
Beautiful Eyes - The Story of four blind brothers and zhao Can, a foreign girl in Yanshan County

author:Watchman of Chinese Studies
Beautiful Eyes - The Story of four blind brothers and zhao Can, a foreign girl in Yanshan County

93 "Cangzhou Proud Son" series of manuscripts selected to be listed in the ninety-third

Beautiful Eyes - The Story of four blind brothers and zhao Can, a foreign girl in Yanshan County

Beautiful eyes

——The story of four blind brothers and foreign girl Zhao Can in Yanshan County

Hao Binsheng Li Zhenfang

In Chen Million Village, Shengfo Town, in the southerly direction of Yanshan County, there is a family of special people, the door is locked, and people are still pulling corn stalks in the field. They are the four brothers of local blind people surnamed Chen surnamed YanQi, Yan Qi, Yan Dong, and Yan Hui, and a foreign girl, Zhao Can. Someone else can do the farm work in a day or not enough for one day, and it takes three or four days to toss it in this special family. Because these four men, although they also have four pairs of hands, but their eyes are blind, they look through the eyes of the girl, like a lantern or a flashlight, not so much labor, but rather searching, groping...

Beautiful Eyes - The Story of four blind brothers and zhao Can, a foreign girl in Yanshan County

Not for the eyeballs, just want to do their best

The eye is a window into the world. It was April 16, 2009, and it was raining heavily. The four blind brothers came to the field to plant corn and soybeans. At 5 o'clock in the afternoon, a girl came by the side of the road. Q: Uncle, what are you doing? A: Grow soybeans. Although Zhao Can was not from the land, he always felt that these people were different from other people's cultivation methods. The front pit is like planing a well, and the back order is like holding a golden bean. The instructions of the front and the back: don't sprinkle more, more will be wasted; to cover the seeds tightly, and if they leak out, they will become bird food; the latter complains about the front, and the spacing between the lines is uneven and vertical, just like a snake eating a toad.

These were the four blind brothers, the very people this girl was looking for.

The girl's name is Zhao Can, and she came from Shenze County, Shijiazhuang City, the capital of Hebei Province, by long-distance bus and tractor. She was 24 years old at the time, a "post-80s", and she came to verify a legend, and she came to torture the world. In her short life, she had seen with her own eyes the quarrels and fights between brothers and concubines to support the elderly, the case of the commissary mixing vinegar with water and smoking steamed buns with sulfur, the white-haired old man deliberately falling in front of the motorcycle to extort money, and repairing the tires and throwing iron tribulus on the asphalt road. What's wrong with the world? Horn wind? Insane? In the moral chaos she heard and witnessed, there was a fresh and beautiful picture that came into her eyes and soaked her heart and lungs - CCTV's "Life 567" column performed the story of the four blind brothers in Yanshan who constantly improved themselves and respected the old woman. She wanted to see if it was true or not, and she only believed her own eyes.

After Zhao Can followed these four blind people to the Chen family, he was first grabbed by the old lady on the kang, and this grasp could not be separated. In the following days, I don't know whether Zhao Can helped the four brothers take care of the old woman, or whether the four brothers and the old woman cared for Zhao Can like a baby? On this day, Zhao Can took the opportunity to comb the old man's hair and tentatively said, "Grandma, I should leave, I have been living in your house for eight or nine days." Grandma did not reply, and the amount of food at noon was significantly reduced, and in the evening, she simply did not open her mouth. The blind boss held the dry food of the oil steamed bread for Zhao Can to eat, and the old woman's mouth could not be opened. Zhao Can coaxed his grandmother and said, as long as you eat, I will stay one more day. The words were immediate, and Grandma swallowed most of the steamed bun in two mouthfuls of three mouths, and purred and drank two small bowls of rice soup. In this way, Zhao Can lived for three more months. But there was no unbroken feast in the world, and Zhao Can would have to leave after all. After Zhao Can returned to his hometown in Shenze, he couldn't eat sweet during the day, and he couldn't sleep soundly at night, and his mind was full of the shadow of Grandma Yanshan and the shadow of the four blind brothers. She asked herself: How can you leave Grandma alone? How difficult is it for four blind men to wait for an old lady? She stayed at home for a week and hurriedly set out on the road to Salt Mountain. The road of Yanshan is the road for Zhao Can to go to school and the road of cultivation, and she must make up for all the courses that she dropped out of primary school, complete the verification of the value of life, and complete the thinking of society and the world.

