
New farmer Li Yuandu: The growth diary of cherry radish! After reading it, I will collect it!

author:New farmers in the countryside

I have had many experiences in growing cherry turnips before, and I have received several batches, this time I recorded it in detail and shared it with people in need. I have sent pictures before, I saw that different friends called out different names, I will use cherry radish here for the time being, because its size is indeed similar to that of cherries, and the image is easy to remember.

1. Soil Requirements:

After several different comparisons, the fertile sandy soil is relatively easy to germinate and grow, the hard soil dug outside is not treated, the germination rate is low, and the later fruit expansion period is not good. (The knowledge of soil quality has been mentioned before, click here to view: plants ask for nutrients in the soil)

2. Climatic requirements:

Generally in winter, I do not grow cherry radish, often live in Jiangnan, winter sunshine is really limited, not suitable for growth. If you live in Yunnan and have plenty of sunshine all year round, then plant all kinds of things! Each person sows seeds at a time according to the time slot in which he or she lives. The best effect is that the sunshine, rainy season, just like the current season of March and April, the problem of sunshine can not be interfered with by humans, the problem of rain can be solved by artificial watering, must be kept wet, remember to remember, wet to judge the dryness of the soil, the soil is best to have only a little slight wetness, but it is by no means the degree of watering the soil sticker.

3. Get to know the seeds of cherry radish:

I never foam seeds, they all go straight into the ground. A seed is a ripe radish in the future, growing one-on-one to bear fruit. The size of a seed is about 2mm*3mm, so I took a quantity. The seeds have a self-contained brown coat, and when the clothes come off, they are milky white seeds.

New farmer Li Yuandu: The growth diary of cherry radish! After reading it, I will collect it!

According to the diameter of the ripe fruit 3-4 cm, when sowing the seed, the spacing between the seed and the seed is basically 5-6 cm, and it does not have to be too precise, just spread it. If you are not at ease, you can poke a small pit in the soil with your finger before sowing, leave a good distance, and then put a seed in a pit.

4. Planting records

On February 22, 2016, after loosening the soil, shoveling the residual plant roots and whiskers from the last sowing, and mixing some homemade nutrient soil (nutritious soil, look here: nothing can be wasted - using kitchen waste to make nutrient soil), the planting was started.

New farmer Li Yuandu: The growth diary of cherry radish! After reading it, I will collect it!

On March 14, 2016, after taking a look at the planting box, the radish seedlings were finally unearthed. My seed variety is called 18-day radish, in fact, the germination time is more than 18 days, during which I still water them every day to let them bask in the sun. So what I'm going to say is, if you start planting, wait for them, be a little more patient, don't give up easily, as long as you stick with it, they will definitely reward you and be very selfless.

New farmer Li Yuandu: The growth diary of cherry radish! After reading it, I will collect it!

The sprouted radish seedlings, with only two cotyledons, are heart-shaped and relatively long, and over time, the true leaves will grow from the stem where the roots of the two cotyledons meet, feeling like they suddenly burst out from the roots of the two leaves. It is also very important to recognize the form of the seedlings of the plant, there is life in the soil that we cannot see, in the planting process, I often encounter the problem that I have planted a plant that I have no experience in, and the soil often appears several different kinds of seedlings at the same time, which may be the wind or birds, or the seeds that are hidden in the soil, suddenly under mature conditions, I dare not pull out, after a long time, grow very large, only to find that it is a weed, this problem is especially big in the process of planting plants such as spices.

March 18, 2016

The days when buds emerge and grow leaves are fast and will make people feel very accomplished. The true leaves of the cherry radish are geared, oval at first, a bit like mint leaves, and gradually the bottom will elongate.

New farmer Li Yuandu: The growth diary of cherry radish! After reading it, I will collect it!

March 28, 2016

The leaves continue to grow vigorously, and when you look at the main stem, you can see the lowest end of the stem, and the part that meets the soil is a light red color and then slowly turns into a dark rose red, that is, the cherry radish that will grow in the future, and it will absorb sunlight, water, nutrients, and slowly expand in the next days.

The outer end of the planting box has more sunlight and the inner part has less sunlight, which can be clearly seen from the sparseness of the leaves, which shows that sunlight plays a key role in its growth rate.

New farmer Li Yuandu: The growth diary of cherry radish! After reading it, I will collect it!

April 5, 2016

The spring moon was pouring, it was raining diligently, there was no need to water for a few days, and when the sun came out, I went to see them, and they had actually swelled up into plum-red fruits.

New farmer Li Yuandu: The growth diary of cherry radish! After reading it, I will collect it!

April 18, 2016

Today is the day I picked some cherry turnips, yesterday I forgot to water, the wind is very strong, blowing dry the water in the soil, see the leaves are green, immediately watered. I keep the part of the sun that is less long, maybe I don't pick them, let them blossom and bear fruit, and I can hand seeds and cycle planting.

New farmer Li Yuandu: The growth diary of cherry radish! After reading it, I will collect it!

5. Cherry radish leaves

The leaves of cherry radish have white hairs on the surface and are slightly stiff, especially the old leaves. Therefore, if you want to use the leaves to make vegetables, it is recommended to harvest them earlier, when the leaves are still tender. I'm a bit procrastinating, and picking off the leaves is already a bit old.

The fruit I planted myself, how is not willing to waste, there is soybean oil said that ta's mother used to cold mix, I learned a trick. I chop it up and eat it with croquettes in the meat sauce, or I can eat it with a cake in the noodles. If you really hate it, put them in my nutrient soil circulation tank and turn them into fertilizer, in short, never throw them away.

6. How to eat cherry radish, this can be infinitely large.

In Gangnam, my grandmother was crushed since she was a child, and the sweet and sour was mixed and eaten.

There is soybean oil said to eat directly raw, this is the most natural, cherish the original taste of food to eat.

The way to eat the foreign gas point, there is soybean oil left a picture for me, cut into thin slices, poured on the sliced bread, and eaten with avocado, very fresh and healthy, I also like it.

To mention a experience in France, every time I get a raw cherry radish in a restaurant, I put it in my mouth. It wasn't until one day a Frenchman sat across from me, cut it, smeared it with butter, sprinkled salt and pepper on top, and swallowed it in one gulp that I found the right way to open this radish on the French table. Such a strange way to eat is as strange as the first time I saw Sister A, pouring pepper and salt into tomato juice, stirring it and handing it to me, and she also asked me: "Fresh harvest?" ”

New farmer Li Yuandu: The growth diary of cherry radish! After reading it, I will collect it!

As a result, the harvest is a pleasant moment, and then the real backlash is the process of plant growth. A little slower, a little more primitive, and so on as the seeds germinate and watch everything grow.

Planting this thing, think about it is still quite a fun experience, whether it is enough to eat, there is no land, I just met my planting wishes and excited about it, planting makes me happy not just for eating, right? I just loved it, so I just did it!

7. About failure

The first failure, indoors, the sun is not good, the radish seedlings pull out the tall, that is, do not grow leaves, what does the light represent? Desperately looking for the possibility of contacting the source of sunlight, it grew a box of leaves, and the radish did not bear a single fruit.

The second failure, long, not enough water, forgot to water, the seedlings fell, dried up.

The third failure, the seeds were scattered too haphazardly, and the turnips were crippled.

New farmer Li Yuandu: The growth diary of cherry radish! After reading it, I will collect it!

So, what's the matter? Gain experience through trial and error, you will always do better than once, there are no geniuses in the world, only skilled workers.

Copyright Notice: This article is collected and sorted by Xiao Nongge, the source is Li Yuandu, welcome to reprint, please indicate the author and source.

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