
"Ji Bee" 7 - Do you think the divorce of the male protagonist is good or bad for the female protagonist Wasp?

author:Rambling people

"Come on, let's talk about specific strategies." After the briefing, Yang Yin found a café to gather everyone together again. "First of all, the first option problem, the scenario version and the executive version, let's talk about it, well... Let's start with you, and everyone will take turns expressing their opinions. He faced quietly.

  "Well, actually, I didn't hear this very clearly, and the three of us went to chat." Jing Jing pointed to the three girls, including herself, and then glanced at the original translator. "My intuitive feeling is that since we have come to play, we naturally have to choose the best experience after paying money, and I think the situational version will be more interesting in the literal sense."

  "Finished?" After 2 or 3 breaths, Yang Yin asked when he saw that Jingjing did not speak again.

  "Ah, it's over." Jing Jing nodded, and then looked at Jiang Nan beside her, and everyone followed her gaze.

  "Is it time for me?" Seeing that everyone was looking at themselves, Jiang Nan seemed a little cramped, her voice was very light, and she was a little timid. "I didn't hear much about it either, but I don't think the executive version would be a little simpler, well... That's it. ”

  "Well, that... It's time for Xiao Yang. Yang Yin made a "please" gesture to Xiao Yang.

  "I don't care, just follow everyone's decision." Xiao Yang spread her hands, and it was obvious that she did not like to work these things.

  "I think there shouldn't be a big difference between the scenario version and the executive version, because everyone pays the same money, didn't the narrator say?" That is, the game background is different, so my analysis of the executive version may be similar to the background of the police directly receiving the task, and the scenario version is nothing more complicated than the previous continuation, from this point of view, I prefer the scenario version, because the variables are larger. After Xiao Yang finished speaking, Zhang Xu took the initiative to take over the topic, and in the process of his analysis, the original translator noticed that several people were silently nodding. You can talk about it too, right? He touched his wife who was sitting next to him with his arm, and Zhang Xu had always called her A Xing in the original translation's impression.

  "The words have been said to you, what else can I say?" Let's see what Wang Yue's daughter-in-law said. Ah Xing directly threw the topic to Chen Li, who was in line.

  "Erm... I think Zhang Xu's analysis is very good. Chen Li still whispered slowly, "Anyway, everyone knows, and the words of the situational version are even more anticipatory." She looked at Wang Yue like a child with inquiring eyes, eager for a positive answer.

  "Well, I'll just add a little bit." Wang Yue leaned forward, propped his two elbows on his legs, and crossed his hands with ten fingers. "The narrator mentioned that the computer-matched team can only choose the executive version, so we can infer that the background of the scenario version is based on the relationship between the people participating in the game, if they don't know each other, there may be too many resistance factors to the completion of some previous tasks, so I think it is natural to choose the scenario version."

It was Wang Yue's turn to be Wang Yue's brother-in-law, and the original translator did not know his name. "Whatever you want, you pay for it." As he spoke, his whole body was shaking with his toes, looking untamed.

"Then let's fix the scenario version." The original translator noticed Wang Yue's tight frown, just now his brother-in-law's sentence was obviously a little directed at his meaning, plus Wang Yue himself did not have a good impression of him, so the potential contradictions were self-evident, in order to ease the atmosphere he quickly shifted his attention. "I just listened around, except for casual, it seems to basically agree with the scenario version, then don't have to dwell too much on this issue, you say?" Wang Yue? ”

  Wang Yue made a face and nodded.

"Well, time is limited, let's hurry to the next topic..." Yang Yin also cooperated tacitly.

"Ji Bee" 7 - Do you think the divorce of the male protagonist is good or bad for the female protagonist Wasp?

  It was close to 1 o'clock when he got home at noon, and the original translator did not care about lunch and began to pack up the various ingredients bought from the market, he wanted to prepare the dishes she liked to eat before the little bee returned, and every time at this time, his heart was always full of happiness. Some people say that being loved by others is a happy thing, but for the original translation, being able to love someone or someone who is willing to accept their love is real happiness.

  Before the bee, he did the same for his wife, but the differences in personality, cognition, and values seemed doomed to eventual separation. The original translation is a family-oriented man in his bones, no matter how hard he works outside, after all, it is based on the premise and core of the family. His wife, on the other hand, is an authentic strong woman who dreams of building her own business empire and can abandon everything for that dream. In contrast, the original translation is completely incomparable. In this regard, at the beginning, he was also full of dissatisfaction and tried to prove himself from many aspects of efforts. But then after a series of failures and the resulting family conflicts, he slowly gave up. One of the two people always has to sacrifice for the family, and since the other person has no intention of doing this, he is the only one who comes, so why do you have to take the egg to touch the stone? Moreover, it is not easy for two people to be together, and it is not always possible to divide it for this reason, which can be described as extreme blasphemy for feelings. He thought so, of course, he did so, and for a period of time he also received considerable results, and the whole family began to tend to be stable and peaceful, which made the original translator full of joy and full of hope for the old man with the white head. Until another key disagreement arises, and that is children. You know, to have a lovely daughter and nourish her with all his love is the biggest dream in the heart of the original translator, which is like the wife's pursuit of career, which can make the original translator dedicate and give up everything, but his wife refuses to have children. The answer she gave is always that the career is still unstable, to seize the key time of these years, once the child is born, at least 2 or 3 years have no time to take care of the work, etc., in this regard, the original translator initially held an attitude of understanding, felt that since it is the dream of the lover, it should always be supported, but with the passage of time, he found that his wife seems to intentionally avoid the topic of children, which makes his heart have a great reversal, like dominoes that form a chain reaction. What is implicated in the collapse of understanding is that the other person has never considered her feelings, is too selfish, has no concept of family, and she does not love herself or even hates her. Speaking of hate, at first the original translator was shocked when he realized that this emotion existed, felt that he was exaggerating too much, and tried to eliminate this terrible negative emotion, but the more deliberately he tried to eliminate it, the clearer this emotion became in his heart, which made him feel afraid, like a soul that had been sleeping for a long time was slowly being awakened, for this reason, he urgently needed an important event to divert his attention and make the foolish soul sleep again. It was then that he met the bee, so rather than saying that the appearance of the bee was the trigger for the breakdown of his marriage with his wife, she was only the decisive force in tearing down the dominoes.

"Ji Bee" 7 - Do you think the divorce of the male protagonist is good or bad for the female protagonist Wasp?

In the blink of an eye, 7 years have passed, and I don't know how the other party is doing now. The original translator would think so from time to time, after all, she had been the woman she loved deeply, even if there was a bee, the feeling was always different. Since the separation of the two people, his career has made great progress, freed from the emotional entanglement, he has changed back to the rational, focused self he used to be, it can be said that he was not the same person at all before and after marriage. Maybe that's what really appealed to the other person in the first place, he turned off the gas, put the dish on the plate, and put the pot in the sink to wash it. Thinking about this now makes people sigh a little, some people are destined to become each other's scenery, and the reality is sometimes cruel and a little too much.

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