
Suzhou cuisine, squirrel mandarin fish making process, remember to collect to keep the dish history of the dish making method one step step step step not to eat crowd

author:TNT Kunshan perspective

Squirrel cinnamon fish, also known as squirrel mandarin fish, is a local traditional dish in Suzhou, Jiangsu Province. When the fried mandarin fish (or cinnamon fish) is served, it is immediately poured with steaming marinade, and it squeaks and "barks", so named because it looks like a squirrel. The predecessor of the squirrel cinnamon fish is the squirrel fish. In the Qing Dynasty," it is recorded that: take the belly of the tuna, remove the bone, drag the yolk and fry the yellow, making a squirrel style. After this dish is cooked, it is shaped like a squirrel, crispy on the outside and tender on the inside, orange in color, sweet and sour, and has a pine red flavor.

Suzhou cuisine, squirrel mandarin fish making process, remember to collect to keep the dish history of the dish making method one step step step step not to eat crowd

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="3" > the history of the dish</h1>

Suzhou cuisine, squirrel mandarin fish making process, remember to collect to keep the dish history of the dish making method one step step step step not to eat crowd

The predecessor of the squirrel cinnamon fish is the squirrel fish. In the Qing Dynasty," it is recorded that: take the belly of the tuna, remove the bone, drag the yolk and fry the yellow, making a squirrel style. Oil, soy sauce roasted". Catfish, that is, mandarin fish, also known as "catfish," southerners mostly call it osmanthus fish, taking the meaning of toad palace folding. It is said that as early as when the Qianlong Emperor went down to Jiangnan, Suzhou had "squirrel fish", and this squirrel fish was not made of mandarin fish as an ingredient, but made of carp, and the Qianlong Emperor tasted it and praised it as delicious. Later, this dish gradually developed into "squirrel cinnamon fish" made with mandarin fish.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="10" > recipe 1 </h1>

Ingredients Cinnamon fish, dried starch, tomato paste, fresh soup, sugar, balsamic vinegar, wine, salt, minced garlic cloves, diced bamboo shoots, shiitake mushrooms, peas, lard, shrimp, sesame oil.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="13" > step </h1>

1. Descale and gill the cinnamon fish, dissect the abdomen and remove the internal organs, wash and drain. Wash and set aside various ingredients.

2. First hold down the body of the fish and cut off the head of the fish. Then hold down the body of the fish, use a knife to slice the fish meat against the bone (the tail should not be sliced open), turn over and slice another piece of fish meat, and then slice the flesh with thorns in the belly of the fish.

3. Cut off two pieces of fish meat, the skin is first straight on the fish meat, and then obliquely shaved, so deep that the fish skin becomes a diamond-shaped knife pattern.

4. Mix well with cooking wine and fine salt, and spread on the fish head and fish meat respectively. Then roll on the dry starch and shake off the remaining powder with the fish tail by hand.

5. Heat the oil in the wok over high heat, and when it is 80% hot, hold the fish by hand and pour the hot oil from top to bottom on the fish. Then add two slices of fish to the tail and fry them in a frying pan to form them. Then fry all the fish in a frying pan until golden brown and place on a plate.

6. Fry the fish head in oil to a golden brown (when frying, press the fish head with chopsticks to expand its chin position and set it).

7. After frying, load the fish head and fish meat into the shape of the whole fish, and the head and tail should be cocked.

8. Put the tomato sauce in a bowl and add fresh soup, sugar, balsamic vinegar, wine, soy sauce and wet starch to mix into the sauce.

9. Leave a little oil in the pot, put the green onion and sauté it, add minced garlic, diced bamboo shoots, diced shiitake mushrooms, peas, shrimp and fry, then add sesame oil after the sauce is thickened over high heat. Stir in the pan and pour over the fish. Recipe 2 Ingredients 200 grams of osmanthus fish, 2 grams of cooking wine, 10 grams of pine nuts, a little pepper, 10 grams of tomato paste, 500 grams of vegetable oil, 40 grams of wet starch, salt to taste, vinegar 15 grams.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="24" > step </h1>

1. Remove the scales, gills, fins, internal organs and leather coats of the fish and wash them, cut off the fish's head, spread out and pat it flat.

