
In 1950, the head of the taiwan underground party defected, causing Su Yu to lose his internal response and forced to attack Taiwan

author:Zhang Yi's view of history

In August 1949, Chairman Mao telegraphed Su Yu to postpone the time for the liberation of Taiwan, saying, "If there is an internal response, it can be held at an early date, otherwise it must be postponed until the conditions of our navy and air force (especially the air force) are fully met, so the specific time cannot be determined." At this time, Chairman Mao's "internal response" refers to the underground party of the Chinese Communist Party in Taiwan.

In 1950, the head of the taiwan underground party defected, causing Su Yu to lose his internal response and forced to attack Taiwan

In the preparatory stage of Su Yu's preparations for the liberation of Taiwan, the intelligence personnel of Taiwan's underground party provided a large amount of valuable information to the East China Bureau and the Central Committee, which also increased the confidence of Su Yu and other military commanders who attacked Taiwan. However, at the crucial moment when Su Yu was preparing to liberate Taiwan, one thing happened in the Taiwan underground party, that is, Cai Xiaoqian, the head of the Taiwan underground party, defected, resulting in the almost total annihilation of the entire Taiwan underground party, and many people were killed by Kuomintang agents.

In the history of the Communist Party of Taiwan, Tsai Hsiao-qian is a pivotal figure, and his experience is also quite legendary. Cai Xiaoqian, whose original name was Cai Qian, was born in 1908 in Huatan Township, Changhua County, Taipei, and entered Changhua Public School at the age of 6. At that time, Taiwan was under the colonial rule of the Japanese invaders, and Japanese language education was forcibly implemented in primary and secondary schools in Taiwan, so Cai Xiaoqian was proficient in Japanese from an early age.

Cai Xiaoqian has been filial since he was a child, in addition to helping his parents take care of housework, he also picks up snails on the way to school to sell money to reduce the burden on the family. When the headmaster learned of his actions, he added a filial piety to his name and changed his name to Cai Xiaoqian. In the 1920s, some Taiwanese students saw that the tuition fees on the mainland were low and went to the mainland to study, and Cai Xiaoqian came to Shanghai University to study in the Department of Social Sciences in 1924. During his college years, Cai Xiaoqian was influenced by Ren Bishi, Qu Qiubai, and others who were teaching at the time, and began to contact Marxism and joined the shanghai Taiwan Youth Association, a progressive organization.

In 1950, the head of the taiwan underground party defected, causing Su Yu to lose his internal response and forced to attack Taiwan

Colonel Nie Xi

In July 1926, after returning to Taiwan, Cai Xiaoqian propagated revolutionary ideas and participated in the founding of the Communist Party of Taiwan. Cai Xiaoqian was arrested by the Japanese authorities several times, and in August 1928, Cai Xiaoqian fled to Zhangzhou, Fujian Province, in order to escape persecution by the Japanese authorities. In 1932, after the Red Army captured Zhangzhou, Luo Ronghuan, director of the Political Department of the First Red Army, arranged for Cai Xiaoqian to work in the Political Department, and then made him an instructor at the Lenin Normal College. In the same year, Cai Xiaoqian was elected director of the Anti-Imperialist League.

In October 1934, Cai Xiaoqian participated in the Long March, becoming the only Taiwanese to participate in the Long March, which was the main reason why he was able to take charge of the Taiwan underground party. After the outbreak of the All-out War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, Cai Xiaoqian came to the anti-Japanese front in Shanxi and served as the director of the Enemy Engineering Department of the Field Political Department of the Headquarters of the Eighth Route Army, responsible for managing Japanese prisoners and propaganda work against Japan. In December 1938, Cai Xiaoqian was appointed Minister of the Eighth Route Military and Civilian Transport Department and Minister of Enemy Industry.

On August 15, 1945, the Emperor of Japan announced his unconditional surrender. After Japan's surrender, the Kuomintang immediately organized the acceptance of Taiwan, and the CPC Central Committee, out of long-term plans, also planned to re-establish an organization on the island of Taiwan to collect military and political intelligence on the island. Cai Xiaoqian, who was extremely senior, became the head of Taiwan's underground party and was sent to Taiwan to engage in underground work, and the East China Bureau also dispatched a number of elite soldiers to him in order to be able to carry out his work better.

In 1950, the head of the taiwan underground party defected, causing Su Yu to lose his internal response and forced to attack Taiwan

Zhu Feng, an intelligence officer of the East China Bureau

Although Cai Xiaoqian has been away from his hometown for more than ten years, he is very familiar with Taiwan's customs and customs, and he immediately developed organizations in Taiwan to obtain classified information within the Kuomintang. By 1949, the Taiwan underground party led by Cai Xiaoqian had infiltrated all areas of the Kuomintang government organs, and armed organizations had been established in various localities to fight guerrillas against the Kuomintang reactionaries on the island.

