
Confucius was called the "Master of All Ages" by later generations, not only because of his deification, but also because of his educational methods 01.How did Confucius teach according to his aptitude? 02. If you are skilled and skilled, the ghost will tell you

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Confucius was called the "Master of All Ages" by later generations, not only because of his deification, but also because of his educational methods 01.How did Confucius teach according to his aptitude? 02. If you are skilled and skilled, the ghost will tell you

Hello everyone, I'm Wu Lingyao.

Today, we continue to read the Confucian Classics, the Analects of the Four Books.

Zi Yue: If you are not indignant, if you are not angry, if you do not feel sorry for yourself, if you do not take the three corners of the way, you will not return. The Seventh Analects

Later generations said that Confucius was a "master of all generations" and "a generation of sages", so how did Confucius teach his disciples? How is his method different from that of ordinary people?

Here, there are 5 keywords.

The first is "anger," which means "the heart seeks to understand but does not get it."

A person's desire to learn is very strong, thinking repeatedly, but almost did not understand it at all, and they are a little angry. At this time, it is a "passable opportunity", and as soon as the teacher enlightens (enlightens) him, he is immediately enlightened.

If you are not angry, that is, when you can't say this "passable", you don't go to him. Because he has not yet realized the problem, there is no motivation to correct, and the more you talk to him, the more he will be annoyed with you.

Confucius was called the "Master of All Ages" by later generations, not only because of his deification, but also because of his educational methods 01.How did Confucius teach according to his aptitude? 02. If you are skilled and skilled, the ghost will tell you

The third is "悱," which means "want to say, but can't say it accurately."

That is to say, after his own understanding, he already has some ideas, but unfortunately he is still a little hot, and he has not been able to express these ideas clearly in words.

At this time, the teacher will have to "send", to help him "reach" his words, to help him say the problem, and then he can understand what to do at once.

Not to be upset, is to say that if his kung fu has not yet arrived, if he has not gone through that process, you don't say it. Because you told him, not only did he not have any understanding, he passed away without saying it, and he did not feel that the teacher was strong.

Confucius was called the "Master of All Ages" by later generations, not only because of his deification, but also because of his educational methods 01.How did Confucius teach according to his aptitude? 02. If you are skilled and skilled, the ghost will tell you

After experiencing "anger, enlightenment, pity, and hair", this person will more or less have his own understanding of this problem, and then see if he can give an example.

If so, then it proves that he is flexible and can tell him something else; conversely, he will say less to make sure he can grasp it.

Confucius was called the "Master of All Ages" by later generations, not only because of his deification, but also because of his educational methods 01.How did Confucius teach according to his aptitude? 02. If you are skilled and skilled, the ghost will tell you

Confucius was teaching his disciples, and it was precisely this set of teaching methods that he used to apply different teaching methods to disciples of different levels, and truly taught according to their aptitudes.

Zi Yue: Even if I am in decline! Jiu Yiwu no longer dreamed of seeing Zhou Gong.

This is the provenance of the well-known "Dreaming of Zhou Gong" allusion in later generations.

Duke Zhou was the son of King Wen of Zhou and the brother of King Wu of Zhou.

After the death of King Wu, the regent of the Duke of Zhou, Uncle Guan, Uncle Cai, and Uncle Huo disobeyed, and joined forces with the Yin nobles Wu Geng and Dongyi to rebel.

Zhou Gong led the Eastern Expedition, quelled the rebellion, destroyed the Yan (1 sound), and then vigorously divided the princes, built Zhou Luoyi (present-day Luoyang), and later made ceremonies and music, as the main creator of the Western Zhou canonical system, advocating the rule of "etiquette", laying the foundation for the "rule of Chengkang".

Confucius was called the "Master of All Ages" by later generations, not only because of his deification, but also because of his educational methods 01.How did Confucius teach according to his aptitude? 02. If you are skilled and skilled, the ghost will tell you

The State of Lu was the fiefdom of the Duke of Zhou, and the Zhou Li was in Lu; Confucius's dream in life was to restore the way of the Duke of Zhou, thinking day and night, dreaming, so he would often dream of the Duke of Zhou.

Now there is a saying that "there are thoughts in the day, dreams in the night", which says the same truth; if you are concerned enough about one thing, the ghosts and gods will come to your dreams to help, so why worry about things?

Confucius was called the "Master of All Ages" by later generations, not only because of his deification, but also because of his educational methods 01.How did Confucius teach according to his aptitude? 02. If you are skilled and skilled, the ghost will tell you

Although Confucius's study has become a success, the cause of the world is still a little worse, so I will sigh, I am really old! That's why I haven't dreamed of Zhou Gong for a long time!

That's what's for today.

In the next part, we will continue to read the "Shuer VII" in the Analects.

Stay tuned

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Text | Wu Lingyao, a professional reader who practices "one book a day, one more article in Japan", for more good book disassembly, see personal public account: syrjjy

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