
Probably the most comprehensive, Kenya Tanzanian Animal Encyclopedia. The Little Earth took a week to sort it out!

author:Small Earth travel
Probably the most comprehensive, Kenya Tanzanian Animal Encyclopedia. The Little Earth took a week to sort it out!

When I was a child, I broke the leg of a dragonfly,

Or play with a lighter burning the Celestial Bull

An earth monarch who has no sense of animals

Ever since loved traveling

It's almost like becoming an animal activist

Because I've seen free animals

Blowing the wind, or the treetops, or the water's edge, or the flowers

Wandering between heaven and earth, or preying or reproducing

You can feel their breathing, their freedom

You can even enter their world and experience them

Therefore, I felt awe for the Creator and my heart shook

I feel like crying, I feel a lot of love surrounded

I think we don't just have life, we have things in front of us

There is also a vast earth waiting for us to love and explore

Probably the most comprehensive, Kenya Tanzanian Animal Encyclopedia. The Little Earth took a week to sort it out!

If you want to fly directly to the African savannah safari

Book a consultation with Earth Jun xiaodiqiu2



Mwanza Flat Headed Agama lizar

Mwanza flat-headed wyvern lizard

Let's start with a Spider-Man town building

Probably the most comprehensive, Kenya Tanzanian Animal Encyclopedia. The Little Earth took a week to sort it out!

The Mwanza flat-headed wyvern lizard, also known as the rainbow flying lizard, is from Africa, red and blue, they often live in groups, and the dominant males are generally the most colorful. Lifespan up to 15 years. The Mwanza flat-headed dragon lizard has a very bright body color, it looks like it is wearing a set of elaborate costumes, and it looks very similar to Spider-Man when crawling around the rocks. It is said that it is now very popular with pet shops that sell exotic animals. What about such a bright, good protective color? What about the theory of evolution!!!



Bush Cat

Are the cat slaves ready, the cat worth 200,000 is coming

Probably the most comprehensive, Kenya Tanzanian Animal Encyclopedia. The Little Earth took a week to sort it out!

Compared to other cats, it is slender, with long legs and short tails, high, rounded ears, and close distances. There are many variants of spots. Serval cats live in much of sub-Saharan Africa. Serval cats prefer to live in high grassy grasslands with abundant water, where they can use their slender limbs to jump around like antelopes in tall grass or reeds. Serval cats are mainly vertically jumping, and they mainly listen to the movements of rodents on the grassland (especially burrowing activities) through large ears.

Probably the most comprehensive, Kenya Tanzanian Animal Encyclopedia. The Little Earth took a week to sort it out!
Probably the most comprehensive, Kenya Tanzanian Animal Encyclopedia. The Little Earth took a week to sort it out!

This sexy and athletic posture, even drinking water is heroic, you are sure that this is our cute cat!


Vicious cat

Are the cat slaves ready, and you don't have enough meat to feed it?

Probably the most comprehensive, Kenya Tanzanian Animal Encyclopedia. The Little Earth took a week to sort it out!

The lynx, as the name suggests, is not only vicious in appearance, but also more vicious in behavior than cats, and is sometimes referred to as the desert lynx or the African lynx, but the lynx and the lynx are not similar species. The cat has characteristic ears and a lazy queen's breath.

Probably the most comprehensive, Kenya Tanzanian Animal Encyclopedia. The Little Earth took a week to sort it out!

The cat is athletic and often feeds on smaller prey, such as jerboas, sand rabbits, ground squirrels, rock beavers and other animals. Of course, it can also catch small antelopes that are larger. Their bird-catching skills are well worth mentioning, as the cats are so agile and jumpy that they can jump up several feet high to catch fresh birdies, such as pigeons and guinea fowls.

Probably the most comprehensive, Kenya Tanzanian Animal Encyclopedia. The Little Earth took a week to sort it out!

The lynx eats the serval cat and eats it without mercy... Those who want to raise it, huh-

Probably the most comprehensive, Kenya Tanzanian Animal Encyclopedia. The Little Earth took a week to sort it out!

However, when cats meet bigger meows, they can only eat lunch on the plate... No wonder netizens commented: lion abuse leopard, leopard eat cheetah eat fox cat, fox cat eat wild cat, Nyima African drip cat family, leave a little festival to conduct no?




Are the cat slaves ready, this cargo looks like a mouse

Probably the most comprehensive, Kenya Tanzanian Animal Encyclopedia. The Little Earth took a week to sort it out!

Musk cats are found almost all over Africa south of the Mediterranean. It is a nocturnal animal, lonely and secretive, often alone, and shy. They are active on the ground, rarely climb trees, and when in danger, they quickly hide in the grass, with dense, primitive broad-leaved forests as their main habitat; carnivorous, mainly feeding on rodents, reptiles and insects.

Probably the most comprehensive, Kenya Tanzanian Animal Encyclopedia. The Little Earth took a week to sort it out!

In addition to the animal's bone hair, the excrement of musk cats often contains plant leaves and fruits. The musk cat that likes to eat coffee fruits, the excreted coffee beans, after processing, it has become the most expensive coffee in the world - musk cat coffee.




A lazy beautiful man is a sense of sight

Probably the most comprehensive, Kenya Tanzanian Animal Encyclopedia. The Little Earth took a week to sort it out!

The Serengeti is a great place to see lions, and the production team of "The Lion King" squatted in the Serengeti prairie for a long time to observe the habits of lions. In Swahili, the lion is called "Simba"!

As one of the "Big Five" lions in Africa, they are easy to see in most parks. Lion is the only hermaphrodite cat, wild African male lion average weight 220 kg, body length 2-2.5 meters, tail length 1 meter, the famous cat overlord.

Lions prey on a wide range of targets, from small gazelles, baboons to large buffaloes and even hippos, but they prefer to hunt medium-to-upper ungulates such as zebras, impalas, and other species of antelope.

Probably the most comprehensive, Kenya Tanzanian Animal Encyclopedia. The Little Earth took a week to sort it out!

Among lions, female lions are the main hunters. Although lions run at speeds of up to sixty kilometers per hour, their prey tends to run faster than they do. And because of the small heart of their huge body, the lion lacks the endurance to pursue long distances, and is exhausted after only a short sprint. Therefore, when hunting, the lions are always careful to approach the target, as far as possible to use all the barriers that can be used as a cover to hide themselves, approaching the prey to a range of more than thirty meters, and then suddenly and quickly swooping towards the target. Although male lions rarely participate in hunting, male lions have an irreproachable priority in the order of feeding within the lion group, followed by female lions, while baby lion cubs can only wait to pick up some broken bone and flesh.

