
People are difficult to dismantle, why morally criticize pang Mailang, who is schizophrenic, how to quickly identify schizophrenia

author:Psychologists heal the mind

Yesterday, Pang Mailang's agent released a video announcing that Pang Mailang was forcibly admitted to a mental hospital for schizophrenia, sharing a little knowledge on how to quickly identify schizophrenia with the visitors in today's supervision case.

People are difficult to dismantle, why morally criticize pang Mailang, who is schizophrenic, how to quickly identify schizophrenia

Visitor A, 16 years old, is a girl in her sophomore year of high school. Symptoms are reported as follows:

Grew up with my grandparents, primary school grades are the first, the 7th grade began to fail the first, grandma is very dissatisfied, the 9th grade grade declines more severely, a began to be sensitive to the evaluation of classmates and teachers, feel that the teachers of various subjects are negative and accusatory of her, and want to avoid when they see the teacher. Junior third year felt that a boy implied that he had a good feeling for himself, and also returned the favor, and after a period of time, he found that the boy did the same to other people, and felt that he was being played. After the middle school entrance examination, he entered a key high school. Grades are getting less and less satisfactory, and I feel that my classmates are laughing at myself behind my back. Once walking on the playground, I suddenly heard a boy 7 or 8 meters away saying that she was a "slut", and there was no one else around at that time. Later, I heard two boys talking about her behind her back, and I gradually felt that the boys would pay special attention to her and talk about her. Once I couldn't stand it, I couldn't help but look back at them and hear someone scolding them, "Dead fat man." Later, when I got along with boys, my heart became more and more unnatural, and I was afraid that my classmates would see this, thinking that they could know their own ideas and only interact with female classmates.

Now that I am in my second year of high school, I hope that I can adjust my state and do a good job in learning and classmate relations, so I came to consult.

People are difficult to dismantle, why morally criticize pang Mailang, who is schizophrenic, how to quickly identify schizophrenia

Teacher Du Yasong's understanding of a symptom:

Junior third began to appear interpersonal avoidance symptoms, this avoidance is the need to find the reason, high school began to face the boy began to be nervous, heard was scolded "slut" and "dead fat", these have to be clarified, 7, 8 meters away to hear the scolding, to see if it is "auditory hallucinations", including to the back do not dare to look at the male classmates, the attention of the students is more and more sensitive, do not dare to look at the teacher's eyes, which indicates that the symptoms began to generalize. The second year of high school re-assigned, or feel that the boys are very similar to the boys in the previous class, which is also a typical generalization.

Working diagnosis (non-medical diagnosis):

Start by troubleshooting "barriers to adaptation." Although the visit is in a transition period from the third year of junior high school to the first year of high school, if the time has passed for half a year, the obstacles to adaptation can generally be eliminated. Secondly, anxiety and depressive disorders and anxiety disorders of terrorism are investigated. Although the clients scored high on both the SAS and SDS scales, the measurements could not be used directly as a criterion. Further interviews with diagnostic criteria for anxiety and depressive disorders are required. A has obvious anxiety and depression, but it is not the main obstacle, the main obstacle is the thinking disorder, so depression, anxiety disorder and anxiety disorder of terror can be excluded. The above four possibilities can be ruled out, from the symptom point of view, the time changed, from the third year of junior high school to the second year of high school, but the symptoms of a did not change, and there is obvious generalization, psychological conflict is deformed, accompanied by impaired social function, there are hallucinations, sensitivity, suspicion, and a sense of insight, in summary, first of all, to consider schizophrenia, you need to immediately refer to a psychiatrist for diagnosis.
People are difficult to dismantle, why morally criticize pang Mailang, who is schizophrenic, how to quickly identify schizophrenia

People with schizophrenia are not suitable for psychoanalytic treatment, and counselors can help them with CBT and Rogers human-centered techniques. More is drug treatment, drug treatment should be put first.

A there are emotional problems, there are thinking problems, there are auditory hallucinations, the counselor can use cbt theory and a to explore. For example, if you say that you hear someone scolding, you can ask her under what circumstances she heard the scolding, how did she think about this matter, and how did she respond? Question or dodge? A's behavior is avoidance, can we explore what kind of trouble does avoidance cause her?

Using the "three-column table" combined with humanistic techniques, listening, asking questions, encouraging, concretizing, empathizing, explaining, making cognitive adjustments, and channeling emotionally. The immediate goal of counseling can be to eliminate symptoms.

People are difficult to dismantle, why morally criticize pang Mailang, who is schizophrenic, how to quickly identify schizophrenia

The sooner schizophrenia is treated, the sooner the effect will be, can not hide the disease and avoid medical treatment, schizophrenic patients will not admit that they have a disease, family members and psychological counselors must have a certain ability to quickly identify, especially psychological counselors must have the ability to recognize psychotic symptoms. If the counsellor is concerned about the psychological burden on the client and his or her family after pointing out the client's abnormal symptoms, it may cause a delay in the condition.

Schizophrenic patients may not necessarily need to take the drug for life, as long as the symptoms are eliminated and the social function is normal, the drug can be considered to be discontinued. At the same time, Teacher Du Yasong especially advised that after the client's condition improves, the more low-key the counselor, the better, do not exaggerate the effect of psychological counseling, and the drug effect is the first cause.

For people with schizophrenia, there should be no ridicule, verbal abuse and discrimination. After supervising, I turned over the Internet again, all of which were moral criticisms of Pang Mailang, saying that he denied coming from the countryside after he became popular, saying that he was born in Taiwan, took a foreign name, and did not recognize his parents... How much is the truth, what is the truth, we are not clear, the Internet did not find the time of Pang Mailang's illness, perhaps he had symptoms of schizophrenia very early, these behaviors are omens, but the lack of vigilance and care of medical students around, the worse the disease is.

People are difficult to dismantle, consumer Internet celebrities can, but for a schizophrenic patient, such a moral crusade, it is too undeserved.

#庞麦郎精神分裂被强制送医 #

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