
"Tracing the Footsteps of Martyrs" Global Comics Review | Guo'er forgot his home "Hairdress" Wang Erzhuo

Source: World Wide Web

"Tracing the Footsteps of Martyrs" Global Comics Review | Guo'er forgot his home "Hairdress" Wang Erzhuo

Comic book author: Xu Yangjie

He was the chief of staff of the Chinese Workers' and Peasants' Red Army, who was brave and good at war, and "the revolution was not successful, and it did not shave its head or shave its beard." It was he who made the oath, and in his words, his enthusiasm and firm belief in the revolution were fully revealed. On August 25, 1928, at the age of 25, he was killed by a traitor's gun, still with a long hair flowing over his chest. He is Wang Erzhuo.

Re-reading the book of Tuo Gu today, and feeling the great sentiment of a loyal revolutionary who gave up his small family for everyone at the time of the war-fighting -

"Fengcui mother and daughter came to Han this time, and they did not meet a face, and they are deeply sorry. Erhe did not want to miss the reunion of flesh and bones, and he did not cherish the closeness of the family, but the blood stains of the martyrs in Shanghai and Changsha ignited a fire, and the cries of orphans and widows on the mass burial post cut off the children's thousands of thoughts. In order to let thousands of mothers and children live a good life, so that the white-haired elderly can enjoy their lives, the child has decided to promise the country with his body! The revolution is unsuccessful, and vows not to return home..."

This is Wang Erzhuo's last family letter, and it is also his last words to his relatives. In the letter, there is both a heart of loyalty to the revolution and a mixture of his sorrows for loving his daughter and wife and mourning his parents. In a chaotic world, it is difficult to have both, and this is the greatest helplessness. At the memorial service for Wang Erzhuo, Mao Zedong and Zhu De spoke highly of his contributions to the revolution. Hanging in the venue was a link drafted by Mao Zedong and written by Chen Yi: "One cry Erzhuo, two cry Erzhuo, Erzhu is now finished!" Who will bear the burden of staying? Born as a class, died as a class, how about after class? Get the victory of the beginning of the holiday! ”

However, the seven-foot body has already been Xu Guo, and it is difficult to Xu Qing. At that time, Wang Erzhuo forgot his private interests because of his official duties, and today's anti-epidemic heroes are also rushing to the front line, which is the great righteousness of the Chinese nation. (Intern Editor Sun Lulu)

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