
When the 41-year-old Gao Lu compared to the 35-year-old Wang Xiaochen, I knew the difference between the beauty of bones and the beauty of skin!

author:Fengzhen Sports
When the 41-year-old Gao Lu compared to the 35-year-old Wang Xiaochen, I knew the difference between the beauty of bones and the beauty of skin!

"Celebrating More Than Years 2" has attracted the attention of countless viewers since its launch, and the Baoyuelou incident at the beginning triggered a fierce chaos.

The five princes gathered together, but the second prince was gullible to Wang Qinian, which led to a series of intricate plots.

Fortunately, the crown prince arrived in time to save Fan Xian, and the third prince did not leave too many traces in this melee, so Fan Xian was able to get away with it and started a more exciting story in the follow-up.

When the 41-year-old Gao Lu compared to the 35-year-old Wang Xiaochen, I knew the difference between the beauty of bones and the beauty of skin!

Wang Qinian named his daughter Baba, this scene really makes people laugh in "Celebrating More Than Years 2".

The addition of this humorous element adds a touch of lightness to the plot in the tense atmosphere of conspiracy.

Netizens also have a variety of opinions on this matter, some people think that this name is too domineering, a bit of a literary and artistic youth who went to the wrong set, but some people think that this is Wang Qinian's affectionate expression of his daughter, showing his humor and honesty.

When the 41-year-old Gao Lu compared to the 35-year-old Wang Xiaochen, I knew the difference between the beauty of bones and the beauty of skin!

In the play, the second prince's right-hand man and literati dreamer has also become a highlight.

Beneath his fierce appearance, there is a hidden love for literature, and this contrast also surprises and delights the audience.

Some netizens joked: Is this right-hand man a literati killer, he still reads with a knife every day, and he feels that he will appear in the costume version of 'Assassin's Creed' in the next second.

When the 41-year-old Gao Lu compared to the 35-year-old Wang Xiaochen, I knew the difference between the beauty of bones and the beauty of skin!

In addition, some netizens discussed the image of Mrs. Wang.

Some people say: Mrs. Wang played by Gao Lu is simply a tiger and leopard, and she can shake the sky with one voice, which makes people shudder.

But some people think: Gao Lu's acting skills are really good, and he shows Mrs. Wang's hotness and ferocity just right, which makes people creepy and awe-inspiring.

When the 41-year-old Gao Lu compared to the 35-year-old Wang Xiaochen, I knew the difference between the beauty of bones and the beauty of skin!

As for Yuan Meng played by Wang Xiaochen, netizens also have a lot to say.

Someone said: The role of Yuan Meng is really complicated, there is a cold heart hidden under the smiling tiger-like beauty, and you can see that she is definitely a thoughtful character by looking at her smiling appearance.

Some people also sighed: Wang Xiaochen's acting skills are really good, and the role of Yuan Meng is completely interpreted by her to the fullest, and every scene is unforgettable.

When the 41-year-old Gao Lu compared to the 35-year-old Wang Xiaochen, I knew the difference between the beauty of bones and the beauty of skin!

The performance of the actors in this drama is also one of the topics that the audience talks about.

The joining of the powerful actors in the first season really adds more vitality and vitality to the whole show, making people look forward to the sequel.

And the performance of the new characters and new actors is also eye-catching.

Mrs. Wang played by Gao Lu can be described as a hot and ferocious image, which makes many netizens addicted.

When the 41-year-old Gao Lu compared to the 35-year-old Wang Xiaochen, I knew the difference between the beauty of bones and the beauty of skin!

Someone joked: As soon as Mrs. Wang appeared on the stage, she scared us all enough, and this hot aura was simply daunting.

Someone else sighed: Gao Lu's acting skills are really nothing to say, from her eyes to body language, it perfectly shows Mrs. Wang's domineering and ferocious.

Some people even humorously commented: Mrs. Wang really holds the title of 'Haw Par' is not for nothing, and her voice can shatter glass.

When the 41-year-old Gao Lu compared to the 35-year-old Wang Xiaochen, I knew the difference between the beauty of bones and the beauty of skin!

And Yuan Meng played by Wang Xiaochen is also a character that has attracted much attention.

Some netizens said: The role of Yuan Meng is really a bit of a love and hate, her smiling tiger-like beauty and complex personality make people unable to figure out her hole cards.

Other netizens said: Wang Xiaochen's acting skills are really good, and the role of Yuan Meng is completely vividly interpreted by her, and every scene is unforgettable.

When the 41-year-old Gao Lu compared to the 35-year-old Wang Xiaochen, I knew the difference between the beauty of bones and the beauty of skin!