Why do tigers live in the forest and do not climb trees, and lions live on the grassland to climb trees?

Probably the most comprehensive, Kenya Tanzanian Animal Encyclopedia. The Little Earth took a week to sort it out!
Probably the most comprehensive, Kenya Tanzanian Animal Encyclopedia. The Little Earth took a week to sort it out!

A lion who is forced to a tree by a bison... Heroes do not have the courage of a puppet!!!!

Probably the most comprehensive, Kenya Tanzanian Animal Encyclopedia. The Little Earth took a week to sort it out!

Lionesses climbing trees to cool off, what is the difference between you and cats at this time?

Probably the most comprehensive, Kenya Tanzanian Animal Encyclopedia. The Little Earth took a week to sort it out!

I have good helpers for climbing trees, wait, for Mao so familiar?



African buffalo/bison

The best at skills, top your lungs

Probably the most comprehensive, Kenya Tanzanian Animal Encyclopedia. The Little Earth took a week to sort it out!

African buffalo can be seen in most national parks and is arguably the top five most easily seen. Adult African buffalo can reach a height of 2 meters and a length of 3 meters. Although a herbivore, it is one of the most feared beasts of prey. The African buffalo fights en masse, led by an adult male buffalo, forming a phalanx to rush toward the invaders, usually hundreds or even thousands, and it can reach speeds of up to 60 kilometers per hour, in such a position, any animal will be trampled into meat paste.

Probably the most comprehensive, Kenya Tanzanian Animal Encyclopedia. The Little Earth took a week to sort it out!

(As the Five African Powers, unremarkable bison, even lions, will be hit hard by bison, flying and pulling a big hole in the body or something...) Buffalo mating and childbirth are strictly scheduled during the rainy season. The birth peak occurs after the mating peak at the beginning of this breeding period. Cows first mate after 5 years of age, and the gestation period is 11.5 months. For the first few weeks, newborn calves remain hidden in the vegetation, while nursing mothers occasionally join the main group. The calves are held in the herd safety zone of the center. After the bulls leave their mother, they will officially join the buffalo herd at about the age of 2.




Probably the most comprehensive, Kenya Tanzanian Animal Encyclopedia. The Little Earth took a week to sort it out!

Yes, this is the fluff in the Lion King. The ideal situation would be the image above, but the reality is the following:

Probably the most comprehensive, Kenya Tanzanian Animal Encyclopedia. The Little Earth took a week to sort it out!

(Mom, I don't believe Big Bear II anymore)

Probably the most comprehensive, Kenya Tanzanian Animal Encyclopedia. The Little Earth took a week to sort it out!

The skin under the eyes of the warthog grows a pair of large warts, hence the name. Their natural enemy is the lion, which is currently in large number and is not in danger of extinction for the time being. Warthogs weigh between 50 and 150 kg, belong to small and medium-sized ungulates, with a long gray mane on their backs, the proportion of head and body is seriously imbalanced, the huge head accounts for about one-third of the body length, it looks heavier than the body, in addition to the pointed warts make the warthog look hideous, 4 huge fangs are more daunting; the male warthog's upper fangs are very large, 15 to 25 inches long, and sharply curved upwards and outwards, and the short and pointed fangs can be used as knives.




Uncover the mystery of two zebras whispering

Probably the most comprehensive, Kenya Tanzanian Animal Encyclopedia. The Little Earth took a week to sort it out!

For some reason, when I shoot a zebra, I have a feeling of contemporary art abstract painting. This may be the visual impact caused by the natural minimalism of black and white animals. Zebras are found in eastern, central and southern Africa and prefer to inhabit plains and grasslands. Zebras are social animals, often grouping 10-12 animals together, sometimes mixed with other fauna such as wildebeest and even ostriches. They run fast, up to 64 kilometers per hour, and zebras drink water regularly and rarely go far from water sources.

There are species of zebras such as narrow zebras, mountain zebras, common zebras, fine zebras, etc., and the common zebras seen in the national park are generally ordinary zebras, and fine zebras can be seen in Samburu. Zebras spend most of the year in the same area, migrating only when food and water are scarce.

Probably the most comprehensive, Kenya Tanzanian Animal Encyclopedia. The Little Earth took a week to sort it out!

During hunting, two zebras can often be seen standing staggered, one whispering. In fact, this is a very safe position for them, so that each group of zebras can see in all directions to prevent predators from attacking.

Distribution: Tanzania's Serengeti Plain is rich in animal resources, sometimes reaching hundreds of zebras and other large groups of animals migrating to fresh grasslands. They often graze with other herbivores such as wildebeest, fox, and longhorn.

Probably the most comprehensive, Kenya Tanzanian Animal Encyclopedia. The Little Earth took a week to sort it out!

Although the zebra has always looked harmless, in fact, the brute force is huge, look at this lion that may have been kicked off the jaw by the zebra... Emma, why is it the lion who is injured again!!! (The heart of the lion is crying out to heaven)

Probably the most comprehensive, Kenya Tanzanian Animal Encyclopedia. The Little Earth took a week to sort it out!
Probably the most comprehensive, Kenya Tanzanian Animal Encyclopedia. The Little Earth took a week to sort it out!

Well, the zebra that chases the cheetah... Comfort the poor lion...




Probably the most comprehensive, Kenya Tanzanian Animal Encyclopedia. The Little Earth took a week to sort it out!

Mongoose can be seen in the Masai Mara and Serengeti. The mongoose is The Ding Man in "The Lion King".

It is a small diurnal civet with a slender torso and limbs that allows it to reach a length of 25 to 35 centimeters. Mongooses are burrowing animals that live in large underground web-like burrows with several entrances. They are also very social animals, living in colonies of up to forty.

Probably the most comprehensive, Kenya Tanzanian Animal Encyclopedia. The Little Earth took a week to sort it out!

The natural enemies of the mongoose include various eagles and falcons, especially the eagles that live in Africa. Jackals on land are also a great threat to mongooses. When the mongoose, which is responsible for reconnaissance, warns of predators in the sky, the other mongooses will flee to the ground or under other bunkers in the most rapid way. Adult mongooses that cannot escape into bunkers also use their bodies to protect their young. For predators on land, mongoose usually scares the other party to get them to give up predation. Fright includes a low roar and trying to make your body look huge.


Enlisted monkey

Long-tailed black-jawed monkey

Let you experience what is the sorrow of an egg

Probably the most comprehensive, Kenya Tanzanian Animal Encyclopedia. The Little Earth took a week to sort it out!

