
German Boy Frank

author:Wise and indifferent

On weekends, I went out on the bus in the morning, and after sitting down in the empty seat, I saw that sitting next to me was a foreign young man, he was very young, Western, wearing glasses, his face was rosy, his face was handsome, he was looking at a book, and there was a black trolley box leaning on the chair, and I glanced at the one he was holding in his hand, which was the "Dictionary of Conversations for Middle-German Students", Chinese cover. I pointed to the book in his hand, smiled and asked: You, Chinese read? The guy looked up, smiled friendly at me, nodded and replied: Yes. I asked again: Are you German? Studying abroad here? He replied: Yes, study abroad in Hangzhou. Although his Chinese speak in a Westerner's western accent, mandarin mandarin is somewhat distinct. I went on to ask: At which university did you study? What major? The German lad became interested in the dialogue between us, and he replied to me: I am studying business and business, I am studying for a doctorate, do you understand? At this time, a female passenger in the back row listened to the cover of her mouth, in fact, I could hear that there was no element of impoliteness in the words of the German boy, that is, he did not know enough about the subtle differences in the meaning of synonyms in the middle Chinese, he wanted to tell me that I was studying for a doctorate, you know? If a Chinese boy answered me like this, it would be a bit of a joke about me, I laughed, nodded, and replied: I understand.

I talk to this Young German guy, try to speak as slowly as possible, so that he can hear clearly, so that his German thinking habits have enough time to convert into Chinese to answer, the young man sometimes answers very fluently, very quickly, for example, I asked him how old he is, do you like China? Not used to living and climatic habits? Sometimes, he would get stuck when he answered, and Ai Ai, stroking his head, looking blankly at the roof of the carriage, unable to think of the right words, looking very cute. I asked him, in the past two years, in addition to learning Chinese, can you write Chinese characters? He shrugged and told me honestly that he could only speak, not write, that the square word was too difficult to write, and that between words he moved over the dictionary and opened the title page for me to see, and I saw that at the bottom of the page there was "Kahn. Frank "Chinese signed, the writing was crooked, but recognizable, I encouraged him, gave him a thumbs up, and asked him, Is this your name?" He said yes, and solemnly added that it was a transliteration of Chinese. He told me that he is 24 years old, has been studying for a doctorate in China for two years, and loves the beautiful city of Hangzhou. Speaking of this moment, he stretched out his hands, in a very exaggerated posture, upwards, and said: Wow——, Hangzhou, the beautiful West Lake, very, very good, so beautiful. Reading a book by the lake was really, really amazing. I jokingly said to him: You like Hangzhou, stay after graduation, find a Chinese girl to start a family. At this time, the big German boy was a little embarrassed, blushing and waving his hands repeatedly, saying to me: No, no, no, no, I was happy and honest. The young man's next words actually made me look at him with surprise, and he said to me: Germany's population aging is more serious than China's, and Germany can export elderly experts, and can no longer let the younger generation emigrate abroad. I sighed that this young German boy was worried about the country and the people, and had a strong sense of national responsibility.

I discussed with the German lad the difference between Chinese and German personalities and ways of doing things, and I told Frank that Germans are smart, rigorous, have high-quality industrial products, and have a high reputation all over the world. But the German boy said to me: But German things are expensive. Competitive advantage in price is not as good as China. He also praised the intelligence and hard-working Chinese, saying that China is developing too fast, China's consumer market is too big, and the whole world wants to do business with China, so he wants to study business in China. I felt that this German boy was young but very far-sighted, and he chose a path with great development potential and a lot of career space.

He told me that he got off at the subway station, and I pointed to his trolley box and asked him: Do you want to go outside on weekends? He replied: Yes, we went to Wenzhou to play, and there were colleagues from the school driving and meeting at the East Railway Station.

The German boy arrived at the station, got up to say goodbye to me, and when he got off the train, a middle-aged woman with a foreign accent asked the driver, how to go from the subway station after getting off the bus? Frank said aloud to the female passenger: Get out of the car and follow me. The passengers in the car were happy, and the German boy had melted into our city and could even be a guide.

Frank under the car did not forget to wave at me again, and then very nervously dragged the trolley box towards the subway entrance. And I, because I met a German boy in a car, and the interesting conversation, I also have a little emotional understanding of The Youth of Germany. Frank likes China, likes the beautiful Hangzhou, and will certainly be friendly to China, maybe a few years later, in the Sino-German trade or economic delegation, there will be a young white-collar worker, with the attitude of "China Communication", for the Sino-German economy and trade interconnection and mutual benefit, I think far.

He didn't tell me which school he was studying at, but I knew he was getting on the bus in the direction of the higher education center.

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