
The Chinese guy reached for a ride through Africa and the Americas, almost trampled to death by an elephant and sexually assaulted by a black drunkard


In the past two days, we have been swept away by this "People" article: "Gu Yue, Crossing the Border of Freedom".

The Chinese guy reached for a ride through Africa and the Americas, almost trampled to death by an elephant and sexually assaulted by a black drunkard

We think of the boy with the ponytail and of the freedom he sought.

A lot of people know us because of "Hitchhiking to Berlin."

The Chinese guy reached for a ride through Africa and the Americas, almost trampled to death by an elephant and sexually assaulted by a black drunkard

On June 8, 2009, beijing underwear wentoy heavy rain.

Gu Yue and Liu Chang, one is to fulfill their promise to their German girlfriend and prove their love with hard travel, and the other is to "by the way" to travel together at will, just because the route is just right.

The two braved heavy rain together, carrying a 40-kilogram backpack, and hitchhiked all the way from houhai to Berlin, romantic to the point of hopelessness.

The Chinese guy reached for a ride through Africa and the Americas, almost trampled to death by an elephant and sexually assaulted by a black drunkard

Don't work, don't care about the mortgage, throw everything away to go on a hitchhiking trip, are these two people brain teasing?

Gu Yue has his own opinion on this.

Before becoming a globetrotter, Gu Yue worked in the American financial industry, which seemed to be the envy of everyone, but it was not the life he wanted at that time, and long-distance travel was where his real enthusiasm lay.

The Chinese guy reached for a ride through Africa and the Americas, almost trampled to death by an elephant and sexually assaulted by a black drunkard

People advised him to make money with peace of mind, and to wait until he retired to think about traveling the world.

In 2003, Gu Yue quit his job, became a seller, and set off from Seattle, spending two years and one week, traveling to 18 countries, and returning to his birthplace , Beijing.

This seemingly disregarded decision, in Gu Yue's view, the reason is also very simple.

Some things are not done now and will not be done for the rest of their lives.

The Chinese guy reached for a ride through Africa and the Americas, almost trampled to death by an elephant and sexually assaulted by a black drunkard

It was because of this almost "barbaric" momentum that there was the later "Hitchhiking to Berlin".

After that, we recorded many such daring travelers, taking their sons around the world, going deep into Somalia, the city of terror, feeling the city of death, and challenging zhang Xinyu Lianghong, a "desperate couple" who challenged outdoor camping in the Arctic... We thought there was nothing to surprise us anymore.

The Chinese guy reached for a ride through Africa and the Americas, almost trampled to death by an elephant and sexually assaulted by a black drunkard

However, nearly a decade apart, when Li Xinyong and Zhang Ming decided to ride together through Africa and the Americas, we all sweated for them.

Everyone's first reaction to this crazy plan is: Impossible!

It's too dangerous.

Hitchhiking itself is inherently dangerous, and you don't know what kind of people you'll meet and where you'll be taken.

The Chinese guy reached for a ride through Africa and the Americas, almost trampled to death by an elephant and sexually assaulted by a black drunkard

In Europe and the United States, where hitchhiking culture is relatively common, free-riding may not be too dangerous, but in Africa, which is known for its chaos, and in turbulent South America, you have almost no idea what awaits you.

When the two "met" in Egypt and began a "barbaric" trip to Africa, 20-year-old Li Xinyong had completed the "feat" of riding through Siberia, through Northern Europe, and finally arriving in Paris, which can be regarded as an "old driver" of hitchhiking.

The Chinese guy reached for a ride through Africa and the Americas, almost trampled to death by an elephant and sexually assaulted by a black drunkard

Zhang Ming is 9 years older than Li Xinyong and has just finished a free ride trip to the Middle East and Armenia.

The Chinese guy reached for a ride through Africa and the Americas, almost trampled to death by an elephant and sexually assaulted by a black drunkard

In other words, neither of these people is a raw melon egg.

However, on their journey through Africa, the two experienced a real heartbeat.

In Khartoum, the capital of Sudan, two lads and men were hit by a black drunk man's "sexual harassment" and a "knife robbery" combo.

