
The development bottleneck and breakthrough road of online education|Elephant Network Alliance


As an important part of the modern education system, online education has developed rapidly in recent years. However, in the process, a series of development bottlenecks have also been exposed.

The development bottleneck and breakthrough road of online education|Elephant Network Alliance

Online school construction

1. Lack of classroom interaction

One of the common problems faced by online education platforms is that students lack the interactive part of the traditional classroom when they watch recorded videos to learn. This one-way way of knowledge transfer makes it difficult to achieve real-time teacher-student interaction and feedback, which affects the learning effect and student participation.

In order to solve the problem of insufficient interaction in online learning, various forms such as live teaching, real-time Q&A, and online discussion groups are used to increase the interaction opportunities between teachers and students, and encourage students to share views, ask questions and discuss in the learning process, so as to improve students' sense of participation and learning motivation.

Second, the scarcity of excellent teacher resources

For offline training institutions, as the number of students increases, so does the demand for excellent teachers. However, excellent teachers are a scarce resource in their own right, and it is impossible to increase them indefinitely. Especially for small and medium-sized education and training institutions, the limited funding makes it more difficult to recruit and train excellent teachers, which not only increases the cost of teaching, but also limits the expansion of the scale and brand formation of the institution.

In the face of the scarcity of excellent teacher resources, online schools can maximize the influence of excellent teachers through the "one-to-many" online teaching model. Teachers from different geographical locations can participate in teaching together, alleviating the shortage of qualified teachers.

The development bottleneck and breakthrough road of online education|Elephant Network Alliance

Online school

3. The balance between online schools and the role of teachers

With the development of AI technology, many large enterprises have begun to build online schools, promoting the arrival of the era of "Internet + education". Although AI can simulate and replace traditional educational activities to a large extent, education is not only about the transfer of knowledge, but also plays an irreplaceable role in the learning life of students.

However, the application of AI technology in education should not replace teachers, but rather serve as an auxiliary tool for teachers. Institutions can use online schools to analyze students' learning and assist teachers to better understand students' learning and provide more targeted teaching. However, online schools can take on some repetitive teaching tasks, such as automatically grading multiple-choice questions, freeing up teachers' time.

Fourth, break through the existing limitations

By breaking geographical restrictions and making knowledge dissemination no longer have distance, online schools meet the needs of education practitioners at different stages. In order to solve the problem of closed-loop online education operation, educational institutions need to go deep into traffic channels, use marketing tools and precise pursuit strategies to break through the bottleneck of online enrollment.

The development bottleneck and breakthrough road of online education|Elephant Network Alliance

Online school joining

The construction of online schools needs to focus on the core links of education, from enrollment, teaching to evaluation and feedback, to form a complete closed loop of operation. Taking advantage of the traffic of the Internet, combined with accurate marketing tools and strategies, can effectively improve the efficiency of enrollment.

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