
After listening to Mao Zedong's poem, Chiang Kai-shek was stunned: "Did he really write it?" First, the word shocked four, "snow" covered the mountain city two, and the word vain suppression, in vain to leave a laughing stock three, with "wen" to compete, justice in the hearts of the people

author:There is a book history

In the mountain city of Chongqing in 1945, the official residence of Zeng Jiayan was shrouded in a "low air pressure" due to Chairman Jiang's "big liver fire."

The staff of the attendant room hurriedly, and they finally found the "old newspaper" designated by Chairman Chiang Kai-shek.

At this time, Chiang Kai-shek was frowning slightly, and he was closing his eyes to recuperate. He had just learned a not-so-pleasant piece of news — public opinion seemed to have a lot of "different" views on him. The news annoyed him.

What triggered these "public opinions" was the inconspicuous "expired" "New People's Daily" in the hands of the attendant officials. To be precise, it was a poem by Mao Zedong in the Xinmin Bao. "Read the words above." Chiang Kai-shek's eyes were slightly closed, and he still maintained the posture he had just taken.

But when he heard this poem, he suddenly opened his eyes, looked very different, and took the newspaper. After a long time, Chiang Kai-shek, who had returned to His senses, asked the staff on the side with a little reluctance, but also some disbelief: "Is this really written by him?" ”

After listening to Mao Zedong's poem, Chiang Kai-shek was stunned: "Did he really write it?" First, the word shocked four, "snow" covered the mountain city two, and the word vain suppression, in vain to leave a laughing stock three, with "wen" to compete, justice in the hearts of the people

As his "old rival," Chiang Kai-shek was not unfamiliar with Mao Zedong. Then, why did the "old rival" just write a poem that could surprise Chairman Chiang Kai-shek, who has always been arbitrary and dictatorial?

All this must start from the Chongqing negotiations in 1945.

In August 1945, another telegram appeared on the conference table in Yan'an, the third telegram from Chiang Kai-shek. Chairman Jiang changed his previous style of work and very "earnestly" invited Mao Zedong to Chongqing to discuss the issue of national reconstruction after the victory of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression. The telegrams were shot more and more quickly, and the attitude was more "sincere" than ever.

To go or not to go or not to go has become a question before the Communists.

In the conference room in Yan'an, members of the Politburo Standing Committee sat around to discuss the "Hongmen Banquet" set by Chiang Kai-shek. Everyone understands that if you don't go, you will be in the middle of Chiang Kai-shek's arms. The "cauldron" of refusing peace talks and waging a civil war will fall on the heads of the Communist Party and Mao Zedong.

But if Mao Zedong went to the appointment, it was perhaps a person who had gone and never returned. They have not forgotten that the Kuomintang's "reward" for Mao Zedong, which was once as high as 250,000 yuan, became the "highest price" at that time. Just when the meeting was in a "stalemate," Mao Zedong insisted on going. He even joked that if he was under house arrest, he could still use it to do something and do some ideological work.

Proceeding from the overall situation of the country and the general interests of the nation, on August 28, 1945, a delegation of the Communist Party of China led by Mao Zedong arrived in Chongqing.

Mao Zedong's "appointment" once made Chiang Kai-shek very proud, and in his diary, he described the incident as "coming when called". However, Chiang Kai-shek, who was quite proud at this time, did not know that Mao Zedong, who came "on call," shook the mountain city with just one word, and brought him a lot of trouble.

After listening to Mao Zedong's poem, Chiang Kai-shek was stunned: "Did he really write it?" First, the word shocked four, "snow" covered the mountain city two, and the word vain suppression, in vain to leave a laughing stock three, with "wen" to compete, justice in the hearts of the people

Mao Zedong's "invitation" to come at that time caused a sensation throughout Chongqing, and many people were impressed by his courage to disregard safety and have the courage of the world, including Liu Yazi.

Liu Yazi was an important figure in both the literary and political circles at that time, and as a senior elder of the Kuomintang, he served as Sun Yat-sen's secretary and founded the Nanshe Society, which was quite influential among the literati.

