
Keeping a small and cute Mississippi map turtle, you need to pay attention to these problems!

author:Climb pet playmates

The Mississippi map turtle, also known as the "sawback turtle," is loved by reptile enthusiasts for its lively aquatic habits and striking appearance as an interesting pet.

Keeping a small and cute Mississippi map turtle, you need to pay attention to these problems!

The name "sawback turtle" comes from its saw-like raised back. In addition to the shape of the turtle shell, another notable feature of this creature is the yellow stripes on the body. These stripes look like contour lines, and the fact that they are native to the Mississippi River Valley in the central United States gives these turtles their name. They belong to the genus Map Turtles - Ze Turtle Family - Turtle Turtle Order.

They are very good at swimming and are as comfortable in turbulent water as they are in backwater. In the wild, these turtles prefer bodies of water with gentle currents, such as large streams, lakes, and rivers. If you want to treat Mississippi map turtles as pets, make sure they have enough space to swim. Their body size is another factor in making them good pets. Adult males, small in size, have a dorsal carapace length of about 8.9-12.7 cm, and adult females grow to about 15.2-25.4 cm. Body size also varies by sex, with males being lean in appearance and females large in size.

Keeping a small and cute Mississippi map turtle, you need to pay attention to these problems!

Food Options: As water turtles, Mississippi map turtles only feed in water. Feeding them can be tricky and requires care. Start with a nutritionally balanced turtle food that contains low-fat protein, green leafy vegetables such as spinach, parsley, dandelion leaves, and lettuce longleaf. The amount of protein fed can be determined by the sex of the turtle, the male is smaller than the female and can eat small fish, molluscs, worms (dead), crustaceans and aquatic insects, while the female can eat larger prey such as clams and snails.

It's important to avoid feeding your turtles too much protein. Doing so can lead to backlifts and unhealthy growth rates. The diet should be balanced, adult turtles should be fed 4-5 times a week, and young turtles should be fed once a day. Overfeeding can lead to turtle obesity and must be avoided.

Breeding environment: Mississippi map turtles prefer to stay in large turtle tanks. For females, a turtle tank that can hold 75 gallons of water is enough. For smaller male turtles, at least a turtle tank that can add 25 gallons of water is needed. The quality and quantity of water are just as important. A powerful water filter is a necessary investment because it allows to maintain an adequate oxygen level inside the cylinder, as well as keep the water clean and clear. This turtle also likes to bask in the sun, so it is necessary to make several flat surfaces as a tanning table so that the turtle can bask in the sun.

Keeping a small and cute Mississippi map turtle, you need to pay attention to these problems!

In the wild, sawback turtles like to stay around many plants. Therefore, there should be some aquatic plants in the tank. This is important because the lack of vegetation often puts unnecessary stress on the turtle. Other factors that are needed include heating and lighting. It is crucial that the water temperature inside the tank should be around 21 ° C, and the temperature of the place for sunbathing should be between 29 ° C and 32 ° C.

In this way, they can regulate their body temperature by swimming and basking in the sun. UVB lights are very helpful for reptiles. UVB lights should be placed in a place to bask in the sun and should be turned on at all times.

Conventional cold fluorescent lamps can be used to simulate the alternation of day and night. If you can't reliably turn on and off lights at the same time every day, you can buy a timer.

Reproduction: Males begin mating between the ages of 4 and 6, while females reach sexual maturity between the ages of 8 and 14. In their natural habitat, they mate from October to November, then again in April, nesting from mid-May to late July. Females will nest anywhere from 5 m to 150 m in the water where the cubs grow. Low shrubs and sandy beaches are preferred. Females usually lay 3 clutches of eggs per year, each consisting of 8 to 22 eggs.

Keeping a small and cute Mississippi map turtle, you need to pay attention to these problems!

Predators: Frightened sawback turtles usually try to escape when approaching. Unlike other turtles, these gentle animals do not bite. The predator of the sawback turtle is the rice rat. Otters, raccoons, and red foxes are egg predators, as are barracuda, catfish, perch and great blue herons. Red-winged black orioles, white-billed gulls, and ring-billed gulls are predators of young chicks. In the wild, the animal's markings, colors, and shapes allow them to blend into the environment and avoid conflict with predators. This mysterious adaptability helps them avoid detection and is their best defense against predators.

Conclusion: Caring for Mississippi map turtles is a challenging task because they are easily stressed and easily frightened. They need turtle tanks that are large enough, preferably with aquatic plants and clean water. But keeping Mississippi map turtles is a fun experience because they are very interesting pets. Their yellow stripes and jagged dorsal carapace give them a striking appearance. Finally, go to a trusted seller or pet store to buy them. Feel free to share your turtle rearing experience in the comments.


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Keeping a small and cute Mississippi map turtle, you need to pay attention to these problems!

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