2. Use a knife to cut off the fish bones on the back of the fish (do not cut the belly of the fish), leaving a little spine at the tail.

3. After the fish is deboned, the skin is spread downwards, cut into a flower knife with a slanted knife, the knife is 4/5 of the meat, do not cut the fish skin, make a hole in the tail, and pull the tail out of the knife mouth.

4. Sprinkle the fish body with salt, pepper, cooking wine and wet starch.

5. Heat the frying pan, heat it and pour in the vegetable oil, heat the oil to 70%, dip the fish in a little starch, put it in the oil pan and fry it for a few minutes, then dip the fish head in starch, put it in the oil pan and fry it, fry it until it is golden brown, put the side of the flower knife up in the fish dish, and load the fish head.

6. Place the pine nuts in a frying pan, fish them out when cooked, and put them in a small bowl.

7. Leave a little oil in the wok, put in a little clear soup, add salt, sugar, tomato sauce, vinegar, boil, use wet starch to outline, add hot oil and push well, pour on the fish, sprinkle pine nuts. Recipe 3 Ingredients 1 mandarin fish, shrimp, diced bamboo shoots, diced shiitake mushrooms, carrots, green beans, dried corn starch, water starch, eggs, cooking wine, salt, tomato paste, white vinegar, sugar, peanut oil, sesame oil a little each.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="33" > step </h1>

1. After the mandarin fish is slaughtered, the scales are removed and the internal organs are cleaned, laid flat on the cutting board, first cut off the head of the fish, cut a knife in the neck of the fish head, put the head of the fish upright, and pat it with the back of the knife to set aside; then use the knife on the back of the fish to cut into two pieces, the tail of the fish can not be broken, to be connected together, remove the middle bone, go to the belly.

2. Then put the fish body (two pieces, the tail of the fish) flat on the cutting board, the fish skin is facing down, the fish meat is facing up, use the batch knife to use the oblique knife method to cut the fish meat into a wheat ear flower knife, the knife pattern should be uniform, the knife depth should be equal, do not break the fish skin.

3. Put the shaved fish meat and head into the container, add eggs, cooking wine, salt, dried corn starch to sizing, and then pat the dry powder, to all the knife patterns should be patted into the powder, put in the basin and set aside.

4. Diced bamboo shoots, diced shiitake mushrooms, carrots, green beans boiling water, rinse and drain and set aside; shrimp oil after draining oil for use; pine nuts with low oil temperature oil pot after fishing out the drainage oil and then pour into the oil absorption paper to absorb oil (you can also use napkins).

5. Stir the tomato sauce, water, salt, sugar and white vinegar and bring to a boil (prepare sweet and sour brine).

6. The frying pan is placed on the high fire to heat, pour peanut oil, when the oil temperature rises to 50%, the fish body of the good powder, the fish head under the frying pan, pay attention to the fish, to take the front end of the fish with the left hand, the left finger to hold the two pieces of fish body, the right hand to hold the fish tail, to make the fish tail up, so that the fish body is fried out of the beautiful; when the fish body meat in the oil pot after the shape, and then fish out to increase the oil temperature and then re-fry, take out the pot and put the pot to pose a good shape.

7. While frying, take another wok, pour in sweet and sour sauce, boil the shrimp, diced mushrooms, diced bamboo shoots, diced carrots into the boil, boil and hook with water starch into the mustard, and then scoop a spoonful of hot oil in the oil pan into the sweet and sour brine, beat vigorously, so that the oil penetrates into the inside of the sweet and sour brine, and then evenly use the fish head to start pouring over the whole body of the mandarin fish, and then sprinkle with green beans and pine nuts. Features of the dish This dish is colorful and fragrant, flavorful and tangible, and what is more interesting is that there is a sound: when the fried cinnamon fish like a "squirrel" is served, it is immediately poured with steaming marinade, and the "squirrel" squeaks and "barks". Squirrel cinnamon fish, looks orange in color, and is crispy on the outside and tender on the inside, sweet and sour.

