
Jiang Yong: The Yao Panwang Festival and the "Book of Women" Cultural, Economic and Trade Tourism Week Activity Arrangement and Deployment Meeting were held

author:Yongzhou News Network

Yongzhou News Network News (Correspondent Mao Wentao) On October 26, 2021, the 2021 Jiangyong County Yao Panwang Festival and the ""Nushu" Cultural, Economic and Trade Tourism Week Activity Arrangement And Deployment Meeting was held. Tang Derong, secretary of the Jiangyong County CPC Committee, presided over the meeting and made a speech; He Debo, deputy secretary of the county party committee and county magistrate; and county leaders Li Lin, Liao Shuqing, Tan Meichi, Li Yong, Liao Xiaohong, Xie Junmin, He Feng, Tang Qiongyan, He Kaiyin, and Qian Jianhong attended the meeting.

Jiang Yong: The Yao Panwang Festival and the "Book of Women" Cultural, Economic and Trade Tourism Week Activity Arrangement and Deployment Meeting were held

The meeting read out the implementation plan of the series of activities of the 2021 Jiangyong County Yao Panwang Festival and the ""Female Book" Homecoming" Cultural, Economic and Trade Tourism Week, and arranged the preparation of various activities, and the participants conducted extensive and in-depth exchanges and discussions on the details of the organization, planning, operation and implementation of the plan.

Tang Derong pointed out that the successful holding of this cultural, economic and trade tourism week activity will play a positive role in launching the brand of "Nüshu Culture, Yao Culture, and Ecological Culture" in Jiangyong County, excavating the advantageous resources of Jiangyong County's characteristic agricultural and sideline products, highlighting the folk customs of Jiangyong County, displaying the achievements of Jiangyong County's economic and social development, enhancing Jiangyong County's external influence, promoting project negotiation and cooperation, and promoting high-quality economic development. With regard to the holding of the tourism week activities well, Tang Derong stressed: The leading leaders and various working groups must attach great importance to their thinking, and fully understand the great significance of doing a good job in the preparatory work for the activities from the high plane of stressing politics, taking into account the overall situation, and promoting development; in promoting the activities, we must be quick and meticulous, implement the rigorous and meticulous work requirements in the whole process of all activities, focus on the overall situation and start from the details, and be meticulous and meticulous in every specific work and all links, and strive for excellence to ensure that this tourism week will be a fine event In terms of responsibility, it is necessary to tighten the compaction, whether it is the lead unit or the responsible unit, it must be based on their respective responsibilities, establish a sense of cooperation, so that the division of labor is not divided, mutual cooperation, full cooperation, joint management, overall linkage, the formation of an overall work synergy, and strongly promote the implementation of the work.

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