In April 1949, when a million troops of the People's Liberation Army crossed the Yangtze River, the plan to liberate Taiwan was also put on the agenda, and on June 14, 1949, Chairman Mao first put forward the request for the operation of attacking Taiwan, and he said to Su Yu: "Please begin to pay attention to the study of the issue of seizing Taiwan." He asked whether Taiwan could be seized in a relatively short period of time, by what methods, and by what means it was possible to divide the Kuomintang army in Taiwan, so as to win over some of them to implement internal and external cooperation anyway. ”

At the same time, the Taiwan underground party was also busy nervously, and in the spring of 1949, the Taiwan underground party issued a circular to the party committees at all levels, requiring party organizations at all levels to mobilize every party member and activist, and immediately transfer to the wartime mechanism and establish the necessary wartime institutions under the slogan of all the slogans for cooperating with the PLA in combat.

In 1950, the head of the taiwan underground party defected, causing Su Yu to lose his internal response and forced to attack Taiwan

The mutinues swore allegiance to the Kuomintang

By the spring of 1949, Taiwan's underground party organizations had developed 1,300 full party members, plus some sympathetic to the revolution, supporting the underground party masses, and the number of people that could be controlled reached fifty thousand. Cai Xiaoqian also told the East China Bureau and Su Yu that the Taiwan underground party will create chaos on the island when the PEOPLE's Liberation Army launches a campaign to attack Taiwan, contain the strength of the Kuomintang army, and cooperate with the PLA's military operations.

At the end of 1949, after Chiang Kai-shek arrived in Taiwan, he immediately asked his eldest son Chiang Ching-kuo to rebuild the political organs of the Kuomintang army and began to suppress Mao Renfeng and let Chiang Ching-kuo receive the intelligence organs. Chiang Ching-kuo did have certain means; he appointed a large number of elite backbone cadres, causing great losses to the Taiwan underground party, and Gu Zhenglun was one of Chiang Ching-kuo's most important agents at that time.

Gu Zhenglun was originally a captain of the reconnaissance brigade of the 115th Division of the Eighth Route Army, but was later arrested while on a mission and immediately defected. The mutinous Gu Zhenglun has successively sabotaged the secret radio stations of the underground party in Jinan, Beijing and other places, and also created a series of assassinations, which is a very dangerous figure.

In 1950, the head of the taiwan underground party defected, causing Su Yu to lose his internal response and forced to attack Taiwan

Lieutenant General Wu Shi

At this time, the Taiwan underground party did not realize the danger, and after spending more than three years in Taiwan, Cai Xiaoqian began to become sluggish, and frequently went in and out of high-end places to make friends with high-ranking officials and dignitaries within the Kuomintang. Cai Xiaoqian also lived with his sister-in-law, and in order to please his sister-in-law, he often embezzled public funds and purchased luxury goods.

On January 29, 1950, Cai Xiaoqian returned to his home on Quanzhou Street in Taipei City and was arrested by long-term squat agents. However, Cai Xiaoqian is also an old agent with rich experience in struggle, and the Kuomintang agents did not draw any valuable information from his mouth, and when Gu Zhenglun interrogated him, he noticed that this person's identity was unusual, and felt that even if he was not the head of the Taiwan underground party, he might be the right and left hand of the head of the Taiwan underground party.

Later, Cai Xiaoqian escaped after a period of dealing with Kuomintang agents, and on February 27, 1950, Cai Xiaoqian, who could not bear the loneliness, went to a Western restaurant to eat and was arrested again. After his second arrest, Cai Xiaoqian long ago lost the confidence that the Communist Party would definitely liberate Taiwan, and under the coercion and inducement of the Secrecy Bureau, Cai Xiaoqian defected.

In 1950, the head of the taiwan underground party defected, causing Su Yu to lose his internal response and forced to attack Taiwan

Cai Xiaoqian

After Tsai Hsiao-qian's rebellion, the Kuomintang authorities arrested more than 1,800 people, and the Taiwan underground party was almost wiped out and suffered heavy losses. Gu Zhenglun also went along with the vines and arrested several high-ranking generals who had been planted within the Kuomintang by the underground party, such as Lieutenant General Wu Shi, deputy chief of staff of the Ministry of National Defense, Lieutenant General Chen Baocang of the Ministry of National Defense, and Colonel Nie Xi, chief of the Communications Section of the General Affairs Department of the Office of the Chief Military and Political Officer of the Southeast Military and Political Bureau, and others.

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