
Introduction to Jiangsu local specialties - squirrel mandarin fish (1)

author:Special class dry rice man

Hello friends who love food! Today to bring you a local specialty of Jiangsu - squirrel mandarin fish.

First of all, why introduce this delicacy? I first ate this dish at my uncle's house, my uncle had a good cooking skill, that day's dinner thought for a long time, and then my uncle suddenly thought of the squirrel mandarin fish dish, very much looking forward to, at that time the family did not buy mandarin fish, it was replaced by crucian carp, although the raw materials have changed, but the taste is really good. Then I saw the sweet and sour fish pieces at noon today, and I thought of squirrel mandarin fish. Without further ado, let's start with the introduction.

Squirrel Mandarin Fish (Suzhou City, Jiangsu Province, China)

Squirrel mandarin fish, also known as squirrel cinnamon fish, for the Su bang dish in the middle of the color and flavor of the representative dish, according to legend Qianlong under the Jiangnan, micro-service to Suzhou Songhelou restaurant for meals, the chef with cinnamon fish out of the bone, carved on the fish, seasoning slightly pickled, dragged on the egg yolk paste, into the hot oil pot after frying mature, poured on the boiling sweet and sour marinade, shaped like a mouse, crispy on the outside, sweet and sour, the Qianlong Emperor is very satisfied after eating, after the name of Suzhou. It has always been listed as a top dish on banquets throughout Jiangnan, suitable for people with weak physique, weak labor and thinness, and weak spleen and stomach.

Introduction to Jiangsu local specialties - squirrel mandarin fish (1)

Dish stories

Allusion one

Legend has it that the Qianlong Emperor of the Qing Dynasty went down to Jiangnan, and once served a meal in Suzhou Songhelou Restaurant, the chef used carp out of the bone, carved a pattern on the fish meat, added seasoning slightly marinated, dragged on the egg yolk paste, into the hot oil pot tender fried to maturity, poured on the boiling sweet and sour marinade, shaped like a mouse, crisp on the outside and tender on the inside, sweet and sour, the Qianlong Emperor was very satisfied after eating. Later, the Suzhou government rumored that Qianlong ate fish in the Songhe Tower, and this dish became famous in Suzhou.

Allusion two

According to legend, the Qianlong Emperor of the Qing Dynasty went down to Jiangnan, made a southern tour to Suzhou, and went out to the Songhe Tower to eat the Yuanbao fish (carp) on the table. The owner was helpless, in order to avoid the crime of slaughtering the "god fish", he cooked the fish into the shape of a squirrel, on the one hand, it happened to be associated with the pine characters in the store signboard. Qianlong was very satisfied after eating. Chinese folk often use "carp jumping dragon gate" to express auspicious and festive, so it was later changed to mandarin fish. Since then, "squirrel fish" has spread, there are squirrel yellow fish, squirrel perch, etc., but the squirrel mandarin fish in Songhe Tower is the most prestigious.

Well, that's all for today, and as for the practice, I'll leave it to the next issue. If there is an error or need to be supplemented, please also send a private message to the editor, and will definitely reply at the first time.

Remember to eat on time!!!

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