
How to appreciate modern drama - starting with the new Peking Opera "Li Dazhao"

author:National Centre for the Performing Arts

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The newly compiled modern Peking Opera "Li Dazhao" is a key play created by the Beijing Opera House to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, and was artistically created by capturing a series of revolutionary activities between 1918 and April 1927 by capturing a series of revolutionary activities by Comrade Li Dazhao, one of the main founders of the Communist Party of China. On the basis of inheriting the ontological laws of Peking Opera, the play adopts innovative stage presentation, epic narrative methods, and poetic expression methods, showing the short but magnificent life of Li Dazhao, a proletarian revolutionary. In the design of singing, music and stage, it also breaks the conventional routine and integrates kunqu vocal cavity and dance elements. This issue of the Classic Art Lecture Hall invites Zhang Jianfeng, a veteran student of xipai in Beijing Opera House (played by "Li Dazhao") and Wang Rongrong, the leading actor of Beijing Peking Opera House and a famous artist of Zhang Pai (played by Mrs. Li Dazhao", to chat with the audience about this modern Peking opera "Li Dazhao".

How to appreciate modern drama - starting with the new Peking Opera "Li Dazhao"

Xi Pai's old student Zhang Jianfeng played "Li Dazhao", and Zhang Pai's famous artist Wang Rongrong played "Zhao Shulan"

First, shape the character image and spirit of the times of the Peking Opera "Li Dazhao"

In 2021, at an important juncture in celebrating the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, how to use Peking Opera art to show the revolutionary story and use art forms to shape the character image of Mr. Dazhao is an important topic, and it is also a focus that needs in-depth study to convey the spirit of Mr. Li Dazhao's era in the current era. Many viewers have watched the TV series "The Age of Awakening", which tells the history of the Chinese Communist Party, in which many statue-like group portraits are used to show the scenes of the deep oppression and displacement of the Chinese people in modern times, and this expression of sadness and majesty has also been borrowed from the Peking opera "Li Dazhao". Under the affectionate and solemn background of the symphony, Mr. Dazhao guided the direction and led countless young students to "create a country of youth with youth", which was established on the peking opera stage for a long time.

How to appreciate modern drama - starting with the new Peking Opera "Li Dazhao"

Stills from the modern Peking opera "Li Dazhao" were broadcast to the fire

Second, the performance form of opera integrates modern story themes

Highlight the stylized and virtual characteristics of opera art. Film and television art in the processing of grand scenes, music and sound effects and other aspects of the technology is more complete, after post-processing film and television works are difficult to compare with live stage art works, then this Peking Opera version of "Li Dazhao" in the presentation of what kind of advantages? This must be said to the stylized and virtual performance characteristics of Peking Opera art. Through the unique singing style of opera actors, the opera music is combined with modern symphonic music, and the international anthem is creatively integrated into it. At the same time, combined with the body skills of the opera actors, the emotional state of the characters can be better presented, which is not only in line with the oriental aesthetic vision, but also closer to the real state of the people in the society at that time. Using traditional Chinese art to interpret modern story themes, highlighting national characteristics, so that the audience not only learned and understood the deeds of Mr. Dazhao's times, but also appreciated the beauty of traditional opera art.

How to appreciate modern drama - starting with the new Peking Opera "Li Dazhao"

Stills of the modern Peking opera "Li Dazhao" Meet to build the party

Use time and space travel to enrich the stage expression. In the stage creation process of the modern Peking Opera "Li Dazhao", the director made full use of multimedia means and incorporated the video of Li Dazhao's speech at the Bolshoi Theatre in September 1924, passionately telling the Comintern about the suffering and oppression that the Chinese people were experiencing at that time, so that the audience could see the real images left by Mr. Dazhao before his death. At the end, the main creator also designed a flashback plot that traveled through time and space, so that Mr. Dazhao came to the present day a hundred years after the founding of the party, to see the democratic, rich and strong new China, and to see the new era created by our great Communist Party of China. Especially in the final stage freeze-framed picture, Mr. Dazhao behind the fluttering party flag, countless communist party members raised their fists and swore an oath, implying that our party is endless and prosperous.

How to appreciate modern drama - starting with the new Peking Opera "Li Dazhao"

Stills of the modern Peking Opera "Li Dazhao" Epilogue

The essence of Xi Pai's performance is integrated into "Li Dazhao". The actor of "Li Dazhao" in the play is Zhang Jianfeng, an excellent Xi Pai veteran actor of the Beijing Opera House. Whether it is traditional drama or modern drama, Xi Pai Laosheng will be more literati when shaping characters, and his humanistic feelings of ancient appearance and simplicity and fresh nature are very much in line with the identity of "Li Dazhao" as a professor at Peking University. The Characteristics of Xi Pai's singing voice of "using words to determine the cavity, acting with emotion, and not leaving the bone" are very suitable for Mr. Dazhao's emotional expression, which can not only better express his deep feelings of home and country, but also use emotion to convey the meaning and have emotional resonance with the audience.

How to appreciate modern drama - starting with the new Peking Opera "Li Dazhao"

Xi Pai's old student Zhang Jianfeng as "Li Dazhao"

III. Tradition and Innovation in the Creation of Modern Peking Opera "Li Dazhao"

The creation and performance of stage art has time and space limitations, generally in the time of about two hours, it is necessary to enrich the ups and downs in the story, and set up reasonable event conflicts and resolutions. Especially in the creation of such a grand historical background work with the themes of "Centenary of the Founding of the Party" and "Li Dazhao", it is even more necessary to have good control, both artistic and storytelling, not only so that the audience can see clearly and enjoy it, but also to be able to convey our deep affection for Mr. Dazhao. Therefore, in the process of creating the repertoire, one is to combine the performance essence of traditional opera, integrate some artistic means in traditional drama into the performance of modern drama, especially highlight the "singing skills", not only have a variety of plate-style singing segments, but also join some singing voices of Kunqu opera, always do not leave the source of performance of opera art; second, through the use of electronic large screens, add rich scene materials, use modern scientific and technological means to assist, and tell stage stories; third, some forms of expression and techniques of drama art are combined in creation. While expanding the performance of the stage, it also makes it easy for more audiences to accept.

Artist Profile Wang Rongrong, a national first-class actor, starred in the Beijing Opera House, the leader of a group, and the famous Zhang (Junqiu) faction Qingyi. Winner of the Chinese Drama Plum Blossom Award, graduate student of the first Chinese Peking Opera Outstanding Young Actors Graduate Class, enjoys the special government allowance of the State Council, outstanding expert of the Ministry of Culture, artist of virtue and art, "four batches" of talents of the Central Propaganda Department, and deputy to the 10th, 11th and 12th National People's Congress.
How to appreciate modern drama - starting with the new Peking Opera "Li Dazhao"
Zhang Jianfeng, a national first-class actor, a veteran actor of the Beijing Opera House Youth League, and a Zongxi sect. Graduated from china academy of opera. Graduate student of the 5th Chinese Peking Opera Outstanding Young Actors Graduate Class. He has won: the Gold Medal of the 5th CCTV National Young Peking Opera Actors Television Competition, the 12th China Drama Festival Individual Outstanding Performance Award, and the 28th Chinese Drama Plum Blossom Award. Beijing "four batches" of talents. The Central Propaganda Department is a national young talent.
How to appreciate modern drama - starting with the new Peking Opera "Li Dazhao"

Ministry of Education/Planning for the Popularization of Arts at the National Centre for the Performing Arts

Wang Rongrong, Zhang Jianfeng/Narration


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