
The founding female colonel had ordered the surrender of the weapons of Zhang Guotao's guards, her husband was a marshal, and her son was a lieutenant general

author:Liu Jixing

When the founding of the People's Republic of China was awarded the rank, the only female general of our army was Li Zhen, who was awarded the rank of major general. Li Zhen's husband is Gan Siqi, a founding general who has been engaged in political work for a long time.

At that time, the rank second only to major general was colonel. So, who are the female colonels?

For a long time, many sources said that Lin Yueqin, the wife of Marshal Luo Ronghuan, was the only founding female colonel.

This statement is inaccurate, the founding women's university (including the supplementary) actually has 4 people, in addition to Lin Yueqin, there are Mao Cheng from my party intelligence protection system, Xiao Yuehua, who was the wife of Li De, a representative of the Communist International, and Wang Changde, the wife of the founding general Tan Zheng.

The lives of these 4 founding female colonels are legendary, and this article will talk about Lin Yueqin.

The founding female colonel had ordered the surrender of the weapons of Zhang Guotao's guards, her husband was a marshal, and her son was a lieutenant general

Lin Yueqin was born in 1914 in Jinzhai County, Anhui Province. Jinzhai County is very remarkable, from 1955 to 1964, there were 59 founding generals from Jinzhai, including 1 general (Hong Xuezhi), 8 lieutenant generals (Pi Dingjun, Zhang Xianyue, Li Yao, Chen Xianrui, Lin Weixian, Xu Liqing, Zeng Shaoshan, Teng Haiqing), and 50 major generals.

Among all the founding generals, Jinzhai accounted for 4%, which was the second largest general county in the country. Second only to Hong'an County in Hubei.

Lin Yueqin embarked on the revolutionary road, which is related to her family. Her father, Lin Weiyin, was ostensibly the manager of a grocery store, but in fact he was a traffic officer in our party and a veteran member of the party since 1927.

At the age of 15, Lin Yueqin served as the director of the Children's Bureau of the Special Committee of the Eyu-Anhui Border Region and also participated in the women's movement workshop.

In January 1930, at the age of 16, Lin Yueqin joined the Red Fourth Front and served as a propagandist in the propaganda team of the Political Department.

In December 1931, Lin Yueqin was appointed director of the women's factory of the Logistics Supply Department of the Red Fourth Front, when she was only 17 years old.

Now that I think about it, people at that time were really not simple, and they became factory directors at the age of 17. Organizing production is not an easy task.

At this time, Lin Yueqin's boss was Wu Xianen, who was then the director of the Quartermaster Department of the General Manager Department of the Logistics Supply Department and the director of the General Military Station Department. Lin Yueqin, who was born beautiful and particularly capable, deeply attracted Wu Xian'en, and the two got on good terms and got married.

During the Long March of the Red 4th Front, Lin Yueqin was among them, and she was the commander of the women's engineering battalion at that time. During the Long March, once, Zhang Guotao's guards violated discipline and actually broke into the camp of the women's barracks at night. The warlord habits of the Red Fourth Front are very heavy, which even Zhang Guotao admitted when he wrote his memoirs in his later years.

Lin Yueqin was very angry about this, and she gave orders to the female soldiers to surrender the uninvited guests who had invaded the women's camp at night. Zhang Guotao was very angry when he heard about this, so he removed Lin Yueqin from the position of battalion commander, demoted her, and transferred her to the grain bureau transportation company as a company commander.

During the Long March, he climbed two snowy mountains and three times over the meadow lin yueqin, and his revolutionary will was very strong.

When Lin Yueqin arrived in northern Shaanxi, she was introduced to the party by He Changgong in October 1936. At the same time, her husband Wu Xian'en was ordered to march west, becoming one of 21,000 soldiers of the Western Route Army and serving as the head of the Supply Department of the Red 9th Army.

After the news that the Western Route Army had almost completely destroyed the yellow sand, Lin Yueqin was in pain.

Subsequently, there was news that Wu Xian'en had been killed in battle, and Lin Yueqin listened to it and burned it within five days.

On May 16, 1937, in Yan'an, with the approval of the organization, Lin Yueqin married Luo Ronghuan, who was then the director of the Rear Political Department of the Central Military Commission.

The founding female colonel had ordered the surrender of the weapons of Zhang Guotao's guards, her husband was a marshal, and her son was a lieutenant general
The founding female colonel had ordered the surrender of the weapons of Zhang Guotao's guards, her husband was a marshal, and her son was a lieutenant general

More than a month after the marriage, Lin Yueqin mistakenly thought that her husband Wu Xian'en, who had died in battle, had arrived in Yan'an, and it turned out that Wu Xian'en was captured after the defeat of the Western Route Army, and vowed not to surrender, but after being rescued by the party organization, he finally escaped death.

The comrades around her seemed to be inclined to reunite with Wu Xian'en. Some old comrades and elder sisters urged Lin Yueqin to return to her ex-husband's side and not to destroy the unity of the two fronts, and the leaders of the Ministry of Internal Affairs also did their work to reunite her with Wu Xian'en.

Chairman Mao also believed that this matter must be handled well, and he personally came forward to talk to Lin Yueqin, let her make up her own mind, and approved her to meet Wu Xian'en. As a result, Wu Xian'en had a very high posture and said that he wished Lin Yueqin and Luo Ronghuan love and happiness, and this "crisis" was thus resolved.

After the founding of the People's Republic of China, Wu Xian'en served as the first deputy commander of the rear service headquarters of the Chinese Volunteer Army and the deputy commander of the Beijing Military Region. He was awarded the rank of lieutenant general in 1955.

Luo Ronghuan was the founding marshal. He was also the first of the ten marshals to die.

After Luo Ronghuan's death on December 16, 1963, Chairman Mao wrote down "Seven Laws: Hanging Comrade Luo Ronghuan" with deep affection:

I remember flying on the grass,

Every contradiction in the Red Army.

The Long March is not embarrassing,

The battle is a big problem.

Rebuke the big bird every smell,

Kunji laughed at eagle non.

Junjin unfortunately passed away,

Who can we ask if the state has difficulties?

Among the many comrades-in-arms who were born and died with Chairman Mao, there were many people who had deep feelings, but luo Ronghuan was the only one who was written by Chairman Mao to write a mourning poem. In particular, the last two sentences reflect the importance of Luo Ronghuan to our country. Such an evaluation is very rare.

Lin Yueqin and Luo Ronghuan have two children: son Luo Dongjin and daughter Luo Beijie. Luo Dongjin was the former deputy political commissar of the Second Artillery Corps, with the rank of lieutenant general.

Luo Beijie has been engaged in medical work all his life.

In 2003, Lin Yueqin died at the age of 89 at the rank of deputy corps. At this level, it's very high. (Liu Jixing)

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