
Dai retro wife wrote the first "Zhu Yingtai near. "Pity Multi-Talent" tells you that there is a kind of love called letting go

author:Shen Ying Gongzi

Today to share with you a poignant and mournful Song poem, this word person has no way to verify, but her husband is a student of Lu You, a poet of the Jianghu Poetry School Dai Retro.

The word goes like this:

Pity the multi-talented, pity the life, there is no way to stay. Knead the flower note and endure the writing of broken intestines. The willows on the side of the road are inextricably linked, unable to resist and a little sad.

How to sue. Then he taught that in this life, this body has been lightly promised. Catching the Moon is not a dream language. Then return to the king and return to the grave, do not forget the place, put a cup of wine, pour the slave grave.

It is said that this song is both a farewell word and a trick word. When the wife quietly wiped her tears by the river, sent her husband away in a boat until she could no longer see a trace of her back, she silently took out a veil stained with tears and written with feelings, sprinkled it casually, and let the wind blow. Then, slowly walking into the river, let the warm spring water flood this sad soul.

So why did Dai Retro go away, and what did he do to make his beautiful wife scatter after he left?

Dai Retro roamed three times in his life, and the word was taken on the first outing. It was when he studied poetry in Lu Fangweng after he married his wife, went out with a sword but could not be ambitious, and was exiled to Wuning, there was a rich old man who cherished his talent and married his daughter to him. After two or three years together, Dai Retro suddenly proposed to return to his hometown, and his wife asked him why, and Dai Retro replied that he had married another woman. The wife explained to her father with tears in pain, the father was angry, and after the wife euphemistically explained, she gave all the dowry to Dai Retro and wrote this song "Zhu Yingtai Near" on the veil, and after Dai Retro left, the wife threw herself into the water and died. This song is mournful and moving, even though her husband is ruthless and unjust, she is loyal to love and dies of fiatity. Perhaps from our point of view, we will feel that the wife is too stubborn and the feelings are too narrow, but in that era of etiquette and the inferiority of men and women, such feelings are simply beautiful, miserable and romantic. Perhaps we do not understand that the loss of the most beloved person is born without love.

 "Pity the multi-talented, pity the life, there is no way to stay." Say the tragedy. The husband is affectionate and has long been married. Even though the five thunderbolts are at the top, it is difficult to hide the love as before. You can only hurt yourself, and although you are trying every means to keep you, you cannot be saved.

"Crush the flower notes, and endure writing broken sentences." Unfolding the flower note and crushing the flower note, how can you bear to write down the trick words that make people cut off their liver and intestines? What is crushed is not a piece of delusion.

"The willows on the side of the road are inextricably linked, unable to resist, a little sad." The ancient willow refers to parting. It's like that parting feeling, clinging to it. But there are tens of millions of times more sorrow than Willow.

"Catching the moon is not a dream language." The words are concise and long, and the words are very profound. Meaning: You said back then that as long as I like it, even the moon in the sky can be plucked off and given to me, this is not a dream in a dream! But in just three years, the oath was empty.

"If you return to the king, do not forget the place, and pour a cup of wine and pour the slave's grave." Today's parting is the eternal recipe. I only hope that if you come back here, if you have not forgotten your feelings, please pour a glass of wine on my grave. Meaning: If you don't forget me, I will be under the Nine Springs, and I will be able to see.

The life of the lyricist is simple and short, and the feelings are plain and timeless. Just as Mr. Jin Yong lamented Mu Nianci's feelings for Yang Kang to his mother through Guo Xiang's mouth: "Mom, she has no way, she is happy with Uncle Yang, Uncle Yang has a thousand things that are not, and she must rejoice to the end." I think maybe Mr. Jin Yong should have read this song as well.

Later, the negative Han Dai retro knew that the Si people had passed away, so he regretted and resentfully wrote a poem "Magnolia Slow Warbler Crying Endlessly" in front of his deceased wife's grave.

The warbler cries endlessly, and Ren Yan's language and language are difficult to understand. This bit of idleness, ten years of continuous, annoys the spring breeze. The old man is gone again, but still, Yang Liu Xiao Lou Dong. I remember the same title powder wall, and now the wall is broken without a trace.

Langao new green dissolved. Hate falls on the rosette. Reading the torn spring shirt, the time to say goodbye, the tailor under the lamp. Acacia is self-suffering, counting clouds and smoke, and passing through the eyes is empty. The sunset is endless, and the column is sent to Feihong.

The eulogy was written ten years later, when his wife died of an illness. We suppose that if his wife does not die, will Dai Retro ever again remember the poignant love he once promised to catch the moon?

I am a waiter of the gods, paying attention to me and sharing poetry stories

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