The Chinese guy reached for a ride through Africa and the Americas, almost trampled to death by an elephant and sexually assaulted by a black drunkard

Camping in Zimbabwe, he almost fell asleep when he was trampled to death by a passing elephant.

The Chinese guy reached for a ride through Africa and the Americas, almost trampled to death by an elephant and sexually assaulted by a black drunkard

For Li Xinyong, who loves adventure, these are all incredible experiences, but they make his companion Zhang Ming feel a little overwhelmed, asking the same question over and over again:

Why can't you take the bus, why can't you stay in a hostel, why do you have to hitchhike a tent, why do you have to be so bitter?

Although a hundred reluctant words, Zhang Ming, who was outspoken and straight-mouthed, embarked on a journey from the North Pole to the South Pole and through the Americas with Li Xinyong after completing the thrilling journey to Africa.

Friends who know about hitchhiking will definitely know the answer.

In such a journey, the most important scenery is people.

The way to hitchhike and set up a tent is to minimize the distance between strangers, so short that you can see the spots and wrinkles on each other.

The Chinese guy reached for a ride through Africa and the Americas, almost trampled to death by an elephant and sexually assaulted by a black drunkard

At such a close distance, you will see: people and people, it seems that it is really a lot worse.

The most obvious is the gap between the rich and the poor.

An Egyptian TUK driver earns 2,000 Egyptian pounds a month, equivalent to 800 yuan, but he has to support at least a family of 5.

The Chinese guy reached for a ride through Africa and the Americas, almost trampled to death by an elephant and sexually assaulted by a black drunkard

In the American town of Dead Horse, American oil workers next to the Arctic Ocean earn nearly 3,000 yuan a day.

What is even more shocking is the difference in national conditions.

It is difficult for people born in times of peace to truly understand that "peace is not easy".

In Colombia, Li Xinyong and Zhang Ming experienced a real "line of fire crossing".

Because of the local riots, the road south to Ecuador was almost blocked, let alone hitchhiking, but the time from Ushuaia to Antarctica was very urgent.

With no other choice, the two men took the plunge, got on a motorcycle to solicit passengers, and crossed the riot zone.

The Chinese guy reached for a ride through Africa and the Americas, almost trampled to death by an elephant and sexually assaulted by a black drunkard

On the way, they encountered rioters wearing turbans and holding large knives, pretending to be calm, letting the other party "check" the backpack, forcing them to smile if nothing happened, and passing through in a thrilling way.

On the last leg of the journey through the riot zone, a tear gas exploded in the middle of the road, bringing Li Xinyong to tears.

The Chinese guy reached for a ride through Africa and the Americas, almost trampled to death by an elephant and sexually assaulted by a black drunkard

Heavily armed riot police, just between the firefights, came to take selfies with them and then started fighting again.

The Chinese guy reached for a ride through Africa and the Americas, almost trampled to death by an elephant and sexually assaulted by a black drunkard

But as you walk, you will find that people and people seem to be similar. The so-called "obstacle" in the eyes of many people is actually a kind of self-limitation.

Language is not a barrier to communication.

In Egypt, the two boarded a factory shuttle bus.

The enthusiastic driver Muhammad does not speak English, but he is very talkative, and he can also chat with Li Xinyong speculatively with the translation software, and does not forget to quote the scriptures, sharing a famous saying of "Napoleon", "Marriage will make people grow" (Napoleon probably did not say this sentence).

The Chinese guy reached for a ride through Africa and the Americas, almost trampled to death by an elephant and sexually assaulted by a black drunkard

Age is not an obstacle to dreams.

Many people think that circumnavigation is something that young people can do, but who can set limits on "dreams" based on age alone?

In Rwanda, Li Xinyong and Zhang Ming met for the first time with Teacher Wei, a retired teacher, and were impressed by the old lady who carried her own pickled eggs with her.

Like a young girl, Teacher Wei will also hitchhike from time to time, she has already traveled to the Americas, this time to take advantage of her son's marriage to travel alone in Africa.

The Chinese guy reached for a ride through Africa and the Americas, almost trampled to death by an elephant and sexually assaulted by a black drunkard

At the foot of Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania, the three met again, and Teacher Wei also used the small electric pot he carried with him to stew beef and make noodles for the boys in advance.

