
Huaiyang cuisine masterpiece squirrel mandarin fish is even more unforgettable! The steps are detailed, and the explanation is carefully exposed

author:Healthy private dishes

Squirrel mandarin fish

Huaiyang cuisine masterpiece squirrel mandarin fish is even more unforgettable! The steps are detailed, and the explanation is carefully exposed

The name "squirrel mandarin fish" only appeared in the Qing Dynasty. There is a record of "squirrel mandarin fish" in the "Tunding Collection": "Take the belly of the catfish, remove the bone, drag the egg yolk and fry the yellow, and make a squirrel style." Oil, soy sauce burned". The catfish is mandarin fish, also known as the catfish, the southerners mostly call it mandarin fish, taking the meaning of the toad palace to fold the laurel. It is said that as early as when the Qianlong Emperor went down to Jiangnan, Suzhou had "squirrel mandarin fish" made of carp, the Qianlong Emperor tasted it in the Songhe Tower, and later gradually developed into the use of mandarin fish to make "squirrel mandarin fish". Squirrel mandarin fish fully embodies the imagination of chefs. The fish meat is cut into a furry flower knife to make the body of the squirrel, and it is fried in the oil, making it look soft and cute. The head and tail of the squirrel are so abstract that even Picasso can't figure it out, using the head of the mandarin fish to fry in the oil, the mouth is open so big that the boss is placed in the plate to make the squirrel head, and the mandarin fish's round and bald tail is used as the squirrel tail. However, the inappropriateness of this shape does not affect people's love for this dish at all, and the popularity of squirrel mandarin fish has been very strong since the Qing Dynasty.

Ingredients: Mandarin fish 550 g, green beans 15 g, pine nuts 5 g, lemon 30 g, ginger 10 g, green onion 7 g.

Seasoning: salt, cooking wine, tomato sauce, white vinegar, starch, cheese powder, water starch each appropriate amount.

Ingredient Handling:

1: Slaughter and wash the mandarin fish and cut off the head.

Huaiyang cuisine masterpiece squirrel mandarin fish is even more unforgettable! The steps are detailed, and the explanation is carefully exposed

2: Remove the spine, belly, two pieces of fish meat connected to the tail of the fish, cut the wheat flower knife.

Huaiyang cuisine masterpiece squirrel mandarin fish is even more unforgettable! The steps are detailed, and the explanation is carefully exposed

3: Mix mandarin fish with a little salt, cooking wine, ginger and green onion and marinate for 3-5 minutes.

Huaiyang cuisine masterpiece squirrel mandarin fish is even more unforgettable! The steps are detailed, and the explanation is carefully exposed

4: Wrap the mandarin fish meat with starch and cheese powder.

Huaiyang cuisine masterpiece squirrel mandarin fish is even more unforgettable! The steps are detailed, and the explanation is carefully exposed


1: Put the pine nuts into a hot oil pan, fry the incense and fish out, put the mandarin fish into the hot oil pan, fry until golden brown and fish out the plate.

Huaiyang cuisine masterpiece squirrel mandarin fish is even more unforgettable! The steps are detailed, and the explanation is carefully exposed

2: Stir in tomato sauce, white vinegar, sugar and green beans in a frying pan.

Huaiyang cuisine masterpiece squirrel mandarin fish is even more unforgettable! The steps are detailed, and the explanation is carefully exposed

3: Pour in a little water, green beans, water starch, cooked oil and mix well, squeeze in lemon juice to make a thick juice.

Huaiyang cuisine masterpiece squirrel mandarin fish is even more unforgettable! The steps are detailed, and the explanation is carefully exposed

4: Drizzle the thick sauce on the mandarin fish and sprinkle with pine nuts.

Huaiyang cuisine masterpiece squirrel mandarin fish is even more unforgettable! The steps are detailed, and the explanation is carefully exposed

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