
The 2021 Shenzhou Yaodu (Jianghua, China) Yao Panwang Festival opened

author:Red Net
The 2021 Shenzhou Yaodu (Jianghua, China) Yao Panwang Festival opened

The opening ceremony of the 2021 Shenzhou Yaodu (Jianghua, China) Yao Panwang Festival.

Red Net Moment November 20 news (reporter Zhou Wenjun correspondent Tang Xunjiang) On the morning of November 20, the 2021 Shenzhou Yaodu (China Jianghua) Yao Panwang Festival opened in Jianghua Yao Autonomous County. Zhu Hongwu, secretary of the Yongzhou Municipal CPC Committee, sent a congratulatory letter. Zhao Renxiu, deputy director of the Hunan Provincial CPPCC Study liaison committee and a first-level inspector of the Provincial People's Religious Committee, announced the opening, He Enguang, member of the Standing Committee of the Yongzhou Municipal PARTY Committee and member of the party group of the municipal government, delivered a speech, and municipal leaders Liu Lingjun, Luo Jianhua, Li Nongmei, and Yang Junyuan attended the opening ceremony.

The 2021 Shenzhou Yaodu (Jianghua, China) Yao Panwang Festival opened
The 2021 Shenzhou Yaodu (Jianghua, China) Yao Panwang Festival opened

The scene of the opening ceremony.

In his congratulatory letter, Zhu Hongwu extended festive congratulations to all Yao compatriots on behalf of the Yongzhou Municipal Party Committee and the Yongzhou Municipal Government! Zhu Hongwu pointed out that at present, the whole city is holding high the great banner of socialism with Chinese characteristics and striving to enter a new journey of building a modern Yongzhou. It is hoped that the people of all ethnic groups in Jianghua will closely unite around the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core, continue to forge a solid sense of the Chinese national community, devote themselves to the construction of modern Yongzhou with higher morale, fuller enthusiasm and more sufficient enthusiasm, and contribute to the strength of Jianghua to increase the weight of Yongzhou in the territory of the province. The Jianghua County CPC Committee and the county government should take the socialist core values as the guide, promote the inheritance and development of various ethnic cultures, innovate and blend, and strive to build the Yao Panwang Festival into a humanistic grand ceremony that promotes the unity of all ethnic groups in ideals and beliefs, emotional culture, mutual help, and deep brotherhood.

Zhao Renxiu pointed out that the holding of the Yao Nationality Panwang Festival in Shenzhou Yaodu (Jianghua, China) is of great significance for implementing General Secretary Xi Jinping's important thinking on strengthening and improving ethnic work, casting a solid sense of the Chinese national community, promoting exchanges, exchanges and integration among various ethnic groups, and building a common spiritual home for the Chinese nation. Through years of hard work, Jianghua has built the Panwang Festival of the Yao nationality in Shenzhou (Jianghua, China) into a grand traditional festival and a unique cultural activity in shonan region, which has played an important role in carrying forward the Yao culture, displaying national customs, invigorating the national spirit, and promoting the unity, prosperity and progress of ethnic minority areas.

He Enguang pointed out that Jiang Hua should take the opportunity of holding the Yao Panwang Festival to vigorously inherit and protect the Yao culture, comprehensively display the Yao customs, provide more cultural nutrients for cultivating and practicing the core values of socialism, and truly build the Yao Panwang Festival in Shenzhou Yaodu (Jianghua, China) into a national tourism culture festival brand and a cultural brand that casts a solid sense of the Chinese national community.

The 2021 Shenzhou Yaodu (Jianghua, China) Yao Panwang Festival opened

Cabaret shows.

This year's Panwang Festival lasts for three days, including the opening ceremony of the Panwang Festival of the Yao Nationality and the Ancestral Ceremony of the Panwang Gurudwara, the first traditional sports games of ethnic minorities in the county, the Taste of Jianghua Yaojia Food Festival, the Yao Panwang Festival Network Knowledge Prize Quiz Activity, the "Yao Township Development I Contribute to the YaoDu" Suggestions and Suggestions, short video contests, mass literary and artistic performances and other six major activities.

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