The eldest of the four blind brothers was 57 years old, and the youngest was 49 years old. Their vision is diseased during adolescence, they know that the sky is blue and the grass is green, they have basic labor skills, and they have tenacious survival ability. Sowing, harvesting, watering the ground, transporting fertilizer, without asking for anyone, even repairing and building a house can do it on their own, and with this self-reliance and becoming legendary is the filial piety of the four brothers to their mothers. They interpreted the great goodness and beauty of human nature with touching grass folk stories, and won the honors of "Yanshan Respect for the Elderly Model", "The Sixth Cangzhou Good People", "2006 Moving Hebei Top Ten People" and so on.

But in the end, the disabled are different from the able-bodied people, because they have touched the wrong corn seedlings and applied fertilizer to the weeds; because they treat salt as sugar, a pot of rice is too salty to eat; even the calves bully them, and they jump to their homes when they are cold, stealing feed, and bullying people too much to dare to jump on the kang. The fourth has a musical talent, can imitate and sing by himself. After blowing the calves on the kang out of the house, he sang: Smoke in the stove broom fan, water in the pot without salt / Broken door broken window broken water tank, four single sticks guarding an old woman / bald hoe blunt pickaxe old pickaxe head, winter planing tree roots spring beans ... When Zhao Can did not come, the days were like this, led by the old woman to plant summer and winter; Zhao Can came, helped his grandmother, and took a lot of agricultural affairs on his shoulders.

The village horn sounded, the neighbor's chickens chirped, and a new day began. Zhao Can summoned, "Uncles get up." As soon as the blind brother heard Zhao Can's call, his eyes clanged and lit up, the whole courtyard lit up, and the whole world was brilliant. The eldest cuts vegetables, the second boils water, the third feeds the cattle, and the fourth sweeps the yard. Zhao Can asked, "What are we doing today?" The boss said, "Today I will go to the big head to collect cotton firewood and plan the roots of the trees." Zhao Can asked, "Today is cloudy, snowflakes, what can you do?" The boss said, "In the morning, we will cut the cow grass, and in the afternoon we will peel the corn." The days stretched out like this, longer than the awl in his hand, longer than the reins of a leashed ox, longer than Zhao Can's road from Shenze to Yanshan.

Beautiful Eyes - The Story of four blind brothers and zhao Can, a foreign girl in Yanshan County

A hundred words are light, and the pieces are good and golden

"The eye is the index of the heart". A lot of times we look at a person starting with the eyes. After the 2011 CCTV Hand in Hand National Public Welfare New Year Gala, the special program team arranged for the blind brothers to take photos in Tiananmen Square. Along the way, Zhao Can led them across the overpass and through the underground passage, tired and sweaty. When taking the photo, someone proposed that Zhao Can stand in the middle, saying that it was a family portrait. But Zhao Can excused her resignation, at this time, she had not yet made up her mind to stay, and she did not know how many years she could stay in Chen Million Village.