He and Mao Zedong originally belonged to different parties, but during the first Kuomintang-Communist cooperation, they became close friends because of their common hobby, "poetry".

The two men, whom they had not seen in nineteen years, met again. It was this meeting that allowed "Qinyuan Spring Snow" to be released.

After listening to Mao Zedong's poem, Chiang Kai-shek was stunned: "Did he really write it?" First, the word shocked four, "snow" covered the mountain city two, and the word vain suppression, in vain to leave a laughing stock three, with "wen" to compete, justice in the hearts of the people

Seeing each other after many years of separation, I was naturally extremely excited. Originally because of the "poetry", Liu Yazi, who talked about Xingtou, immediately presented his poems to Mao Zedong. Seeing his friend's friendship of "bidding farewell to Yangcheng in the nineteenth autumn and reuniting with him to shake hands in Xiyu prefecture" and hearing his praise for his "great courage in the sky" in Chongqing, Mao Zedong was very moved.

Therefore, when Liu Yazi asked him for a poem, he did not hesitate to respond. After returning to his residence, he "substituted words for notes" and copied to Liu Yazi the "Qinyuan Spring snow" he had made nine years ago.

Liu Yazi, who received the "return gift", could not wait to unfold the manuscript, and the familiar font of his friend came into his eyes.

"The scenery of the northern country, thousands of miles of ice, thousands of miles of snow." Looking inside and outside the Great Wall, only Yu Mang... A generation of heavenly pride, Genghis Khan, only knows how to bend the bow to shoot large eagles. Count the popular characters, and look at the present dynasty! "

For a moment, Liu Yazi was shocked by the words in front of him and was speechless for a long time. Then, excitedly shooting the case and calling out, saying that this is the "first word" in ancient and modern China and abroad, especially su shi!

With this wonderful word, Liu Yazi was very itchy, and immediately splashed ink and words, and wrote a long trek, recording the origin of "Qinyuan Spring snow" and his admiration for this word.

In this way, Liu Yazi still feels "not addicted", how can such a masterpiece be enjoyed alone?! Soon after, he found the then Xinhua Daily and asked for the publication of Mao Zedong's Qinyuan ChunXue and his words.

After listening to Mao Zedong's poem, Chiang Kai-shek was stunned: "Did he really write it?" First, the word shocked four, "snow" covered the mountain city two, and the word vain suppression, in vain to leave a laughing stock three, with "wen" to compete, justice in the hearts of the people

Liu Yazi's move made it difficult for the editor-in-chief of the newspaper. The publication of the work required the consent of the author himself, and since it was Mao Zedong's work, it was even more necessary to ask the Yan'an side for instructions. In the end, Liu Yazi failed to do so, and Xinhua Daily only published his "washi" and long trek.

This publication has set off quite a few waves in Chongqing's literary circles. Liu Yazi's arrogance is not inferior, but his arrogance is famous, which can make him praise and bow to the wind in the eyes of "no one in sight", what kind of masterpiece is this "Qinyuan Spring and Snow"?

The crowd waited eagerly, waiting for the original text to be published. But after waiting for a long time, Xinhua Daily still did not publish the original article. At this point, those literati really couldn't sit still. Therefore, people who knew Liu Yazi well came to the door one after another and asked him for the original text.

Liu Yazi copied a few copies and gave them to a friend who came to the door. Along the way, "Qinyuan Spring and Snow" was disseminated among Chongqing literati, but it was never reported. Until one day, a man named Wu Guangzu unveiled his "mysterious veil". Wu Guangzu is the deputy editor of Xinmin Bao and a "good writer". Because he inadvertently saw Liu Yazi's words and long treks, he became a "fan" of "Qinyuan Spring snow".

In order to see the original text, he went to great lengths, and after much effort, he finally got three manuscripts. But to his headache, none of the three manuscripts were the same. Therefore, he simply published these three manuscripts in the "Xinmin Bao", and "Qinyuan Spring and Snow" met with the public.