If you want to know what is called the sorrow of the egg, look at this monkey and make it. This kind of monkey is really a fashionista in the monkey world, and the color scheme of the key parts is very strong. Like other monkeys, long-tailed monkeys look naughty in the eyes of humans and keep crawling around, especially small long-tailed monkeys often play all day long. Long-tailed monkeys build "social structures" that are more complex than most other social animals. The long-tailed monkey population can have up to 120 members and is led by a leader. With habitat destruction, the size of the population has shrunk in recent years, often less than 30 heads. Monkeys will call and communicate with each other, and when they encounter danger, they will also sound warnings, so their habitat will sometimes be noisy.

Probably the most comprehensive, Kenya Tanzanian Animal Encyclopedia. The Little Earth took a week to sort it out!




The Apes Rise pair into the seat

Probably the most comprehensive, Kenya Tanzanian Animal Encyclopedia. The Little Earth took a week to sort it out!

It is the largest of the primates. Eastern gorillas are currently divided into two subspecies: the Eastern Lowland Gorilla (G. Gorilla). b. graueri) and mountain gorillas (G. b. beringei)。 Eastern gorillas are herbivorous , feeding mainly on raw fruits , leaves , and branches. It inhabits the lowland and montane rainforests of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, south-west Uganda and Rwanda, as well as sub-mountain forests, within the Lualaba River, Lake Edward and Lake Tanganyika.

Probably the most comprehensive, Kenya Tanzanian Animal Encyclopedia. The Little Earth took a week to sort it out!

Silverback gorillas are the largest surviving primates on Earth and are protected wildlife, mainly found in Africa. Gorillas are social animals, each group led by an adult male gorilla known as the "silverback", with a strong sense of territory, and if other animals invade their territory, they will use force to defend their rights. The photographer, who was punched by a silverback gorilla, said, "It feels like being hit by a train."

Probably the most comprehensive, Kenya Tanzanian Animal Encyclopedia. The Little Earth took a week to sort it out!




The Rise of the Apes is once again seated

Probably the most comprehensive, Kenya Tanzanian Animal Encyclopedia. The Little Earth took a week to sort it out!

One of the four major apes, the upper primates, is recognized as the ape that most resembles humans. Chimpanzees have a higher IQ and are known to be able to use simple tools to perform some tasks, such as catching termites. Biologists have repeatedly observed that female chimpanzees can make tools to hunt bush monkeys. Wars break out between chimpanzee communities. Dead enemy chimpanzees may be eaten. Chimpanzees hunt colobus monkeys, even almost contributing to the extinction of colobus monkeys.


Savannah Monkey

Savannah Monkey

Probably the most comprehensive, Kenya Tanzanian Animal Encyclopedia. The Little Earth took a week to sort it out!

Masai Mara and Serengeti can see a lot of savannah monkeys. Monkey with a tea-grey back, a white belly, and a black face. The tail is 50 cm long and weighs about 5 kg. Not afraid of people, begging for food from people, but also curious about the items carried by tourists. Sometimes they get into a crash tent. Savannah monkeys can be seen everywhere in Serengeti, they are often haunted by hotels, and if you take pictures of them, they will see themselves in the camera, and then curiously reach for the camera. So be sure not to get scared.


Blue Monkey

Green long-tailed monkey

Probably the most comprehensive, Kenya Tanzanian Animal Encyclopedia. The Little Earth took a week to sort it out!

Green long-tailed monkeys can be seen in parks such as Samburu, Masai Mara, Serengeti and others. It is native to Africa and most live in forests. Due to the dwindling habitat, most of the long-tailed monkey species are threatened with survival or even endangered. It is found in Angola, Burundi, Congo, Ethiopia, Kenya, Malawi, Mozambique, Rwanda, Somalia, South Africa, Sudan, Eswatini, United Republic of Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia, Zimbabwe.

Probably the most comprehensive, Kenya Tanzanian Animal Encyclopedia. The Little Earth took a week to sort it out!


Black&White Colobus

Black and white colobus monkeys in East Africa

Pandas in the monkey world

Probably the most comprehensive, Kenya Tanzanian Animal Encyclopedia. The Little Earth took a week to sort it out!

The east African black and white colobus monkey has facial hairs like a beard, a small hip wart, a long tail, a small cheek sac, and a thumb that has degenerated into a small wart, hence the name. The stomach is large and complex, divided into several lobes to accommodate nutrient extraction from less nutrient-dense leaves. It inhabits tropical jungles or woods near grasslands, and eats mainly the buds and leaves of plants, but also wild fruits and grains. Each group of 9 to 13 animals, led by adult males, defends the territory with a loud voice. Sensitive movements, able to make long jumps between branches. Because of its beautiful fur, human hunting and serious threat to populations, African countries have listed the species as a precious protected animal.


Olive Baboon

East African baboons/green baboons/olive baboons

Baboons who swagger and steal things

Probably the most comprehensive, Kenya Tanzanian Animal Encyclopedia. The Little Earth took a week to sort it out!

In most national parks in Kenya and Tanzania, flocks of baboons can be seen. Baboons are a genus of monkeys in the family Monkey family, the world's second largest monkey in size to the mountain bass, divided into five species, all of which are distributed in Africa. Its natural habitats are tropical rainforests, savannas, semi-desert grasslands and plateau mountains, preferring to live in the more open and rocky low hills, plains or canyon cliffs.

Baboons are mainly active on the ground, but also climb trees to sleep or look for food, and are good at swimming. Can make a lot of noise. It is active during the day and inhabits large branches or caves at night. Food includes insects , scorpions , bird eggs , small vertebrates and plants. Usually drink water at noon. Living in groups, each group of more than a dozen to a hundred, there are also 200 to 300 large groups. The group is led by old and robust male baboons, with special observers responsible for warning of the coming of the enemy, and when retreating, first the female and the larvae, the male protects behind, makes a threatening roar, and even fights back, because of the strength and courage, can pose a threat to the inmates. The daily foraging activity ranges from 8 to 30 km, and the main predator is the leopard.


African Elephant/Tembo / Ndovul

African elephant

The most docile overlord

Probably the most comprehensive, Kenya Tanzanian Animal Encyclopedia. The Little Earth took a week to sort it out!

The African elephant is large and bulky, the largest mammal on land and the second tallest animal on land. African elephants can be easily seen in Masai Mara, Serengeti, Manyara, Ngorongoro, and Amboseli at kilimanjaro's feet is a paradise for African elephants. In order to feed, they travel 16,000 kilometers a year, and the migration route often passes through streams, lakes, swamps, etc., and its life is like a very patient long food-seeking trip. African elephants are invincible on the steppes, but mostly compete with other animals in a gentle way. It is only in times of anger or fear that it is possible to harm other animals, and even the strong rhinoceros must retreat.