In addition, some netizens also expressed their opinions on the performance of other actors in the play.

Some people think that the character of a certain actor is not three-dimensional enough: it feels like this character is a bit flat, and I hope that there will be more development in the next plot.

And other netizens hotly discussed the turning point in the plot: that battle was really exciting, and every detail showed the strength of the actors.

When the 41-year-old Gao Lu compared to the 35-year-old Wang Xiaochen, I knew the difference between the beauty of bones and the beauty of skin!

This drama also shows the audience the different presentations of beauty with age, which is eye-catching.

Gao Lu showed the charm of anti-aging bone beauty in the play, and her age did not weaken her aura and charm, but highlighted her personality and charm even more.

Some netizens have their own opinions and comments on this.

When the 41-year-old Gao Lu compared to the 35-year-old Wang Xiaochen, I knew the difference between the beauty of bones and the beauty of skin!

Some netizens said: Gao Lu is really amazing, her acting skills are exquisite, coupled with that kind of aura and charm, she is simply a queen-level existence.

Other netizens commented: After watching Gao Lu's performance, I really believe in the phrase 'time is a knife to kill pigs', she can actually anti-aging to this point, which is too admirable.

When the 41-year-old Gao Lu compared to the 35-year-old Wang Xiaochen, I knew the difference between the beauty of bones and the beauty of skin!

As for Wang Xiaochen's beautiful skin and skin, it also aroused heated discussions among netizens.

Some people praised her as a national goddess, saying: Wang Xiaochen's smile and eyes really exude a charming light, and every frame is heartwarming.

Some people humorously said: Seeing Wang Xiaochen's beauty, my heart of this old fritter began to melt.

When the 41-year-old Gao Lu compared to the 35-year-old Wang Xiaochen, I knew the difference between the beauty of bones and the beauty of skin!

Some netizens also discussed the topic of beauty and maintenance.

Someone said: Seeing the state of Gao Lu and Wang Xiaochen, I decided to take good care of myself, and I couldn't let the years leave too many traces on my face.

Some people also joked: It seems that women really get older and more tasteful, and this mature beauty is more charming than when they were young.

When the 41-year-old Gao Lu compared to the 35-year-old Wang Xiaochen, I knew the difference between the beauty of bones and the beauty of skin!

"Celebrating More Than Years 2" not only has a wonderful performance in the plot, but also the superb acting skills and image shaping of the actors also add a lot of highlights to the whole play.

The audience can look forward to more exciting plot development and character performance, and explore the blend of humanity and emotion in this drama.

When the 41-year-old Gao Lu compared to the 35-year-old Wang Xiaochen, I knew the difference between the beauty of bones and the beauty of skin!

On June 19, 16 years ago, Gao Lu participated in the public welfare activity of a bowl of rice with love, and this news attracted a lot of attention and discussion on the Internet.

Netizens expressed their opinions and comments on her good deeds.

Some netizens sighed: I was really moved to see Gao Lu's enthusiastic public welfare move, she not only showed her acting skills on the screen, but also interpreted love with her actions.

When the 41-year-old Gao Lu compared to the 35-year-old Wang Xiaochen, I knew the difference between the beauty of bones and the beauty of skin!

Other netizens also said: This kind of public welfare activity is really meaningful, and I hope that more people can pay attention to these groups in need.

Some people expressed their admiration for Gao Lu's charity activities: Gao Lu's public welfare activities this time were really warm, and her kindness brought warmth to the children in those poor areas.

When the 41-year-old Gao Lu compared to the 35-year-old Wang Xiaochen, I knew the difference between the beauty of bones and the beauty of skin!

There are also calls for more people to join in public welfare activities: I hope that such public welfare activities can get more people's attention and support, so that more people can feel the warmth of society.

Some netizens discussed how to better participate in public welfare activities: Seeing Gao Lu raise funds through live broadcasts, I think this method is quite novel and allows more people to participate.

When the 41-year-old Gao Lu compared to the 35-year-old Wang Xiaochen, I knew the difference between the beauty of bones and the beauty of skin!

Some people also suggested: Through the influence of some celebrities, more people can be attracted to participate in public welfare and make more contributions to society.

In general, Gao Lu's participation in the public welfare activities of a bowl of rice has been widely appreciated and supported, and it has also triggered discussions and reflections on public welfare activities from all walks of life, hoping that through such good deeds, more people can pay attention to public welfare undertakings and make more contributions to the society.

When the 41-year-old Gao Lu compared to the 35-year-old Wang Xiaochen, I knew the difference between the beauty of bones and the beauty of skin!

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