As soon as "Qinyuan Chunxue" was published, it immediately caused a huge sensation, from the literati and inkers, the dignitaries and nobles, down to the people of the city and the villagers, the peddlers and pawns, competing to recite, and for a while, there was a trend of "Luoyang paper expensive".

Soon, other newspapers also reprinted and published, and the whole mountain city was "talking about snow". Its author, and the Communist Party represented by its author, has aroused great interest among the masses. All this finally alarmed Chairman Jiang.

After listening to Mao Zedong's poem, Chiang Kai-shek was stunned: "Did he really write it?" First, the word shocked four, "snow" covered the mountain city two, and the word vain suppression, in vain to leave a laughing stock three, with "wen" to compete, justice in the hearts of the people

Thus, at the official residence in Chongqing, there was a scene in which Committee Member Jiang grew up and was stunned.

No wonder Chiang Kai-shek was so out of shape, he never expected that the "mud legs" he disdained would have such a good literary style. What made him even more embarrassed was that after this incident, the Kuomintang's "false propaganda" against the Communist Party was only afraid of being "punctured."

It turned out that under the Kuomintang's unremitting "demonization" propaganda, some people who did not know the truth believed that the Communist Party was "killing people and setting fires," full of "banditry," very "rude," and had no "quality."

But now, such an "unbearable" Communist Party leader has written a magnificent "miracle", and people can't help but think about who is the real "liar". Many people expressed admiration for the mind, courage and talent embodied in the words, and some even openly expressed their "yearning" for Mao Zedong.

All this made Chiang Kai-shek angry and frustrated, like sitting on a needle felt. To this end, he specially sought out his confidant Chen Bray to hear his views on "Qinyuan Spring and Snow".

Chen Bray was a well-known talent in the Kuomintang and regarded as the most outstanding literati under Chiang Kai-shek, and many important documents were drafted by Chen Bray.

When he came to Chen Bray on an "order" and heard the chairman of the committee "begging" for "Qinyuan Spring and Snow" from himself, he couldn't help but hesitate. He had read this poem, and it was precisely because he had read it that he knew its "weight".

This song deserves a phrase "a masterpiece of the world".

After listening to Mao Zedong's poem, Chiang Kai-shek was stunned: "Did he really write it?" First, the word shocked four, "snow" covered the mountain city two, and the word vain suppression, in vain to leave a laughing stock three, with "wen" to compete, justice in the hearts of the people

But looking at the office constantly pacing, Chairman Jiang, who is full of green muscles, Chen Brei, who dares to tell the truth, can only euphemistically evaluate: "Fill in the words decently, the atmosphere is high, the words are bright and beautiful, and the sustenance is far away." Chen Bray's words made Chiang Kai-shek's footsteps stop, how could he not understand Chen Brei's deep meaning. But he was not dead-hearted, thought about it again and again, and asked reluctantly, "Is there really nothing unsatisfactory about it?" ”

Chen Brei thought about it for a moment, then shook his head helplessly and commented: "The temperament is extraordinary, and it is rare to have this fine product in today's poetry world." This conclusion made Chiang Kai-shek very uncomfortable, he did not expect that he "had ulterior motives" to invite Mao Zedong to Chongqing for negotiations, but the result was to make himself so "blocked".

How could Chiang Kai-shek swallow this breath! He immediately gave an order to Chen Brei, asking him to either "go down" himself or find someone to "shoot". In any case, we must suppress Mao Zedong's momentum. ”

Chen Brei, who had taken over the errand, was very helpless in his heart, and he knew that the final result would inevitably be difficult to satisfy Chiang Kai-shek. Even so, this "kung fu" still has to be done.

Therefore, under some operation, a wave of poetry writing was set off within the Kuomintang. Some scholars and professors controlled by the Kuomintang also "went down" one after another. Suddenly, dozens of congratulatory messages and articles appeared, wanting to compete with Mao Zedong. ”

Although the number of these "peace words" written with great effort and thoughtfulness is large, none of them can surpass Mao Zedong, but on the contrary, "Qinyuan Spring and Snow" is even higher, making the Kuomintang disciples laugh.