Probably the most comprehensive, Kenya Tanzanian Animal Encyclopedia. The Little Earth took a week to sort it out!

African elephants do not have a fixed estrus season, can mate and breed all year round, and the female has a gestation period of 21-23 months, slightly longer than Asian elephants, and is the longest pregnant animal among mammals. Each litter is born 1 litter, the interval between litters is about 4 years, and each female elephant can give birth to 4-5 litters in her lifetime. During the first 5 years of the baby's birth, it must always be by the cub's side.

Due to the phenomenon of poaching, African elephants have appeared without ivory individual mutations, because poachers often hunt elephants with long tusks, so that elephants without ivory are spared, in the original jungle, elephants without ivory to find a mate, especially male elephants are inferior, but poaching allows individuals without ivory to have a certain advantage in reproduction.




Leopard cheetah Indian leopard jaguar silly not clear?

Probably the most comprehensive, Kenya Tanzanian Animal Encyclopedia. The Little Earth took a week to sort it out!

The leopard is one of the five african beasts and can generally be seen in the Masai Mara, Samburu, Nakuru and Serengeti.

Why are African leopards not called African leopards, but jaguars and Indian leopards? Confused by a lot of messy and grumpy data, right?

The first thing to clarify is that there are no jaguars and Indian leopards in Africa. Some are leopards and cheetahs. Leopards, cheetahs, leopards, and fools are not clear, resulting in many articles being wrong. To distinguish between leopards and jaguars, the easiest way for cheetahs is to stripe, cheetahs are dotted spots, leopards are pen spots, and jaguars are spots in circles.

Probably the most comprehensive, Kenya Tanzanian Animal Encyclopedia. The Little Earth took a week to sort it out!

Leopard, is a large carnivore, body shape like a tiger, but significantly smaller; head and tail long, short limbs; hair is yellow, covered with black ring spots; the spots on the head are small and dense, the spots on the back are dense and large, the spots are round or oval plum-like patterns, and quite similar to ancient copper coins, so it is also known as "golden leopard". The forefoot has 5 toes, the hind foot has 4 toes, and the claws are grayish white and retractable.

It lives in forests, shrublands, wetlands, deserts and other environments, and its nests are mostly built in dense trees, shrubs or caves. The camp lives alone, often at night, resting in trees or caves during the day. In places where food is abundant, the range of activity is relatively fixed; when food is scarce, it wanders for tens of kilometers to forage. Guard their own more fixed territory, the male's realm is larger than the female's. It preys on a variety of ungulates, but also monkeys, rabbits, rodents, birds and fish, and also eats sweet berries in autumn. When food was scarce, he also sneaked into the village at night to steal poultry and livestock.




I'm not Zheng Kai, I'm good at flying up and nibbling

Probably the most comprehensive, Kenya Tanzanian Animal Encyclopedia. The Little Earth took a week to sort it out!

Cheetah, long legs, thin waist, mouth is not prominent on the face, small and delicate, the eyes are parallel to the front, can focus on the prey when hunting. Cheetahs look more like larger cats, and they don't bite through the neck of their prey with their teeth like jaguars. Although they evolved to be fast and efficient hunters, they are relatively weak predators compared to other more powerful cats like lions.

Probably the most comprehensive, Kenya Tanzanian Animal Encyclopedia. The Little Earth took a week to sort it out!

(Fly up and nibble!) )

Cheetahs prey on mammals under 40 kg, such as gazelles, impala, baby wildebeest, humans, and hares. Sneak up to a distance of 10 to 30 meters from the prey, and then hunt the prey, the maximum speed can reach 110 kilometers per hour when hunting, and only one foot on the ground, but can only run for 3 minutes at most, and the physiological structure of the time makes the cheetah must slow down, otherwise they will die due to overheating. It is usually possible to hunt the prey within 1 minute, and if the cheetah hunt fails, it will be a waste of physical strength. Roughly only 1 out of 6 hunts will be successful.

Lions hunt cheetah pups and rob the cheetahs of their prey. It takes about 18 months to train the chietahs to adapt to their surroundings. It will take two or three years for the leopard to grow into a skilled hunter.




Ancient wonders, today I have the privilege of taking an ox cart

Probably the most comprehensive, Kenya Tanzanian Animal Encyclopedia. The Little Earth took a week to sort it out!

Rhinos are also one of the five african beasts. Rhinos can be seen in Nakuru, Ngoloengolo and Serengeti National Parks, but due to the small numbers, not every group of tourists is lucky to see them.

Rhinos are the largest odd-hoofed animals and second only to elephants. All rhinos are basically short-legged, stout,clumsy, and coarse-skinned. Rhinoceros appeared about 60 million years ago, and there are now five species in the world, including black rhino, white rhino, Indian rhino, Sumatran rhino and Javan rhino. Both the white rhinoceros and the black rhino live in the African savannah, and the white rhino is not white, but the same color as the black rhinoceros, and the name is a mistranslation of the word "weit" in the white South African language, which originally meant wide. Male white rhinos can be up to 5 meters long and weigh up to 3.5 tons. The most prominent feature of the white rhinoceros is that the snout is relatively square, the head is down, the snout is close to the ground, and it mainly eats grass. The black rhino is smaller than the white rhinoceros, with a pointed and retractable snout, and its head is raised to feed on leaves.

Probably the most comprehensive, Kenya Tanzanian Animal Encyclopedia. The Little Earth took a week to sort it out!




Hey, look at my violent temper

Probably the most comprehensive, Kenya Tanzanian Animal Encyclopedia. The Little Earth took a week to sort it out!

In National Parks such as Naivasha, Ngoloengolo, Serengeti, etc., there are hippopotamus ponds where a large number of hippos can be seen. Hippos live mainly in tropical Africa between rivers. They prefer to inhabit swamps and reeds near rivers. Foraging, mating, calving, and breastfeeding are also carried out in the water, and it is the largest terrestrial mammal in the world.

Probably the most comprehensive, Kenya Tanzanian Animal Encyclopedia. The Little Earth took a week to sort it out!

