
Jiang Hua: Zhou Runrun presided over the preparatory work meeting for the 2021 Yao Panwang Festival

author:Red Net
Jiang Hua: Zhou Runrun presided over the preparatory work meeting for the 2021 Yao Panwang Festival

Red Net Moment, October 29 (Correspondent Zhong Fangling) On October 28, Zhou Runrun, deputy secretary of the county party committee of Jianghua Yao Autonomous County, presided over the preparatory work meeting for the 2021 Yao Panwang Festival, and county leaders Yi Jie, Huang Zhijian, Wen Song, Yang Min, Wan Ruqing, Yin Xin, Zhong Jiangbo, Li Xinjian, Zuo Huasheng, Liu Xiaoping, and Li Hydrogen attended the meeting.

Zhou Runrun said that the holding of the Yao Panwang Festival is a major measure to implement the spirit of the Central Ethnic Work Conference, and it is also an important business card to recommend Jiang Hua to the whole country, and all working groups and relevant units should improve their political standing, conscientiously perform their respective duties, and speed up the progress of various work; all working groups should clarify the division of labor, clarify their responsibilities, and grasp all preparatory work to pay close attention, grasp early, and pay attention to detail; they should effectively strengthen organizational leadership, do a good job of scheduling, and make concerted efforts to ensure the smooth progress of the 2021 Yao Panwang Festival.

At the meeting, Deputy County Governor Liu Xiaoping read out the preparatory plan for the 2021 Yao Panwang Festival.

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