
"Xiang" when self-confident and self-reliant" How to "exhaust" Jianghua cuisine? You may wish to come to the Yao Panwang Festival to see

author:Wah Seng Online

Huasheng Online, November 19 (Reporter Lai Yongyuan, Liu Yufeng, Kang Meng) November 20 is the Yao Panwang Festival, which is a traditional festival for nearly 3 million Yao compatriots. On the afternoon of the 18th, the "Xiang" when consciously confident and self-reliant - "consolidate the achievements of the attack and move towards rural revitalization" major theme publicity activities interview group came to Jianghua County, they in 2021 Shenzhou Yaodu Yao Panwang Festival and Taste Hunan Jianghua Food Week and Agricultural Products Exhibition and Sales Expo, in advance to feel the festive joy of the festival, feast on the rich local agricultural products.

In the qianping square of the county planning exhibition hall, many citizens asked, negotiated or purchased in front of each booth. The booth display has a wide range of categories, including various snacks, handicrafts, refreshments and beverages, etc., which are dazzling and dizzying. The seductive smell of food fills the air with sweet tastes that are mouth-watering.

"Xiang" when self-confident and self-reliant" How to "exhaust" Jianghua cuisine? You may wish to come to the Yao Panwang Festival to see

(Citizens playing sticks in the middle of the square.) Hunan Daily reporter Fu Cong photo)

In the middle of the square, there are citizens playing rice dumplings, which attracts the attention of the interview group. I saw them holding wooden sticks in their hands, pulling away and constantly pounding the sticky rice in the basin, shouting and shouting. After pounding, the shop puts the glutinous rice balls in a bowl, accompanied by soybean noodles and sugar, so that the public can taste the rice dumplings they have made by themselves. "It's a taste of childhood, it's pretty good." Ms. Sheng Chunhua, who lives near the square, gives a thumbs up while eating rice dumplings.

Next to the square, a booth of "Yaojia Traditional Handmade Rice Dumplings" is displaying various folk snacks, and there are staff members in the live broadcast with goods, so that foreign netizens can also feel the joy of Yaoxiang through the clouds. "We sold a turnover of more than 3,000 yuan yesterday, which is quite popular with the public." Deng Yike, the person in charge of the booth, said that he had just returned from Guangdong and planned to do e-commerce in Jianghua County, so that more netizens could taste the authentic "taste of Jianghua".

"Xiang" when self-confident and self-reliant" How to "exhaust" Jianghua cuisine? You may wish to come to the Yao Panwang Festival to see

(In the booth, tea artists perform tea art.) )

Not far from the booth of rice dumplings, a booth of "Jianghua Bitter Tea" came into view. The reporter took a sip of bitter tea, and the taste was clear and sweet. "Jianghua bitter tea is one of the four characteristic local tea tree groups in Hunan, and belongs to the large-leaf species type." Senior agronomist Li Duansheng said that in 2016, Jianghua bitter tea was awarded the national geographical indication certification trademark, and the polyphenol content of tea reached 39.2%, the highest of all varieties in the province.

In Ganghwa County, shonan Province, the afternoon sun is still hot even in the early winter season. In the small tea shop, many citizens have walked in one after another, drinking tea and resting their feet. "We Jianghua locals like to drink local tea because the quality is good." Ms. Chen Qun, a citizen, said that her family usually likes to drink tea, and today she just came to buy something. In addition to tea, she also bought fried meat, navel oranges, dried bamboo shoots and so on. "It's so delicious, of course you have to buy a little more!" She said with a smile.

"Xiang" when self-confident and self-reliant" How to "exhaust" Jianghua cuisine? You may wish to come to the Yao Panwang Festival to see

(All kinds of Jianghua cuisine on display at the booth.) )

The Yao Panwang Festival is popular in the traditional festivals of the Yao people's residence in Guangxi, Hunan, Yunnan, Guangdong, Guizhou, Jiangxi and other provinces (regions), and is one of the national intangible cultural heritages. The Panwang Festival of the Yao people originates from the Panwang Festival Song Festival on the 16th day of the tenth month of the lunar calendar, and on this day, the Yao people gather together to sing and dance to commemorate the Panwang Festival, and gradually develop into the Panwang Festival. The modern Panwang Festival has gradually developed into a friendship party to celebrate the harvest, showing the people's nostalgia for their ancestors and the pursuit of a better life.

It is reported that the 2021 Shenzhou Yaodu Yao Ethnic Panwang Festival and Taste Hunan Jianghua Food Week and Agricultural Products Exhibition and Sales Expo will last until November 20. At the same time, on the evening of November 19, a mass literary and artistic performance will be held in the Yao Totem Garden Square, and the opening ceremony of the Yao Panwang Festival and the ancestral ceremony of the Panwang Gurudwara will be held on the morning of November 20. Interested netizens may wish to take advantage of the weekend to experience the joy of Panwang Festival in Jianghua County.

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