In fact, Zhao Can was very spoiled and willful in his hometown of Shenze, and there were many times when he talked back to his parents. But after coming to Yanshan, her life was like soaking salt, becoming docile, considerate and sensible. She combed Grandma's hair shinily; folded Grandma's bedding neatly; wrapped Grandma's pills clearly. When it was cold, Zhao Can simply slept in a quilt with her grandmother, and she felt the same warmth and kindness as the grandmother in Yanshan and the grandmother in Fukazawa's hometown. She scratched her grandmother's back and scratched her itch, and her grandmother told her about the Five Dynasties, about the Three Kingdoms, and about Qiantongdong crossing into the sea to seek immortality. Grandma is the happiest person in Chen Million Village. Once I wanted to eat fish and meat shreds, the youngest blind child went to buy, got lost on the way back, and walked into a cemetery; once my grandmother was sick, and the second elder went to the village doctor's house to get medicine, because he was in a hurry, the road that was originally very familiar was also strange, and he fell into the big septic tank on the side of the road. Grandma cried as she told the happiness story: "Oh my God, you are not fair, you can't call my four children blind, you cut off one of my legs, you cut off one of my arms, you give my child an eye." "Grandma is her off-site teacher and professor. Grandma said that no man does not count households, no women do not count families; Grandma said that chicken butts are the bank of our families; Grandma said that our family's 7 acres of land will not be exchanged for gold, the keepers of the fields are not hungry, and those who accumulate virtue do not pour. Later, Zhao Can woke up, and it turned out that her grandmother was teaching her heirloom. Grandma's story was told about last year's wheat harvest season, and it didn't move.

On May 19 of this year, the grandmother died at the age of 87 and was the birthday star of Chen Million Village. When Grandma was dying, she held Zhao Can's hand and said, "Lady, I can't control your uncles now, and you will lead them to live in the future." In order to let Grandma leave without any worries, Zhao Can nodded his head and promised. In the last days of the old man's life, she enjoyed the comfort and happiness given to her by the foreign girl. Now, Grandma is gone, and Zhao Can is also relieved. The blind brothers sent Zhao Can to the Yanshan bus station, and they urged the girl to hurry back to her hometown. They knew that she had lived in the Chen family for three years, and she was already the age to talk about marriage. Moreover, the bride also has parents, sisters, and grandmothers. The deep end is also the concern of the blind.

In the few days when Zhao Can returned to Shenze, he always dreamed of Uncle Yanshan falling into a ditch and breaking his leg, and he woke up in a cold sweat. During the day, looking for someone to interpret the dream, people said that this was an auspicious omen, and Zhao Can dared to call Yanshan. But after the phone was connected, she could clearly hear the crying on the other end. Zhao Can thought confusedly, is this fate? Was it built by the four brothers? Or who does she owe in her life? I had planned to take my grandmother home when she was old, but now I found that it was difficult to leave the blind brothers, like geese leaving the group, like cantaloupe ripping off the seedlings. In April this year, Zhao Can simply moved his hukou to Yanshan. Not only do we have to give the blind four brothers an eye, lead them to live, but also send them to the end of their pension, but also change their mouths, worship the second brother as a dry father, call the uncle who is older than the dry father, and call the uncle who is younger.

Her actions have left many people confused. Some people say that they should check her identity card to see if the road is clean; some people say that they are not looking at the social donations of the four brothers. To this end, Wu Guojun, secretary of the Yanshan County Party Committee, was furious at a spiritual civilization dispatch meeting, and he denounced those strange theories, quoting Prodin's famous saying: "If the eye has not become like the sun, it cannot see the sun." The same is true of the mind, if it is not beautiful in itself, it cannot see beauty. He said, don't be afraid of people leaving, there is still a deadline for being a soldier and a volunteer, even if you leave tomorrow, you are still a good person and a good deed. Wu Guojun said: We in Yanshan, which surround Beijing and Tianjin, are adjacent to the Bohai Sea, and we must have a broad mind, and we must not engage in first-level combat readiness for a girl, nor can we live in the belly of a gentleman with the heart of a villain. Speaking of emotional places, he said that if anyone is not convinced, he will send his daughter to the blind house to see if he can stay for two days.

The audience was silent, and a few people were red-faced. Yes, we usually always complain about the moral decline, the lack of integrity, the decline of the world, but when new things sprout, when the good atmosphere blows, why do not know to cherish, do not know to see the wisdom of the qi? Why do you want Ye Gonghaolong to ask for complete blame?

