
80-year-old Zhang Haixiangyin did not change his mind about Henan and went home to publish a book and hold a solo exhibition

author:Great River Network

Dahe Network News (reporter Mo Shaohua) The mountain is eight thousand and eight, and several people climb at the top; the soil is one centimeter, and the old man has become an old man. On the morning of August 23, the new book launch of "Centimeter Daqian - Zhang Hai Series of Books" was held in Zhengzhou, Henan. At the same time, a series of activities such as "Heavenly Reward for Diligence and Hard Work Do Not Cheat -- Zhang Hai's Eighty First Calligraphy Exhibition" and "One-Centimeter Marathon -- The Realization of Zhang Haixing's Cursive Creativity" will also be carried out as scheduled from today.

80-year-old Zhang Haixiangyin did not change his mind about Henan and went home to publish a book and hold a solo exhibition

The press conference was hosted by Henan Provincial Federation of Literary and Art Circles, Zhongyuan Publishing and Media Group, and hosted by Henan Fine Arts Publishing House.

It is understood that the "Centimeter Daqian - Zhang Hai Series of Books" was officially published and issued by the Henan Fine Arts Publishing House a few days ago. The series consists of 12 volumes and is divided into three parts: the first part, "Centimeter Daqian - Selected Calligraphy of Zhang Hai", 4 volumes, which includes Mr. Zhang Hai's representative masterpieces over the years, showing Mr. Zhang Hai's calligraphy style in different periods and the footprints of his arduous exploration over the past few decades; the second part, "Centimeter Daqian - Zhang Haiwen Cong", is a 4-volume theoretical article of Zhang Hai over the years and a discussion on the ontology, technique and inheritance and innovation of calligraphy art; the third part, "Centimeter Daqian - Zhang Hai's Commentary Collection" 4 volumes, It is the follow-up research of Mr. Zhang Hai by the critics over the years, which comprehensively excavates the artistic value and historical positioning of Zhang Hai's calligraphy to explore innovation.

80-year-old Zhang Haixiangyin did not change his mind about Henan and went home to publish a book and hold a solo exhibition

The title of the book is derived from Zhang Hai's "one centimeter theory": surpassing the predecessors by one centimeter is the marathon of the life of a calligrapher

In 1993, Zhang Hai proposed the "one-centimeter theory", that is, "standing on the shoulders of giants and rising one centimeter higher, this is not easy to talk about." The creation of calligraphy surpasses the predecessors by one centimeter, and it is a marathon of the life of a calligrapher." As a self-encouragement poem, Zhang Hai devoted his life to creating this "one centimeter", and the 80-year-old is still energetically sprinting towards "one centimeter". Therefore, this is also the source of the title of the book.

Zhang Hai, a native of Yanshi County, Henan, is a well-known contemporary calligrapher, who served as the chairman of the Fifth and Sixth Chinese Calligraphers Association, the chairman of the Henan Provincial Federation of Literature and Literature, the chairman of the Provincial Book Association, the honorary chairman of the Chinese Calligraphers Association, the deputy director of the Calligraphy and Painting Office of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, the dean of the School of Calligraphy of Zhengzhou University, and the doctoral supervisor.

As the Taishan Beidou in Henan's cultural and artistic circles, Zhang Hai is the first and only Henan person to serve as the chairman of the "National Brand" Artists Association. In the contemporary book world, Zhang Hai has been committed to disseminating and promoting the art of calligraphy in Henan, striving to expand the influence of Henan calligraphy in the country, and sparing no effort in organizing public welfare activities and inheriting china's excellent traditional culture.

80-year-old Zhang Haixiangyin did not change his mind about Henan and went home to publish a book and hold a solo exhibition

Heaven Rewards Diligence, Hard Cultivation Does Not Deceive Zhang Hai's calligraphy art is closely related to the Yellow River culture

Wang Qing, president of Zhongyuan Publishing and Media Group, said in his speech that "Centimeter Daqian - Zhang Hai Series of Literature" is another major high-quality project of Henan Fine Arts Publishing House. The successful publication of this set of books will certainly have a profound impact on the calligraphy circle, academia and literary and art criticism circles, and is of great significance to building the cultural brand of Zhongyuan and enhancing the brand image of Zhongyuan Publishing and Media Group.

He believes that the series of activities of "Heavenly Reward for Diligence and Hard Work--Zhang Hai's Eighty First New Works Exhibition" is not only a lofty tribute to an old artist with both virtue and art on the literary and art front, but also a spiritual feast full of true feelings and deep affection dedicated to the fathers and elders of his hometown.

80-year-old Zhang Haixiangyin did not change his mind about Henan and went home to publish a book and hold a solo exhibition

In his speech, Wang Shouguo, secretary of the party group and vice chairman of the Henan Provincial Federation of Literary and Art Circles, reviewed and summarized the development process of Zhang Hai's artistic career, and particularly emphasized that the vitality of Mr. Zhang Hai's artistic innovation and exploration in his old age is admired and breathtaking, especially in the aspect of cursive writing, which has both a huge work and a subtle codex, representing the overall style of Mr. Zhang Hai's artistic exploration.