Edible instructions Nutritional value Mandarin fish, also known as cinnamon fish, contains protein, fat, calcium, potassium, magnesium, selenium and other nutrients, the meat is tender, easy to digest, suitable for children, the elderly and people with poor digestive function; mandarin fish meat is not high in calories, and rich in antioxidant ingredients, it is also an excellent choice for women who want to be beautiful and afraid of fat. Precautions Recipes Xiang Gram Crucian carp should not be eaten with chicken, sheep, dogs, venison, food is easy to generate heat, yangsheng body and known for internal heat should not eat, easy to produce heat and sores. It should not be used with wheat dong and sand ginseng, and should not be eaten with mustard greens.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="44" > people who should not be eaten </h1>

1. Gout patients should not eat fish. Because fish contain purines, gout is caused by disordered purine metabolism in the human body.

2. Patients with bleeding diseases, such as thrombocytopenia, hemophilia, vitamin K deficiency and other bleeding diseases, should eat less or not eat fish, because the 20 carbon 5enoic acid contained in fish meat can inhibit platelet aggregation, thereby aggravating the bleeding symptoms of patients with bleeding diseases.

3. Patients with cirrhosis should not eat fish. When cirrhosis of the liver is difficult for the body to produce coagulation factors, coupled with low platelets, it is easy to cause bleeding, if you eat sardines, bluefish, tuna rich in 20 carbon 5enoic acid, it will make the condition worse sharply.

4. Tuberculosis patients, when taking isoniazid, if you eat some fish is prone to allergic reactions, mild nausea, headache, skin flushing, conjunctival hyperemia, etc., heavy palpitations, lip and facial tingling, rash, diarrhea, abdominal pain, breathing difficulties, increased blood pressure, and even hypertensive crisis and cerebral hemorrhage. According to historical and cultural legend, when Qianlong went down to Jiangnan, he once strolled to the Songhelou Restaurant, saw a strip of cinnamon fish swimming in the lake, and wanted to bring it up to eat, at that time the fish was used as a sacrifice to worship the gods, did not dare to eat it, but the holy order was difficult to violate, the errand had to consult with the chef, and finally, decided to take the head of the fish as a rat to avoid the sin of "god fish". When a plate of squirrel cinnamon fish is served on the table, only the fish body creaks, very similar to the sound of squirrels.

The ruler puts the long cinnamon fish on the plate with its head cocked, the fish body has been boneless, and the flower knife is shaved, fried, poured with tomato juice, sweet and sour, crispy on the outside and tender on the inside, a piece of mouth, full of flavor. Qianlong ate and cried out in a loud voice. Another legend is that when Qianlong was six times in Jiangnan, he made a private visit in the ancient city of Suzhou, and suddenly felt that hunger was unbearable, so he entered a restaurant called Songhe Tower, saw that there was a dish named Squirrel Mandarin Fish on the water sign of the store, and ordered this dish. The dish was brought to the table, Qianlong was really a little hungry because he had not eaten for half a day, and this dish was indeed made of scorched and tender, sweet and sour, so that the emperor who was accustomed to eating the imperial meal of the court feasted. After eating, the emperor, who did not know what money was, did not know that he had to pay for buying things to eat, and walked out with his legs open, how did the tang of the Songhe Tower know that he was the grandfather of today's long life, blocking the door and not letting go, this walk was noisy, attracting everyone to watch. At this time, the prefect of Suzhou led three classes of servants to patrol the streets, saw this ridiculous scene, and sent the head of the class to send a silver ingot of 10 taels to the owner of the Songhe Tower, only to calm down the matter of not giving money for eating.

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