While using the literati to "encircle and suppress" Mao Zedong, Chiang Kai-shek also tried every means to "pick bones in the egg." On this day, Chen Bray reported to Chiang Kai-shek on the public opinion of the outside world. Chen Brei was a little worried by the public opinion from the outside world, and he reported: "Not only the cultural circles, but even some people in our party who understand poetry have admired Mao Zedong's knowledge. Now, many people respond to this word, and Mao Zedong's influence is too great. ”

Chiang Kai-shek looked at the manuscript in his hand repeatedly, and suddenly, as if he had discovered something, he excitedly said to Chen Brei: "I see that Mao Zedong is a person with a problem with his thinking, and he wants to emulate 'Tang Zong and Song Zu'!" In my opinion, he just wants to be called emperor, and you quickly organize a group of people to criticize him. ”

After listening to Mao Zedong's poem, Chiang Kai-shek was stunned: "Did he really write it?" First, the word shocked four, "snow" covered the mountain city two, and the word vain suppression, in vain to leave a laughing stock three, with "wen" to compete, justice in the hearts of the people

At this behest, the Kuomintang's imperial literati went down one after another, seizing on the phrase "count the popular figures, but also look at the present dynasty", fabricating that Mao Zedong wanted to become emperor, and even wanted to defeat the Qin Emperor Han Wu, slandering the Communist Party for using force to seize the world, and vainly trying to pass on the crime of launching a civil war to the Communist Party.

The Kuomintang's "shamelessness" has surprised people and caused disappointment and indignation among patriotic literati. Thus, around "Qinyuan Spring Snow", a special contest began.

At that time, Guo Moruo, Huang Qisheng, Deng Tuo and others all stood up one after another, writing words or articles to support Mao Zedong. The imperial literati who reprimanded the Kuomintang for their ulterior motives, subjective speculation, and distortion of the facts. They responded with all their calls, and many "leftist" intellectuals responded in solidarity.

Liu Yazi, who "provoked the incident," was even more righteous and outspoken, writing articles denouncing the Kuomintang for borrowing the topic to play, making something out of nothing.

Even within the Kuomintang, many people sided with Mao Zedong and praised "Qinyuan Spring and Snow." Cui Jingbo, who had worked in the Kuomintang government, boldly used words and phrases such as "vicissitudes and changes, remember the present dynasty, and look at the Ming Dynasty" in his congratulatory speech to sing the praises of the Kuomintang. All this has made Chiang Kai-shek lose face.

The development of things to this point was unexpected by Chiang Kai-shek. This controversy finally ended in Chiang Kai-shek's helpless sentence of "Forget it!" "Underneath, it doesn't work out.

After listening to Mao Zedong's poem, Chiang Kai-shek was stunned: "Did he really write it?" First, the word shocked four, "snow" covered the mountain city two, and the word vain suppression, in vain to leave a laughing stock three, with "wen" to compete, justice in the hearts of the people

Nowadays, it seems that the literati that Chiang Kai-shek is looking for may not be under Mao Zedong in literary style and attainment, and what they have lost is the courage and open-mindedness of the world.

Poetry is a reflection of the poet's state of mind, cultivation and life course.

"Qinyuan Spring and Snow" was born on the arduous Long March, which condensed the process of the Chinese Communist Party's arduous growth and bitter struggle. Without these experiences, there would be no "Qinyuan Spring Snow".

As a witness and participant in the growth and development of the Communist Party of China, Mao Zedong did not have in mind a struggle for power and profit, nor glory and wealth, but a Chinese people who were poor, weak and poor, and the Chinese nation that was weak and weak at that time.

Chiang Kai-shek's "defeat" does not lie in his knowledge and literary ability, but in his original intention of helping the world and serving the country and the people.

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