The hippopotamus's body is wrapped in a thick layer of skin, which is blue-black with brick-red markings on it, and has almost no hair on its body except for some short hairs on its tail. Hippopotamus's skin is extra thick, and inside the skin is a layer of fat, which allows it to float effortlessly from the water. When a hippopotamus is exposed to air, it evaporates much more water on its skin than other mammals, which keeps it from staying outside the water for too long. Hippos have a lifespan of 40-50 years, the breeding period is not fixed, they breed throughout the year, each litter is born, the gestation period is 227-240 days, and the baby animal weighs 27-45 kg at birth. Little hippos learn to swim in the water within minutes of their birth. Baby hippos sometimes become a delicacy for lions or crocodiles, but more baby hippos are victims who die in adult hippos disputes. Hippos can also attack people, so watching hippos should pay attention to safety

Probably the most comprehensive, Kenya Tanzanian Animal Encyclopedia. The Little Earth took a week to sort it out!

Hippos often stand a group of small birds, generally are cow starlings, because hippos are grumpy, fight more, wounds are easy to breed bugs, cow starlings can both clean up rotten flesh, but also can repel insects ~ for their business partners, but the temper is very good Mr. Ha Hippo ~



Wildebeest/Black-tailed Wildebeest

The Great Migration of Animals is mainly about them

Probably the most comprehensive, Kenya Tanzanian Animal Encyclopedia. The Little Earth took a week to sort it out!

African wildebeests look like cattle and live in eastern and southern Africa. During the rainy season (March-May), the rain is abundant, the land is large, and the vast grasslands are scattered with African wildebeests. But during the dry season (July-September), the African wildebeests had to leave in search of fresh forage, and they gathered, numbering as many as 1.5 million, in droves in search of food. Wildebeest mating occurs during collective migration. Whenever the herd of wildebeest stops, the males will drive the females together, with their heads held high, running around them and fighting with other competing males. Such groups can only last for a few days. When the large groups started to move forward again, they disbanded. Pups will give birth during the rainy season when food is plentiful.

Probably the most comprehensive, Kenya Tanzanian Animal Encyclopedia. The Little Earth took a week to sort it out!

Every year from July to September, millions of wildebeests migrate across the Mara River. There are two animals in the Mara River that wildebeests inevitably encounter when crossing the river: the world's largest and most ferocious Nile crocodile, and the hippopotamus known as the "African River King". The Mara River is the last river that wildebeests will cross, and when they cross it, they will enter the "Garden of Eden" with abundant water and grass. If they don't cross, most of them will die due to lack of grass and water.

Probably the most comprehensive, Kenya Tanzanian Animal Encyclopedia. The Little Earth took a week to sort it out!



African crowned porcupine

A pig that looks like a hedgehog, I feel pain for the lion

Probably the most comprehensive, Kenya Tanzanian Animal Encyclopedia. The Little Earth took a week to sort it out!

African crowned porcupine has appeared on some popular news many times, the news headline is similar: A 4-meter-long African python swallowed the porcupine's internal organs and died after being pierced, African leopard killed the crowned porcupine tragically: violently tearing blood flowed all over the ground, African little lion wants to eat porcupine punctured by sharp through the nose Eh I will feel meat pain for these big students, it is not easy to do the man at the top of the food chain, and it is not easy to bite when encountering this kind of hard goods...

Probably the most comprehensive, Kenya Tanzanian Animal Encyclopedia. The Little Earth took a week to sort it out!

Countless bloody facts tell us that the thorn of this cargo is not blind, it can swagger on the road, with its own weapons bunkers ~ it has killed leopards, lions, and even people. Babe had eaten it in one installment, and Africans had kept it for food.

Probably the most comprehensive, Kenya Tanzanian Animal Encyclopedia. The Little Earth took a week to sort it out!

The body length is about 60-90 cm, and the weight is 10-30 kg. It is large, with a small head, small eyes, short limbs, long, hard spines on the back and tail, which are important organs against predators; almost the entire body is covered by mane. When encountering the enemy, the thorns stand up and shake, make a "rustling" sound, and can retreat in an emergency, and then forcefully pounce on the enemy to insert the thorns into their bodies.

Its natural habitats are hillsides, meadows or dense forests. Cave dwelling. Nighttime activities, and often have a certain route. The spines rub against each other as they walk. Plant-feeding. Breed once a year, 1 litter and 2 litters. Territorial, they rarely climb trees, but are able to swim. Herbivorous, eating tree roots, shoots, crops, etc. They also sometimes eat insects, tiny vertebrates, and carrion.


Black Backed Jackal (Bweha-miraba)

Black-backed Jackal/Black-backed Jackal

Probably the most comprehensive, Kenya Tanzanian Animal Encyclopedia. The Little Earth took a week to sort it out!

Also known as the black-backed jackal, the black-backed jackal is found mainly in the deserts of eastern and southern Africa and is a resourceful predator.

The black-backed jackal is small, resembles a dog, prefers to inhabit burrows, is generally considered a scavenger, and is a number of animals that are constantly howling around the cemetery while digging up dead bodies to eat, so they are revered as sacrifices to the gods of hell and death. In fact, while dead animals are an important food source for black-backed jackals, their proportion in food is not large. They are quick-witted, and with their resourceful talents, they can often outwit all competitors and get a sumptuous meal.

Their families are "monogamous", and males and females will spend their lives together as partners, which is rare among mammals. Of the black-backed jackals born that year, one-third of the individuals will remain with their mothers and spend the following year's breeding season with them.

The Maasai Mara and Serengeti steppes occasionally see black-backed jackals.




Probably the most comprehensive, Kenya Tanzanian Animal Encyclopedia. The Little Earth took a week to sort it out!

The aardvark, also known as the African anteaters, is a strong animal. "Aardvark" means "earth pig" in African. Aardvarks are insectivores that feed on ants and termites. It is a pig that looks a bit like an anteater.

NetEase has a news called "The world's most terrible animal is the baby aardvark", indeed the small aardvark looks slightly mad, but the world's most terrible even if, the terrible crazy animal last year's Small Earth Spring Festival specially made an album inventory, simply scared to eat ... Please ask what is the psychology of doing this kind of topic during the Spring Festival, stall hands.




Probably the most comprehensive, Kenya Tanzanian Animal Encyclopedia. The Little Earth took a week to sort it out!

The Genetta tigrina, also known as the African porphyllum, is a carnivorous mammal of the family Civet cats, and like other civet cats, it lives nocturnal in the trees. He is related to civets. It is distributed throughout Africa, and some people have introduced them to the United States as pets. The difference between large and small zesteds can be directly distinguished from the tail. The tip of the tail of the large spotted porphyra is black, while the tip of the tail of the small spotted mund is white. It is easy to distinguish and observe their habits. The great spotted cat is a small, fast-moving civet in the genus Carnivorous civets. Predation is mainly at night. It is found mainly in South Africa.

Probably the most comprehensive, Kenya Tanzanian Animal Encyclopedia. The Little Earth took a week to sort it out!