It turns out that it is never too late to pursue your dreams.

Circumstances are not an obstacle to dignity.

In Peru, Zhang Ming and Li Xinyong coincidentally boarded the same car with a 19-year-old German boy and a group of Venezuelan refugees.

The Chinese guy reached for a ride through Africa and the Americas, almost trampled to death by an elephant and sexually assaulted by a black drunkard

Traveling in the same car, German boys use their spare time to experience life, while refugees try to escape the riots and survive.

Halfway through, the frugal German boy bought a watermelon and distributed it to the refugees, and a cart of people squatted on the side of the road and nibbled together.

The Chinese guy reached for a ride through Africa and the Americas, almost trampled to death by an elephant and sexually assaulted by a black drunkard

Zhang Ming, who originally respected the refugees, also took out his own whiskey, drinking it in turn with each person.

The beer and food given to the refugees by well-wishers on the road were also shared.

These refugees may have lost their country, but they have not lost their optimism and courage.

The Chinese guy reached for a ride through Africa and the Americas, almost trampled to death by an elephant and sexually assaulted by a black drunkard

On this journey, Zhang Ming and Li Xinyong have met all kinds of people, experienced large and small things, tasted the cold and warmth of the world, and made the kindness of strangers meet in Pingshui, which is particularly moving.

Whether it is in the extremely cold town of Dead Horse in the United States or in the hot Egypt, both have encountered heart-warming policemen who are worried about their safety, always pay attention to the whereabouts of the two, and repeatedly advise that they can ask the police for help when they encounter problems.

The Chinese guy reached for a ride through Africa and the Americas, almost trampled to death by an elephant and sexually assaulted by a black drunkard

In Egypt, the hungry Li Xinyong and Zhang Ming just smelled the aroma of rice wafting out of the courtyard, probed their heads, and were greeted by the enthusiastic boss to eat and drink.

Hearing that the two were going to set up a tent at night, the old man insisted on staying in his house for two days, and the parting was sent to the alley.

The Chinese guy reached for a ride through Africa and the Americas, almost trampled to death by an elephant and sexually assaulted by a black drunkard

Zhang Ming and Li Xinyong know that maybe this separation is forever.

Before leaving, the two also secretly bought his favorite water tobacco for the old man, and also put a panda keychain representing China in it, "I hope that every time I open the door with the key, I can think of two boys from China, who have been taken care of by him."

The Chinese guy reached for a ride through Africa and the Americas, almost trampled to death by an elephant and sexually assaulted by a black drunkard

This may also be the charm of travel, most of the Pingshui meets, a turn is the vicissitudes of the mulberry field, the beauty of the journey, can only be enjoyed at the moment, can not be packed away.

It is said that traveling together is the touchstone for testing couples, but like Zhang Ming and Li Xinyong, who travel together for a long time and stay together every day, won't you get bored?

Of course.

Even experienced travelers usually travel with a companion for no more than two months.

Zhang Ming and Li Xinyong have been walking together for more than a year, and the difference between living habits and travel demands is more likely to intensify contradictions and break out quarrels again and again, and the pair of Zhang Ming and Li Xinyong has also been "divided and combined".

The Chinese guy reached for a ride through Africa and the Americas, almost trampled to death by an elephant and sexually assaulted by a black drunkard

He even fought in Africa because of trivial matters, attracting police.

Although they punched and kicked each other, when the police moved against Zhang Ming, Li Xinyong immediately rushed up to desperately block it, completely forgetting the identity of the other party.

At this time, the two found that they were not only trusting partners in the journey, but also emotionally regarded each other as family, and no matter how they quarreled, they were not allowed to be bullied by others.

The Chinese guy reached for a ride through Africa and the Americas, almost trampled to death by an elephant and sexually assaulted by a black drunkard

In such a journey, the scenery along the way is the scenery, the food eaten is the scenery, the people encountered are the scenery, the partner is also the scenery, the scenery is so rich, so moving, it is no wonder that it will drive the travelers who stubble after stubble, desperate, before and after.

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