoven" | fate choked his throat 3 times, he also choked the throat of fate 1, fell into a miserable battle since birth 2, physical suffering knocked on his door 3, poor material life

In the period of collapse, he was responsive to his friends, saying that as long as he sat at the table for a while and wrote music, he could help his friends.

Even though he was materially poor, he would not bend his knees as a servant of the nobles, he felt that it was undignified, it was humiliating, and he preferred to collect the concert tickets himself.

This is in contrast to Bach, the great Bach, who was a "servant" who, though humiliated, had a steady income.

"Beethoven" | fate choked his throat 3 times, he also choked the throat of fate 1, fell into a miserable battle since birth 2, physical suffering knocked on his door 3, poor material life

Although Beethoven regards wealth as his destiny, he is not willing to bend to others, which is where he wins more admiration.

The poverty of material life will make many people no longer stick to their original intentions, or even forget their original intentions, and it will be admirable to keep their original intentions.

Although there was no bread in his life, he had plenty of spiritual food.

"Beethoven" | fate choked his throat 3 times, he also choked the throat of fate 1, fell into a miserable battle since birth 2, physical suffering knocked on his door 3, poor material life

Siren's songs will make people forget the original intention, but there is a direction in the heart, and it is natural to be able to distinguish between the north, the south, the west and the east.

Summary: Since beethoven was born, he has been caught in a fierce battle.

Opponents seem to be constantly changing, from family, to disease, to poor material, and to their own tragic love.

In fact, his opponent has not changed, it is fate that is against him.

Maybe it's the envy of talent.

Heaven will send down a great task to the Si people, and they will first suffer their minds, strain their bones, starve their bodies, empty their bodies, and confuse their deeds, so they will be tempted to endure and benefit what they cannot.

Suffering, like a stumbling block, always hinders people's progress.

Face to face or avoid? It depends on willpower and pursuit.

Suffering is not a sufficient requirement for success, but overcoming it will certainly make your life better.

This may be the true meaning of sufferingism: self-improvement and non-giving up.

About the author: Wang Yuqian, after the 90s, likes to read, likes to chase dramas, and likes to use words to understand the world.

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