Trigger cameras capture large spotted badgers riding on the backs of rhinos and bison at night, seemingly dodging other predators

Probably the most comprehensive, Kenya Tanzanian Animal Encyclopedia. The Little Earth took a week to sort it out!

Is it déjà vu? The scene in the movie "The Lion King" in which Simba rides on the back of an ostrich seems to be recreated in two other animals.


Spotted Hyena

Spotted hyena

Probably the most comprehensive, Kenya Tanzanian Animal Encyclopedia. The Little Earth took a week to sort it out!

Spotted hyenas are about 125 cm long, about 80 cm high at the shoulders, brownish yellow and dark brown spots, and fluffy and not smooth. Spotted hyenas are mainly distributed in large areas south of the Sahara Desert in Africa, living in tropical, subtropical grasslands and semi-desert areas, and are abundant. Fierce in nature, it can prey on large and medium-sized herbivores such as zebras, wildebeests and impala. Lions and spotted hyenas are top predators because they hunt the same animals, they fight each other and steal each other's catch.


Strip Hyena

Striped hyena

Probably the most comprehensive, Kenya Tanzanian Animal Encyclopedia. The Little Earth took a week to sort it out!


African Wild Dog

African wild dog

Sure not funny, though with Mickey Mouse-like ears

Probably the most comprehensive, Kenya Tanzanian Animal Encyclopedia. The Little Earth took a week to sort it out!

Don't look at this cargo with a pair of Mickey Mouse ears, but it is a fierce predator. The body length is 100 cm, the tail length is 30-45 cm, and the weight is 17-36 kg. The coat color is more chaotic, including black, yellow and white, and the coat color markings of each individual are different. The forelimbs have no claws. The premolars are larger and can crush large bones, resembling hyenas. Gregarious, positioned by shouting.

A cooperative group hunt of medium-sized ungulates can reach speeds of up to 45 km/h. It is found in African grasslands , scrub and sparse woodlands , mainly in parts of eastern and southern Africa. It can be bred throughout the year, mostly during the rainy season, and each litter produces 2-19 litters, usually 10 litters, and the cubs are generally born in the nests of other animals (such as coyotes) and mature at 12-18 months. Due to the large area of the African wild dog, its population is declining as habitat is reduced and competition from other large predators is in an endangered state, with only 25 populations left, about 3,000 or so, and Huangri National Park in western Zimbabwe is its protected area, and IUNC is endangered.


Bat Ear Fox

Manta/Big-eared/Cape of Good Hope fox

He looked like Pikachu as a child

Probably the most comprehensive, Kenya Tanzanian Animal Encyclopedia. The Little Earth took a week to sort it out!

The big-eared fox, also known as the bat-eared fox and the cape of good hope fox, is a single species of the genus Big-eared fox in the canine family. The genus Big-eared Fox is controversial in the classification of canines, some believe that the large-eared fox is closely related to the fox genus, often listed as a separate genus of the fox subfamily, while many scholars believe that the teeth of the big-eared fox are different from other canines, the teeth are small, and the relatives of other members of the canine family are farther, and the big-eared fox should be a separate subfamily of the big-eared fox.

Probably the most comprehensive, Kenya Tanzanian Animal Encyclopedia. The Little Earth took a week to sort it out!
Probably the most comprehensive, Kenya Tanzanian Animal Encyclopedia. The Little Earth took a week to sort it out!

When I was a child, it was so cute, like Aikachu!




Probably the most comprehensive, Kenya Tanzanian Animal Encyclopedia. The Little Earth took a week to sort it out!

The coyote is about 80 cm long, with shoulders high and hips low; long mane on the dorsal midline from the back of the head to the hips; brown all over the body but with tan stripes on the sides and limbs; and a tail length of 30 cm, with long and fluffy tail hair. The anterior molars are small and pointed, with only 2 molars, and only 1 molar and degenerate, making them unsuitable for forceful chewing of meat.

The front foot has 5 toes, unlike other hyenas with four toes. timorous. When attacked, it spews out a musk-scented liquid that may fight the attacker. In addition to eating soft carrion and bird eggs, the main food is termites. The tongue is long and well-developed and can lick and feed on termites. Come out at night to hunt for food. At the end of winter, 2-5 litters are born, and the male and female animals are fed together. Coyotes have 1 cystic gland under the caudal root, whose secretions are used to mark the field. It is found on the west coast and south of Africa.




Probably the most comprehensive, Kenya Tanzanian Animal Encyclopedia. The Little Earth took a week to sort it out!

The giraffe is a ruminant cloven-hoofed animal that grows in Africa and is the tallest terrestrial animal in the world. Male individuals are as tall as 4.8 to 5.5 meters tall and weigh up to 900 kg. Females are generally smaller. Giraffes are divided into nine subspecies, including reticulated giraffes, Angolan giraffes, and Masai giraffes, according to the differences in color, pattern changes and distribution ranges. The most common in Tanzania and Kenya are reticulated giraffes and Marseille giraffes. Reticulated giraffes are large, polygonal brown spots lined with bright white reticulates. The spots are sometimes dark red and can spread to the feet; The Marseille giraffe or Kilimanjaro giraffe: spots resemble grape leaves with jagged edges. The base color is dark chocolate.


Gazelle/Thomson’s gazelle

Tang's gazelle

Probably the most comprehensive, Kenya Tanzanian Animal Encyclopedia. The Little Earth took a week to sort it out!

The scientific name is Thomson Gazelle. A small animal similar in size to a deer. Gregarious, the population is very large, in the same category as the Chinese Tibetan antelope and Mongolian yellow sheep, they are small in stature, graceful in stature, are a variety of grassland predators crave delicacies. The Tang's gazelle has black stripes under the eyes and black stripes on the flanks of the abdomen, and the males have horns of about 30 cm, and the females are more than ten centimeters. The petite Tang's gazelles look even weaker on the endless grasslands, but they themselves are unaware of the problem, and they attend the annual East African "Animal Carnival" every year, shuttling between Tanzania and Kenya without a visa. From a few to over 100 head, Tang's gazelles gather to form small groups, and multiple gazelles lead large groups of up to 400 heads.




Probably the most comprehensive, Kenya Tanzanian Animal Encyclopedia. The Little Earth took a week to sort it out!

Sǒu is an African antelope, also known as the Ann's forest antelope. He has beautiful vertical stripes and cute little white dots on his head. Even-hoofed order, bovine family. Males and females do not look very similar. Native to much of the southern Sahara Desert, the Serval antelope feeds on grass, leaves and fruits, and has a lively, strict territorial nature, mostly solitary, but sometimes in pairs.

