
For the form of expression of love, do you like to listen to sweet words, or do you like to watch actions?

author:Coriander 01
For the form of expression of love, do you like to listen to sweet words, or do you like to watch actions?


Women's sensitivity to love is strong. Compared with men, women's thirst for love is more urgent, which is formed by women's innate sensibility.

But different women's need for love is also different. The so-called need for love refers to the degree to which women like different forms of expression of men's love.

For example, some women like to listen to sweet words, and some women like to watch men's actual actions.

Some people say that women who like to listen to sweet words are vain, and women who like to watch men actually act are pragmatic.

In fact, this is a bit absolute, because everything has two sides and cannot be generalized. I think most women will like to listen to sweet words and men's actions. It's just that there will be some emphasis, some people like this aspect more, some people like that aspect more.

No, when I surveyed some of my female friends on this issue, I found that women who had the same ideas as me still made up the majority. But their focus is different.

For the form of expression of love, do you like to listen to sweet words, or do you like to watch actions?

@Focus on sweet talk

From the perspective of age, this type of woman is biased towards younger. Probably because they are young and don't have much life experience, they prefer sweet words that are biased towards men.

Of course, the beautiful love words sound so pleasant, pleasing to the ear and pleasing the heart. Women are naturally sensitive to love, and this sensitivity includes love words.

Many times, the reason why women lose their minds in their feelings is that men's love words play a big role in this.

There is a saying on our side: No one knows if the heart is good, and the mouth is good to deceive. This means that no matter how good your heart is, but you don't say it and don't make it, no one will know. On the contrary, a mouth that can speak the Tao can deceive people into turning around and thus achieving the purpose he wants.

Women who like sweet talk are the same, most of them are trapped in this tenderness and honey, and then they are dead to men. Sometimes, even if a man's actions are not so loving, but his mouth will speak, he can add a lot of points to his people. Especially before marriage, men who can talk sweetly are more likely to "cheat" on the women they like.

After marriage, spend more time together, or women will find this drawback of men. But by then, the raw rice was ripe, and it was useless to regret it. However, there are also some women who still like the sweet words of men after marriage. As long as a man says, no matter how much grievances and unwillingness, they will disappear and become invisible.

The matter of feelings is like Zhou Yu beating Huang Gai, one willing to fight one wish to be beaten, so there is no right or wrong.

For the form of expression of love, do you like to listen to sweet words, or do you like to watch actions?

@Focus on real-world action

Women who focus on real-world action tend to be slightly older. Or rather, the mind is relatively mature. Such women know very well that words on their lips can never replace reality. And the feeling of happiness can only be known by personal experience.

For example, a female friend said that when she gave birth to a child, she was in pain to die and live, and her husband looked very distressed, and kept saying: "Baby, you have worked hard, you are the best!" Come on! I'm by your side! ”

She said that at this time, she was really touched and felt full of happiness. But when she was confinement, when she heard such words again, her heart was not a taste. It is said that women giving birth to children is the top priority, and it is a ghost door to walk before closing. Confinement is actually a very important node. Many women do not sit well in the confinement, and the back of the body will fall more or less sick.

Therefore, at this time, what is needed is the actual action of the man, such as helping to take care of the child, helping to take care of the body and emotions of the mother. If at this time, men will still only say: "Baby, you have worked hard, you are the best!" Come on! I'm by your side! "But there is no action to help, what do you think a woman's heart will feel?"

Love words sound good, but they don't make any sense in practice. Or, mature women all understand this and therefore all want men to be able to express love with actions, not verbal ones. For example, if a woman confinement, if he helps to take the child every day and lets his wife have more time to rest, I think it is more reliable than saying something sweet.

For the form of expression of love, do you like to listen to sweet words, or do you like to watch actions?

@ each accounted for half of the proportion

Some women say that they feel that both are important, so they want men to be able to balance this and be able to say and do.

This "requirement" is actually a bit high, because there are not many men who can meet the conditions of women. If a man can do both what he can say and do, that is indeed a woman's luck.

It's just that in this world, it's so difficult to find such a perfect man. However, women like to look forward to it, and they all feel good about themselves, thinking that they can get the best treatment from men.

Once this expectation drops, the woman is disappointed, angry, and then noisy, and the degree of harmony of the feelings will also create cracks.

Therefore, women still don't set expectations too high. The greater the hope, the greater the disappointment. In the matter of choosing a mate, women must first introspect themselves, or first determine what kind of man they hope to find, and then find it in the direction of their own minds. Only in this way can we finally minimize the sense of failure.

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