
Have you read the silent confession book? That lost love story is beautiful

author:The nine-tailed cat's reading nest
Have you read the silent confession book? That lost love story is beautiful

Is Lydia missing, the half-race girl who doesn't like to talk, forced to run away from home by her mother Marilyn? Or was he abandoned by his mercurial neighbor Jack? Sister Hannah may know something, but she was too young until they found her in the lake.

James Lee has black hair and eyes. After graduating from Harvard, I was ready to stay on to teach, but I didn't expect to lose this opportunity for some reason. In fact, he knew it in his heart. Marilyn was his wife, and she married James despite her mother's objections, saying that she liked the smell of his body and would not regret it. Her mother told her solemnly, "You look different!" "They got married and had 3 kids a few years later.

The eldest son, Ness, loves astronomical machinery and has good grades. The eldest daughter, Lydia, is taciturn and is the most cared for in the family. Because Marilyn, the mother, wants her daughter to become a doctor and fulfill her dreams. Academically, the academic pressure is tight, and the grades are getting worse and worse. The youngest daughter, Hannah, is the shadow of her sister, the one who hides forever, like the transparent air in the house, always unnoticed.

Have you read the silent confession book? That lost love story is beautiful

The person Lydia knew best was her brother, who learned to swim as a child and accidentally choked, and in a critical moment, it was Hans who dragged his sister up to save her. The brother knows his sister's pain best and the strong pressure that his mother exerts on his sister. In fact, Lydia's big blue eyes are full of escape from school and family. Her heart longed to jump out, but Her father James would always tell her to make more friends. But at school or on the street, he was always the object of ridicule, but he became a friendless person.

Jack, who lives next door to Lydia, is tall and handsome and is the dream lover of many girls, and there are rumors that becoming Jack's girlfriend is a rhetorical capital. Envious of such a person, she also liked Jack. She took the cigarette that Jack handed him and got into his car. She liked the feeling of being noticed, but nothing actually happened to them.

Father James gave Lydia a beautiful silver necklace, but her father's assistant was flirtatious, she knew her father's secret, and her father had a relationship with this woman. Angrily, he ripped off the necklace and threw it in the box. The back was picked up by the little shadow Hannah, who always picked up some things that her brothers and sisters didn't want and silently collected them.

Have you read the silent confession book? That lost love story is beautiful

Lydia was still found in the lake. After the police investigation told the Jameses, "Your daughter died by suicide!" Marilyn roared wildly, "If it were a white girl, it wouldn't be sloppy!" Looking at Lydia's room, Marilyn didn't see the diary, there was nothing on it. I found only a recipe that my daughter had discarded, pressed to the bottom, which was his favorite, and it was clearly printed with tear marks, as if it were yesterday.

Hans went to Harvard. Lydia felt like she had lost the whole world. Because no one knew her anymore and comforted her. Her little world became desolate, especially after learning a secret, and her last love began to collapse. Jack doesn't like women, and the person he loves is her brother Hans. This is too cruel for a girl who has great courage to fall in love, who will save this poor child.

Delia sat by the lake watching the boat, and at two o'clock in the night she rowed the boat, close to the center of the lake. She felt that she had to be brave, that she had to face life again.

James lost his daughter and got into a fight with Marilyn. But I still returned to my wife, I had lost my daughter, and the tears had flowed too much.

Have you read the silent confession book? That lost love story is beautiful

The book "Silent Confession", after reading, always feel that it should not be called a silent farewell, and then the story develops and changes, calling confession more tearing, with painful memories, can not be erased. Poetic years, cardamom youth, which girl is not the flower season? There are too many reasons why youth makes you misunderstand the world, but to find these misunderstandings, you need to experience. Often this beautiful season, the most missing thing is experience.

When you are sad, think again, whether the world is different in skin color, the eyes see differently, is the world in brown eyes different from black eyes, is the world eyes still able to distinguish between good and evil. Then the world is too simple, to whom did Lydia's youth be wrongly paid? How many such girls are there? I think there are still a lot.

I've thought about this story, like this anxious time. We work, we struggle in life, we still hope for love, and we still think of sweet aftertaste. I want to be more in the eyes of others and strive to be upstream. The pressure is a ring wrapped around a ring, like a steel cable, we don't have any props, we can only go forward, can't look down, fear? Because our front is full of hope.

Relieving stress is a big problem, people's two major abilities, cognitive ability and physical ability. I think more questions come from reality, giving life more meaning and sounding more like chicken soup. Frankl said: "Anything that man possesses can be deprived, but the last freedom of human nature, that is, the freedom to choose one's own attitude and way of life in any situation, cannot be deprived." I think so.

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