
Steamed rice cake, red date yam rice cake, stir, mix, non-fermented, sticky soft bean mother, love Chinese pastries, creative snacks, if you also like, remember to pay attention to me Oh! Your attention is my biggest motivation!

author:Bean Mom pastry

Although the mucus of yam is always itchy when peeling, it can play a very good fluffy effect when stirring and heating, and it is too suitable to use it to make a rice cake without fermentation, plus red dates, stir, mix, and steam a soft and fluffy rice cake on the pot to complete it

Steamed rice cake, red date yam rice cake, stir, mix, non-fermented, sticky soft bean mother, love Chinese pastries, creative snacks, if you also like, remember to pay attention to me Oh! Your attention is my biggest motivation!
Steamed rice cake, red date yam rice cake, stir, mix, non-fermented, sticky soft bean mother, love Chinese pastries, creative snacks, if you also like, remember to pay attention to me Oh! Your attention is my biggest motivation!


8 red dates, 1 yam (about 100g after peeling), 25g of sticky rice flour, 1 egg


1, red dates with warm water to soak soft, pitted and cut into small; yam peeled and cut into small pieces;

The mucus of the yam is very itchy on the hands, put on gloves and go to the skin

Steamed rice cake, red date yam rice cake, stir, mix, non-fermented, sticky soft bean mother, love Chinese pastries, creative snacks, if you also like, remember to pay attention to me Oh! Your attention is my biggest motivation!

2, cut the yam, red date diced together into the mixer, beat an egg into it; together with the blender stirred into a fine paste;

3. Add sticky rice flour and stir well to form red date yam rice paste;

4. Mold brush oil;

5, the mold is filled with red date yam rice paste, 8 points full, on the steamer, boiling water on high heat, steaming for about 20 minutes on medium heat.

Steamed rice cake, red date yam rice cake, stir, mix, non-fermented, sticky soft bean mother, love Chinese pastries, creative snacks, if you also like, remember to pay attention to me Oh! Your attention is my biggest motivation!

Take it out and eat it, the sticky sticky fragrance is soft with a hint of moist smell, dipped in sugar to eat better!

Steamed rice cake, red date yam rice cake, stir, mix, non-fermented, sticky soft bean mother, love Chinese pastries, creative snacks, if you also like, remember to pay attention to me Oh! Your attention is my biggest motivation!

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