Males have spiral-shaped horns, the horns are not large and the tip is white, the body is mainly black, and there are long dark hairs on the neck. Females have a reddish coat color, a bright reddish maroon color, and no long hairs. It inhabits plains or dense forests near water sources in mountainous areas, and is mainly active in the morning and evening.



East African right-horned longhorn

Probably the most comprehensive, Kenya Tanzanian Animal Encyclopedia. The Little Earth took a week to sort it out!

The longhorn antelope, also known as the white horned antelope, is strong, with a shoulder height of about 102 to 120 cm, and has thick hairs on its mane and tail. There are dark spots on the face and forehead, black stripes on the sides of the eyes, and black marks on the body and legs. The longhorn, both male and female, have long machete-like horns, and due to the large number of hunts, the number is not much, and it is currently protected and listed as one of the rare species in the world. It lives in arid plains and deserts. Good grouping, generally more than 10 groups; sometimes also in large groups, active during the day. Sensitive, visually sharp, good at running and vigilant. When they are injured or have no way to retreat, they will lower their heads and sharply forward to fight back in self-defense. Therefore, it is also a very dangerous opponent. During the estrus period, the males engage in courtship battles between them. Females give birth to one litter each time, and occasionally have twins. The young are born between September and January, and the gestation period is about 9 or 10 months. Lifespan of 20 years.


Grant's gazelle

Gretel's gazelle

Probably the most comprehensive, Kenya Tanzanian Animal Encyclopedia. The Little Earth took a week to sort it out!

The Gerberd's gazelle is the largest species of gazelle in the genus after the deer gazelle. The Gurdjieff gazelle is slender, has long legs, muscular thighs, and runs fast. The shoulder height is about 130 cm and the weight is 40-50 kg. The coat is the same color as the Thompson gazelle, with a gray brown color in the middle of the back, a white belly, and a white "T" shape from the hip to the base of the tail. Males have horns about three times the size of their ears, and females are thin and short. Gretels gazelles often group with Tang's gazelles, but are much rarer than Thompson's gazelles. Gesell's gazelles can mate when they are about three years old, but males must first acquire territory before they have the right to mate. Gurdjieff's gazelles also migrate like black-tailed wildebeests, but they don't migrate for water, they just want to find more and better food. So they don't follow the almost fixed migration route of the black-tailed wildebeest, and sometimes even go the opposite way with the wildebeest.

Distribution: Mainly in Tanzanian NgorongoroConservation Area/TarangireNationalPark/RuahaNationalPark/SerengetiNationalPark* (many) is particularly common in Serengeti, Tanzania!



Canine antelope

There are small horns on the head, 30-40 cm long and cute

Probably the most comprehensive, Kenya Tanzanian Animal Encyclopedia. The Little Earth took a week to sort it out!

The canine antelope is a small antelope, known in English as Dik-dik, named after the sound they make, and lives mainly in the shrublands of South and East Africa. Canines are about 30–40 cm tall at the shoulders and weigh 3–5 kg. They have a long nose and a layer of soft fur. The hairs on the top of the forehead stand up, while the males' frontal hairs sometimes partially cover the short, ring-shaped horns.

Probably the most comprehensive, Kenya Tanzanian Animal Encyclopedia. The Little Earth took a week to sort it out!

The genus is monogamous and lives in its own territory of about 12 acres. Their territory is mostly scrub forests along arid rocky streams, because these places they can hide everywhere. They will live with their spouses. When one of them dies, the other also dies of stress. Juveniles weigh about 0.7 kg at birth and reach sexual maturity after 6-8 months.


Lesser Kudu


Elegant spiral angle, arrogant expression

Probably the most comprehensive, Kenya Tanzanian Animal Encyclopedia. The Little Earth took a week to sort it out!

It is generally slender and graceful, and the kudu is found in small groups in small groups in hilly shrubland areas or open woodlands in eastern and southern Africa. The shoulder height of the kudu is about 1.3 meters. It has long spike-like hairs on the throat, a mane on the back of the neck, light reddish-brown to blue-gray, a white spot between the eyes, and narrow, vertical white stripes on the body. Males have long, bifurcated spiral-like horns. It inhabits pairs or small groups of small kudus in hot open shrublands of East Africa. The shoulder height is about 1 meter, gray-brown to blue-gray, and the markings resemble the Kudu antelope, but there are two white patches on the throat, and there is no throat, the horns are smaller, and the threads are more tightly arranged.

Probably the most comprehensive, Kenya Tanzanian Animal Encyclopedia. The Little Earth took a week to sort it out!

Distribution: It is more difficult to see, it is said that the Serengeti has some, depending on luck.



Bighorn Impala/Elan

The largest surviving antelope

Probably the most comprehensive, Kenya Tanzanian Animal Encyclopedia. The Little Earth took a week to sort it out!

Largehorn impala colonies inhabit open plains or areas with few trees in central and southern Africa. The bighorn antelope is the largest surviving antelope, with a shoulder height of 1.8 meters. It has short black mane, a hanging flesh hanging down the throat, and a long horn disc twisted into a spiral. The male's horns are shorter and bulkier than those of the female, with a pinch of black hair on the forehead. The bighorn impala is pale brown , which turns bluish-grey with age , often with vertical white markings. The giant horned impala is light reddish brown , the neck is grayish black , the whole body has vertical white markings , and the horns are more bulky and more forked than those of the large-horned impala.



Horned wildebeest

The fastest antelope

Probably the most comprehensive, Kenya Tanzanian Animal Encyclopedia. The Little Earth took a week to sort it out!

Wildebeest is a social animal, and the group can be three or two groups, but there are also more than ten or twenty heads together. The group is led by one or more males, and leadership is generated through chases and fights. The lead horned wildebeest is responsible for defending territory and remaining alert at all times, warning of danger when danger strikes. Horned wildebeest will also live in the water and grass, but it will not go as far as the black-tailed wildebeest, and the momentum is far behind, at most only one or two hundred or so gathered together. The horned wildebeest feeds on grass. Males range from tens of square meters to kilometers and are bounded by urine and feces. Male horned wildebeests fight for their own territory, often stabbing each other in the knee with their horns. Wildebeest can run up to 70 km/h when frightened, and will jump over other wildebeests to escape danger. They are considered the fastest foxes.


Cok’s Hartebeest

Koch's fox

The only animal attributed to the genus Antelope

Probably the most comprehensive, Kenya Tanzanian Animal Encyclopedia. The Little Earth took a week to sort it out!

