
Wang Xiaoyan, secretary of the CPPCC Municipal Committee, visited our county to visit and offer condolences on the eve of "July 1st"

author:Xianxian Radio and Television Station

This year marks the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China. On the eve of the "July 1st" Founding Day, on June 25, Wang Xiaoyan, secretary of the CPPCC Municipal Committee, visited our county to pay respects to party members, veteran party members, party members with difficulties in life, survivors of martyrs, and veteran cadres who had received honors and commendations for meritorious service within the party, extended festive greetings to them, thanked them and their families for their contributions to the party's cause, and sent them the care and warmth of the party organization.

Wang Xiaoyan, secretary of the CPPCC Municipal Committee, visited our county to visit and offer condolences on the eve of "July 1st"

Accompanied by Wang Yongchang, secretary of the county party committee, and Wei Ganggang, member of the standing committee of the county party committee and director of the office of the county party committee, Wang Xiaoyan first visited and paid condolences to Ha Mingjiang, secretary of the party branch of Huaizhen Zhongjie Village, and the city and county leaders fully affirmed Ha Mingjiang's contributions to the party's cause and the development of the village over the years, praised him as a double representative of outstanding party members and model village party secretaries, and hoped that he would continue to play a pioneering and exemplary role, further promote ethnic unity, speed up village development, and make new contributions to the new journey of rural revitalization.

Wang Xiaoyan, secretary of the CPPCC Municipal Committee, visited our county to visit and offer condolences on the eve of "July 1st"

In Nanliuzhuang Village, Nanhetou Township, Wang Xiaoyan visited and comforted the 91-year-old old hero Wei Zhuoqing. Wei Zhuoqing joined the army in 1947 and joined the party in 1948, participated in the War of Liberation and the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, and made many meritorious contributions. Wang Xiaoyan carefully inquired about the old man's daily life and physical condition, wore a commemorative medal for the old hero "50 Years of Glory in the Party", thanked him for his contributions to the development of the cause of the party and the country, and urged him to take care of his body and enjoy a happy old age.

Wang Xiaoyan, secretary of the CPPCC Municipal Committee, visited our county to visit and offer condolences on the eve of "July 1st"

In the village of Buffalo Shop in Shanglin Township, Wang Xiaoyan visited Zhu Yuzhou, a veteran party member. Zhu Yuzhou joined the party in 1955 and was one of the first conscripts in New China, now living alone, enthusiastic about public welfare, and volunteering to clean the village roads for many years. On behalf of the party organization, Wang Xiaoyan sent him condolences and condolence money, hoping that he would continue to exert his residual heat and contribute to the development of the village.

Wang Xiaoyan, secretary of the CPPCC Municipal Committee, visited our county to visit and offer condolences on the eve of "July 1st"

Sun Shumei, a 93-year-old former veteran party member of Shanglin Yifen Village, delivered letters to the People's Liberation Army during the war years, fully supported the party's work, and made contributions to the revolutionary cause and the construction of his hometown. City and county leaders said that old party members are our precious wealth, party organizations will not forget everyone, our life is getting better and better, old party members should take care of their health and better enjoy the fruits of economic and social development.

Wang Xiaoyan, secretary of the CPPCC Municipal Committee, visited our county to visit and offer condolences on the eve of "July 1st"

In the urban area, Wang Xiaoyan visited and comforted Zhou Huizhi, the widow of the martyr. Zhou Huizhi was the wife of the martyr Bai Liancheng, who was killed in the Battle of Xiongxian in 1948. The city and county leaders sent condolences and condolence money to Zhou Huizhi, wished the old man good health, and urged her to reflect difficulties and problems in a timely manner, and the party organization would do its best to help solve them.

Wang Xiaoyan, secretary of the CPPCC Municipal Committee, visited our county to visit and offer condolences on the eve of "July 1st"

At the home of Wang Peicang, a retired veteran cadre, Wang Xiaoyan wore a commemorative medal for Wang Peicang with the title of "50 Years of Glory in the Party", and cordially inquired about his life, life, and health, urged him to take care of his health, and encouraged him to contribute more to economic and social development. Wang Peicang said that he received this special gift on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the founding of the party and felt very warm. He fully affirmed the achievements of the county's economic and social development in recent years, and highly praised the new atmosphere and new deeds displayed by the county party committee and the county government team. Wang Yongchang, secretary of the county party committee, hoped that the old party members and cadres would continue to care about and support the work of the county as always, and said that the county party committee and the county government would unite and lead the vast number of cadres and masses to continue to struggle and promote the high-quality leapfrog development of the county's economy and society.

This station reported that Hui Bin and Zhan Peng

Production: Xianxian Rong Media Center

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Wang Xiaoyan, secretary of the CPPCC Municipal Committee, visited our county to visit and offer condolences on the eve of "July 1st"

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