
Share the 3 sticky rice recipes, easy to make, children also like

author:Home is pleasant

Qingming is coming, and it is time to eat rice dumplings, sweet glutinous glutinous is very delicious, in fact, glutinous rice can also be made into rice to eat, the taste is also good, today I will share with you 3 ways to eat glutinous rice.

Share the 3 sticky rice recipes, easy to make, children also like

If you're tired of eating rice, try sticky rice, I'm sure you'll love it. These 3 models are also often made and eaten by my family. Well, there's not much more to say.

The first one: sticky rice with shiitake mushrooms

Ingredients: 300 grams of glutinous rice, 100 grams of tenderloin, 50 grams of fresh shiitake mushrooms, seaweed, dried shrimp, ginger, salt, cooking wine, soy sauce, cooking oil.

Share the 3 sticky rice recipes, easy to make, children also like

Here's how:

1. After the glutinous rice is cleaned, add water, soak it overnight in advance, and then steam it in the pot, or cook it in an electric pressure cooker for later use.

Share the 3 sticky rice recipes, easy to make, children also like

2: Soak the seaweed and dried shrimp until soft, then chop the seaweed, cut the ginger into ginger shreds, and cut the tenderloin into thin strips for later.

3: After cleaning the fresh shiitake mushrooms, remove the stems, cut them into strips, and then blanch them in boiling water.

4: Pour cooking oil into the pot, add ginger shreds to stir-fry until fragrant, then add meat and stir-fry until it changes color, and finally add dried shrimp, fresh mushroom shreds, and seaweed minced and stir-fry evenly.

5: Sauté well and add salt, cooking wine and soy sauce to taste.

6: Add the steamed sticky rice at the end and stir-fry evenly out of the pan. This step is a bit like fried rice.


Since the fresh mushrooms have a strong flavor, blanch them before use. Glutinous rice should not be soaked in water for too long, so as not to absorb enough water, it is not strong.

The second paragraph: glutinous rice and red date rice

Ingredients: 1 small bowl of glutinous rice, 1 handful of red adzuki beans, brown sugar, dates, rice dumplings, honey.

Share the 3 sticky rice recipes, easy to make, children also like

1. Wash the glutinous rice and red adzuki beans first, and soak them in water for more than 4 hours.

2. After the jujube is cleaned, remove the jujube core and cut into small pieces; the rice dumpling leaves are cleaned and then soaked.

3. First lay the rice dumpling leaves flat in the electric pressure cooker, put some red date diced and red adzuki beans, then lay a layer of glutinous rice compaction, pour honey, and then lay a layer of red jujube diced and red adzuki beans, brown sugar, honey, and then lay a layer of glutinous rice compaction, so until the glutinous rice is laid out.

4. Add water that is not half a finger of glutinous rice, cover the pot and press the boiling porridge button.

5. After the rice is cooked in an electric pressure cooker, simmer for half an hour, then take it out, remove the rice dumpling leaves, and then eat it.

6, the glutinous rice produced by this is particularly soft and sweet, and there is a faint fragrance of rice dumpling leaves, a little bit of rice dumpling flavor, very good.

1, because the red adzuki beans are difficult to cook, so after the cooking button is closed, simmer for another half an hour.

2, like to eat sweet, you can put more brown sugar. Don't like red adzuki beans, you can put some raisins.

The third paragraph: green pepper vinegar oil rice

Ingredients: 100 grams of glutinous rice, 100 grams of fresh shiitake mushrooms, 100 grams of pork, green pepper, salt, balsamic vinegar, cooking oil.

Share the 3 sticky rice recipes, easy to make, children also like

1. After cleaning the glutinous rice, soak it in water in advance.

2: Wash the fresh shiitake mushrooms, remove the stalks, cut into thin strips, cut the pork into thin strips, wash the green peppers, remove the stalks, cut into thin strips and set aside.

3: Pour cooking oil into the pot, heat the oil and sauté the pork until it changes color, then add the shredded mushrooms and green peppers and stir-fry evenly, stir-fry and turn off the heat and set aside.

4: Add salt, balsamic vinegar and cooking oil to the soaked glutinous rice, mix well, put it in an electric pressure cooker, add a little water and cook.

5: After the glutinous rice is cooked, put it on the plate, and then put the sautéed shiitake mushrooms and green pepper on the sticky rice.

Glutinous rice is boiled with a little salt, cooking oil and balsamic vinegar, and the color will be brighter and the taste will be more fragrant.

Well, today's sharing is here, I am a pleasant home, the article is my original work, I hope you can like, if you have any problems in the production process, you can pay attention to me, give me a message to discuss and exchange gastronomic experience, we work together to make the food good, let us eat healthier, more nutritious. Every day will bring you the same food sharing, I hope you eat a good mood!

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