The antelope is a species of antelope that lives in the steppe and is found in West Africa, East Africa, South Africa and other regions. It is also the only animal classified in the genus Antelope. The antelope is a social animal with a population of about 5-20 heads, and some even reach a number of 350 heads. The group is led by a male gazelle, and the leader's antelope is formed after a fight.

The standing height of the fox is about 1.5 meters, and the weight is about 120-200 kg. Males are dark brown and females are yellowish brown. The horns of male and female gazelles are also shaped by curving outwards, then forward, and pointing backwards. The length of the horns can reach 70 cm. The barb lives in grasslands or some bushy woodlands and feeds on short grasses. They are daytime activities, foraging in the morning and at dusk.


Roan Antelope

Horse gazelle

There are manes on the neck and neck

Probably the most comprehensive, Kenya Tanzanian Animal Encyclopedia. The Little Earth took a week to sort it out!

The coat is pale greyish brown, the abdomen is white, the face has black and white markings, the fur is tough, the neck has an upright mane, the throat has a shorter mane, the tail is long, the end has fluffy hairs, the ears are long and pointed, both male and female have horns, the horns are curved backwards, and there are ring-shaped patterns on them. The oryx is mainly active during the day , usually inhabiting grasslands with long grasses , occasionally some trees , and near water sources. The oryx are social animals, each group of 5-15, consisting of a dominant male led by several females and their children. Before giving birth, the mare will hide in a secret place to prepare for childbirth, and after a few days, she will return to the group alone, only in the morning and evening to breastfeed, and only two weeks later to bring the pony antelope to join the group activities.


Sabel antelope

Black Oryx

A handsome black horse with big horns in the oryx world, only lions can threaten them

Probably the most comprehensive, Kenya Tanzanian Animal Encyclopedia. The Little Earth took a week to sort it out!

The most impressive thing about the black horse antelope is a pair of large horns on the head, up to 1.6 meters long. The male weighs about 235 kg and has an arm height of 117-140 cm; the female weighs 220 kg and the male body color is dark gray or black; the juvenile black horse antelope is very similar in appearance, but when the male is three years old, he will wear a dark and shiny fur and grow a pair of majestic horns. It inhabits tropical forests and grasslands, lives in groups of 7 to 30 per group, sometimes hundreds, led by adult males, eating grass, leaves, and fruits. Young masts are attacked by leopards, hyenas, etc., but adult mastulas are only threatened by lions. When frightened, the great black oryx stops to look back after a quick sprint, but when they find themselves being chased, they run wildly, reaching a maximum speed of 35 miles per hour.

Probably the most comprehensive, Kenya Tanzanian Animal Encyclopedia. The Little Earth took a week to sort it out!

The hand-painted black ore is not amazing!

Distribution: Savannahs of Africa, from Kenya, Tanzania, Mozambique and Angola.



Reed antelope

Probably the most comprehensive, Kenya Tanzanian Animal Encyclopedia. The Little Earth took a week to sort it out!

The average shoulder height of the southern reed is 85 cm and the weight is about 70 kg. They have grey-brown fur , a white belly , and black forefoots. Males have horns 35 cm long, which grow backwards and bend forward. The southern reed antelope lives in valleys and highlands and eats herbs. The elderly male Southern Reed has her own domain, spends time with her only partner, and often accompanies her to avoid other competing males. During the dry season, about 20 head flock in groups.


Grey Duiker/Common Duiker

Grey antelope/grey chamois

Probably the most comprehensive, Kenya Tanzanian Animal Encyclopedia. The Little Earth took a week to sort it out!

There is no information on Baidu, only Wikipedia, remember its beautiful appearance, a black streak on the bridge of the nose ~ ~

Probably the most comprehensive, Kenya Tanzanian Animal Encyclopedia. The Little Earth took a week to sort it out!



Water antelope

Probably the most comprehensive, Kenya Tanzanian Animal Encyclopedia. The Little Earth took a week to sort it out!

An antelope that lives in West, Central, East and South Africa. Medium in size, 190-210 cm tall and weighs 160-240 kg. The fur is brownish red and darkens as we age. There is a white bib near the trachea and a white bib at the tail. Only males have horns, long and ridged horns, spiral shapes and curve backwards. It lives in moist areas such as swamps and grazes in shrublands and savannahs near water. It is an animal that is active during the day. Female antelopes congregate in flocks. It is found in Africa.




In the strange African world, rabbits also have long hooves

Probably the most comprehensive, Kenya Tanzanian Animal Encyclopedia. The Little Earth took a week to sort it out!

The hoofed rabbit, a small terrestrial or arboreal mammal, is named after its hoofed toenails. The hoofed rabbit feeds on grass, young leaves and bark. Hoofed rabbits prefer to live in groups because they need to work together to deal with predators and threats from nature. There are 6 species of rock-hoofed rabbits, distributed in the desert areas and mountain rocky areas in Africa and other places, the living place of the genus is in tree holes or in tufts of leaves, often running up and down on the trunk, or jumping between branches.

Probably the most comprehensive, Kenya Tanzanian Animal Encyclopedia. The Little Earth took a week to sort it out!




Crocodiles at the top of the food chain are also hungry

Probably the most comprehensive, Kenya Tanzanian Animal Encyclopedia. The Little Earth took a week to sort it out!

Crocodiles are the earliest and most primitive reptiles ever found alive. Crocodiles are ferocious and untamed. Adult crocodiles are often underwater, with only their eyes and nose exposed to the surface. They are sensitive to the eyes and ears, and when frightened, they sink immediately. In the afternoon, there is more floating water to bask in the sun, and the eyes are bright at night. The largest crocodile in Africa is the Nile crocodile, which is 2-6 meters long.

Probably the most comprehensive, Kenya Tanzanian Animal Encyclopedia. The Little Earth took a week to sort it out!
Probably the most comprehensive, Kenya Tanzanian Animal Encyclopedia. The Little Earth took a week to sort it out!

Crocodiles are able to wait motionlessly in order to hunt to conserve energy. They can usually last for months without eating, and even in extreme cases, they can last up to three years without eating. This is perhaps why they are one of the oldest reptiles on Earth.

"Next Episode East African Bird Encyclopedia Stay Tuned"

Image source: Baidu Encyclopedia Wikipedia search engine if invaded and deleted

Text: Small Earth Travel Photons Part Original;

Some references are Baidu Encyclopedia, Wikipedia and other online materials

There are so many kinds of African animals that it is impossible to finish them all, and it is estimated that it must be as thick as a dictionary

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Baidu knew it was Zhang Jiayi, but he was gone

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Probably the most comprehensive, Kenya Tanzanian Animal Encyclopedia. The Little Earth took a week to sort it out!

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