Beautiful Eyes - The Story of four blind brothers and zhao Can, a foreign girl in Yanshan County

Great good comes, and a new wind blows in the face

Small, short and fat, Zhao Can said to the mirror: "Daddy, I'm ugly again." "Daddy Gan said, ugly is not ugly we can't see, anyway, you are the most beautiful in our hearts, is our family's heavenly immortals." The reason why Zhao Can can be integrated into this blind family is not only because of personal factors, but also because of the love and tolerance of rural cadres, neighbors and all sectors of society.

Zhao Can parked a cart of corn stalks in front of the villager Chen Shuyi's door and said, "Grandpa, there are guests at home, I put the car here first, it will hinder you, and I will move the car again after sending the guests away." Chen Shuyi, 79, who has been the production captain for 33 years, has never seen such a sensible child, and said busily: "Don't get in the way, don't get in the way, you don't get in the way for three days, I will watch the car and the straw for you." "Neighbor Wang Guanghui is a middle-aged woman with the personality of Li Shuangshuang. When he heard the dog barking next door, he ran out to see and worry about the blind family. On the first day of the first month of the previous year, the firewood stack of the four brothers' homes caught fire, and it was this "Li Shuangshuang" who organized adults and children to put out the fire in time. In order to fight the fire, his voice was hoarse, and he was kicked by high heels. "C C t v three rural characters face to face" into Huzhou, Zhejiang, the blind four brothers were invited to participate. At that time, it was the busy season of farming, and it was very difficult to find an escort, and the village chief Chen Yanchao said, I will go. Zhu Linlu, deputy director of the Propaganda Department of the county party committee, said that he would also count me. Four blind people knew exactly where the toilet was and where the washbasin was. You can come to a strange place, especially staying in a hotel, defecating, bathing, and even spitting need help. Zhu Linlu said that those few days really exhausted me, and I was as attentive as serving my relatives.

The story of the four blind brothers and Zhao Can, through the media through the wind, spread to where it was moved. Beijing Yongye Group gave two cows a monthly salary of 1,200 yuan to Zhao Can; a boss in Sichuan gave 400 yuan a month to the four blind brothers for living expenses; the China Foundation gave 50,000 yuan; and the blind singer Yang Guang gave 30,000 yuan. In addition to making full use of various preferential care policies for the disabled, the county also organized county departments and townships to donate more than 20,000 yuan. Yanzhao Du sent a computer, Hebei People's Radio sent a radio, an uncle from the Department of Electricity in Cangzhou sent a rice cooker, and an aunt in Shijiazhuang City sent a new bib for the New Year.

There is sweetness in bitterness, sorrow in happiness, and life goes on like this. When asked what the blind brothers had in mind and prayers, the four brothers said that they hoped that Zhao Can could find a good partner, and the Chen family was looking forward to a door-to-door son-in-law, and even more thinking about someone to follow. Zhao Can, Zhao Can, a wise girl, an empathetic girl, you are leading the four blind brothers together to perfection, doing your best to expand and increase their happiness index at the same time, but also with a small force to show people, starting from me, starting from the good, each doing their best to increase and expand the flow of people and fashion in this direction...

On November 3, 2015, 29-year-old Zhao Can and his lover Zhang Hua held a wedding ceremony in their hometown. After marriage, they both returned to the Chen family in Yanshan and continued to lead the four blind brothers to struggle endlessly on the road of life...

On the morning of April 22, 2019, the editor dialed Zhao Can's phone: "I have been in Yanshan Chen's family for ten years, and the two families are harmonious and friendly, and life is happy. The local government gave the four elderly people 4,200 yuan each a year. Zhang Hua works in other places, I take care of four elderly people at home with children, farm when the farmer is busy, life is not rich but there are no big problems. Zhao Can introduced: "This year's dry father (boss) is 66 years old, the second uncle is 63 years old, the third uncle is 59 years old, and the old uncle is 56 years old. My daughter is also almost one year old, and the birth of the child has brought endless joy to the family, haha..." Zhao Can smiled happily.

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