
Words such as "people are difficult to dismantle" have been named by the Ministry of Education, experts: be tolerant of online language but not connive

author:Beijing News Network

On November 13, the Ministry of Education's website published the "Reply to Recommendation No. 3950 of the Third Session of the 13th National People's Congress".

Words such as "people are difficult to dismantle" have been named by the Ministry of Education, experts: be tolerant of online language but not connive

The "Reply" said, "The advent of the Internet era has had a huge impact on language and writing, not only some new words and new words that can reflect the characteristics of the times and spread positive energy, such as 'give power', 'like', 'hardcore', etc., but also some irregular and uncivilized misreading and misuse, such as 'people are difficult to dismantle' and 'ten moves to refuse' and other obscure words, and even some vulgar language, which have had a negative impact on the network ecological environment, as well as social language life and cultural security." In this regard, the Ministry of Education and the State Language Commission attach great importance to it and take positive measures to strengthen guidance.

In its "Reply" written on October 19, the Ministry of Education pointed out that language and writing are an important symbol of Chinese civilization and an important carrier for inheriting Chinese civilization. Correctly standardizing the use of ancestral Chinese script plays a fundamental role in inheriting and carrying forward the excellent traditional Chinese culture, and is also one of the important tasks of language and writing work.

Be tolerant and not conniving

It is unavoidable that at present, there is also a problem of mud and sand in the current Internet language, and it is not uncommon for vulgar, vulgar and exaggerated language to be vulgar. In Tian Lixin's view, due to the "lack of gatekeepers" characteristics of online "virtual communities" and self-media, some languages with low style, low taste and even vulgarity flood the network, and the vulgar language of the Network has reached the point where it is indispensable to governance.

Some experts said that for network language, it is necessary to tolerate or not to condone, language norms should be guided by the situation, distinguish the occasions of language use, and take different measures for different natures and different uses of network language: those involving the social public and mass communication fields should be strictly regulated; the private field and the scope of interpersonal communication can be natural; Internet platforms should perform the main responsibility of purifying the language communication environment, and supervise and guide the content of the platform.

Original title: The Ministry of Education mentioned the phenomenon of misreading and miswriting of language and writing, and "people are difficult to dismantle" and so on were named

<h4>Source: Comprehensive Surging News People's Daily News</h4>

<h4>Process Editor: u004</h4>

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