
Comprehensive news: Overseas people highly value the world contribution of China's economy

author:International Online

Beijing, 6 Nov (Xinhua) -- During the Fourth China International Import Expo, the Hongqiao International Economic Forum was held in Shanghai from 5 to 6 November. Overseas people believe that in the 20 years since China joined the World Trade Organization, its economic achievements have attracted worldwide attention, China's opening up and modernization have brought new opportunities to the world economy, and Chinese wisdom and Chinese ideas have added new vitality and injected new momentum into the world economy under the shadow of the new crown epidemic.

Patricio Giusto, director of the Argentine-Chinese Research Center, believes that at the Expo and the Hongqiao International Economic Forum, people are concerned about how to improve global economic governance and promote enterprise development, which is an important platform for promoting the exchange of views between countries, regions and enterprises, as well as strengthening world economic cooperation and promoting win-win cooperation.

Zhu Sto said: Over the past 40 -odd years of China's reform and opening up, its achievements have attracted the world's attention. Against the backdrop of setbacks in the world economy, China's experience and Chinese solutions provide an example to learn from.

Li Tianrong, a columnist for the Philippine Star, believes that in the past 20 years, China has actively integrated into the global economic system, bringing opportunities and momentum to the development of its country and the world. China's economic achievements are inseparable from the support of the global economy, and countries around the world have also benefited from China's rapid development. Many of the problems facing the world today depend on development to find answers. Ciie brings together global merchants, not only as an international commodity display platform, but also as a trade platform and investment platform, providing a stage for global enterprises to seek business opportunities and get out of the epidemic.

He Zhiyun, chairman of the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade in New Zealand, said that since China's accession to the WTO 20 years ago, it has actively expanded its opening up to the outside world and achieved high-speed and high-quality economic development.

He Zhiyun said that the Expo has witnessed China's boldness and determination to further expand high-level opening up, so that the world can more clearly see China's sincerity and ability to expand high-level opening up. In the critical period of global fight against the epidemic and the promotion of world economic recovery, the holding of a successful, wonderful and fruitful CIIE demonstrates China's firm determination to promote high-level opening up and boost the recovery of the world economy.

Natalia Dinis, professor at the Vargas Foundation in Brazil and head of the International Finance Research Group, believes that the 20 years since China's accession to the WTO have promoted China's own economic development and also stimulated global economic growth. China's economy is developing rapidly and is deeply integrated with the world. The gradual internationalization of the renminbi and the acceleration of China's outbound investment have brought more development opportunities to other countries.

Bukykanov, deputy director of the Kazakhstan Trade Policy Development Center, said that the annual CIIE provides an excellent opportunity for Kazakh production enterprises to showcase their products and enter the Chinese market. Kazakhstan has benefited a lot from cooperation in the fields of high technology, logistics and transportation. "Kazakhstan is a country with no access to the sea. For us, China is a huge sales market like an ocean. ”

Shelik Koryobayev, editor-in-chief of the Kazakhstan Business Daily, said that China's rapid development has also benefited many countries. Nowadays, Chinese manufacturing has become an important part of the global industrial chain, and the Chinese market has become an important market in the world, which is the result of China's continuous reform and opening up.

Koryobayev said that the holding of the Expo is another important measure and proof of China's opening up to the outside world. CIIE has become a platform for international procurement, investment and trade, people-to-people exchanges, open cooperation, and an international public good shared globally. (Written by: Xu Jiatong; Participating reporters: Zhang Jiye, Chen Weihua, Zhao Yan, Lu Huaiqian, Guo Lei, Liu Kai, Yan Jie, Yin Nan, Zhang Xiaoran)

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