He said: "'Heaven rewards diligence, hard work is not deceived' originated from General Secretary Xi Jinping's speech during the Spring Festival this year, which fully expresses Mr. Zhang Hai's artistic pursuit of unremitting self-improvement and unremitting struggle on the road of artistic innovation. ”

He expounded the relationship between Zhang Hai's calligraphy art and the Yellow River culture from three dimensions: First, the spiritual essence of Mr. Zhang Hai's unremitting pursuit and eternal preservation of life creativity on the road of artistic innovation is the most in-depth embodiment, best practice and display of the national character of the Endless Yellow River culture. Second, Mr. Zhang Hai is the best interpretation and dedication to the Yellow River culture through the art of calligraphy and the development of the source of Chinese character culture and art in the new era. Third, Mr. Zhang Hai's ancestral home is Yanshi, Henan, which is located along the Yellow River, and he is not only an excellent witness to the Yellow River culture, but also an outstanding representative of millions of outstanding sons and daughters of the Yellow River.

80-year-old Zhang Haixiangyin did not change his mind about Henan and went home to publish a book and hold a solo exhibition

80-year-old Zhang Haixiang does not change his voice He believes that excellent calligraphers should have understanding and discernment

Li Wenping, editor-in-chief of Zhongyuan Dadi Media Co., Ltd., former president of Henan Fine Arts Publishing House, and editor-in-chief of Centimeter Daqian, gained a deeper understanding of Zhang Hai through the editing work of this book. She said, "Sir is 80 years old this year, still maintains a strong energy for innovation, and tirelessly treks on the road of artistic exploration. These twelve books focus on Mr. Zhang Hai's decades of calligraphy pursuit and high artistic achievements, and also show his solemn, honest, diligent, kind and wise character and responsible, responsible, rigorous and pragmatic, innovative and change-oriented attitude from many aspects."

80-year-old Zhang Haixiangyin did not change his mind about Henan and went home to publish a book and hold a solo exhibition

She elaborated on the editorial beginning and end, publication value and social impact of "Centimeter Daqian" from three aspects: why Henan Fine Arts Publishing House planned to publish such a set of books, what kind of book it is, why it was called "Centimeter Daqian", and what its meaning or meaning was.

At the press conference, Zhang Hai's rural voice did not change when he gave his thanks, and the strong taste of Henan was strong. Zhang Hai recalled the original ideal of "publishing a book, holding an exhibition, and going to a country", he said: So far, many exhibitions have been held, many countries have been published, and more than twenty works have been published.

As an excellent calligrapher, Zhang Hai believes that the study of calligraphy must have at least two points: one is understanding, and the other is discernment. No matter what others say, their own works are not the same level as that year, and this basic judgment should be firm and clear.

80-year-old Zhang Haixiangyin did not change his mind about Henan and went home to publish a book and hold a solo exhibition

Leading the Trend of Contemporary Books This exhibition is An exploratory summary of Zhang Hai in recent years

Subsequently, a reporter from the Dahe Network went to the Henan Art Museum to "taste the early days" and visited today's "Heavenly Reward for Diligence and Hard Work -- Zhang Hai's Eighty First New Works Exhibition" today, and got a glimpse of Zhang Hai's new works in recent years.

The exhibition is jointly organized by the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles, the Calligraphy and Painting Office of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, the Chinese Calligraphers Association, the Propaganda Department of the Henan Provincial Party Committee, the Henan Provincial Federation of Literature and Literature, and Zhengzhou University, and the exhibition is divided into a preview exhibition from August 23 to 29 and a public exhibition from August 30 to September 7.

80-year-old Zhang Haixiangyin did not change his mind about Henan and went home to publish a book and hold a solo exhibition

It is understood that all the works in this exhibition are newly created works created by Zhang Hai after the solo exhibition of "Dream Chasing Journey" in 2016, a total of more than 80 pieces. His works cover cursive writing, calligraphy, calligraphy, seal writing, etc. This exhibition is also a summary of Zhang Hai's staged exploration, which is more obviously different from the previous exhibition works, especially the creation of cursive writing, which has evolved five different styles: small character cursive, broken cursive, wire cursive, cursive, and normalized cursive, which is refreshing.

From the overall works, the style of writing is diverse and changeable; the calligraphy is widely acquired and eclectic; the calligraphy is flexible and lively, and the ingenuity jumps on the paper; the seal writing is dripping with ink and natural intention. The works in the exhibition range from huge works to exquisite codexes. Due to the limitations of the venue, the works on display are only part of many new works, but they basically reflect the general style and artistic pursuit of Mr. Zhang Hai's creation in recent years.

80-year-old Zhang Haixiangyin did not change his mind about Henan and went home to publish a book and hold a solo exhibition

After admiring Zhang Hai's calligraphy, the guests at the scene praised it one after another, believing that his calligraphy was all five bodies of work, and it was not mudded by ancient law. His cursive and cursive writing, which is simple and simple, simple and rich in shape, and his style is messy, which is unique in the contemporary book world.

80-year-old Zhang Haixiangyin did not change his mind about Henan and went home to publish a book and hold a solo exhibition

This year is the beginning of Mr. Zhang Hai's eightieth year, and coincides with the 40th anniversary of the establishment of the Henan Calligraphers Association, in the past 40 years, Henan has gradually entered the ranks of the national calligraphy province and strong province from a calligraphy marginal province, and in the whole process, Mr. Zhang Hai is not only a witness, but also a participant, but also a leader and forerunner.

As a business card of Henan Cultural Highland, Zhang Hai has always led the trend of contemporary calligraphy, he not only has high artistic attainments, but also profound and innovative artistic thinking, and his calligraphy education ideas, calligraphy concepts, and calligraphy creations are undoubtedly of great positive significance to the healthy development of contemporary calligraphy.

80-year-old Zhang Haixiangyin did not change his mind about Henan and went home to publish a book and hold a solo exhibition
80-year-old Zhang Haixiangyin did not change his mind about Henan and went home to publish a book and hold a solo exhibition

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