
The program writes the history of the revolutionary base areas in an extensive manner -- the revelations of Jin Chong and "The Revelation of the Spark"

author:Bright Net

The program writes the history of the revolutionary base areas in an extensive manner

——The revelation of Jin Chong and the Revelation of "The Revelation of Spark"

Author:Zhang Yaozong (Lecturer, Nanjing Xiaozhuang University)

The book "The Revelation of Sparks" is the latest masterpiece of Mr. Jin Chonghe, an expert in party history research, and the whole book epitomizes the author's experience of focusing his research attention on the historical research of the base area. The publication of this book is another important milestone in the author's writing career. The more important significance is that at the important moment of the 99th anniversary of the founding of the CPC, through this monograph on the creation and development of revolutionary base areas, we have been able to profoundly study how the CPC has continuously crossed one critical juncture after another to victory.

"The Revelation of Sparks" Jin Chong and life, reading and new knowledge triptych bookstore

Hu Qiaomu once said: "Party history should be distinguished from political history and military history," and "Party history has a special genre, and there should be a unified genre from beginning to end." The political situation in each period should be clearly explained. This is from the point of view of the situation, not the narrative of the political and military events themselves." It can be said that Jin Chongji's new book has achieved this goal very well. In this monograph on the study of the history of the base areas, although the military situation is inevitably often expounded, the author always discusses it around this program of party history. Therefore, no matter which place the history of the base area is written, it is placed in the political situation at that time to analyze and grasp.

In the long article "Reflections on the Creation of the Western Soviet Region of Gannan and Western Fujian", Jin Chonghe carefully analyzes the key significance of correct lines and theories for the success of the CCP revolution. It can be said that the acquisition of the correct line and theory is closely related to the correct understanding of the situation at that time, which is summed up from the experience of revolutionary successes and setbacks, and is exchanged for the blood of countless revolutionary martyrs, and should be particularly cherished.

What is the "big picture" in the article "Jute Uprising from a Global Perspective"? The answer was that "the Chinese Communist Party was at a critical juncture of life-and-death decisions: as the Wuhan government, after the Nanjing government, openly opposed communism, the Kuomintang-Communist cooperation established during the Great Revolution was completely broken, and the domestic political situation was abruptly reversed." Specifically, Jin Chong explains the overall situation from the contrast between the forces of the enemy and ourselves. He analyzed that, first of all, "the jute area is the weak link in the rule of the Kuomintang and the local tycoons and inferior gentry in Hubei", and secondly, the situation of the subjective forces of the revolution is relatively good. From the analysis of these two overall situations, the victory of the jute uprising is not accidental, and the jute uprising is not only a glorious page in military history, but also an important chapter in the history of the party.

In addition, the establishment of base areas is also staged. In this regard, Jin Chong and give full attention to it. For example, from the "heyday of the border" to the "open division of Soviet power", it is a stage node and a new understanding that develops with the development of the situation. It can be seen that Jin Chong and his research on base areas pay special attention to the perspective of changing the situation. It can be said that the whole book runs through one of Jin Chonghe's core writing ideas, that is, to present how the party learned to grasp the situation realistically in practice and make judgments that were in line with the situation at that time.

Jin Chonghe has been working in the former Central Literature Research Office for a long time, and has used his work to read a wealth of party history documents and historical materials. As we all know, the historical materials of the History of the Party include rich and complex original materials such as documents, letters, telegrams and meeting records. How to ensure that historical materials are not piled up and avoid writing party history into long compilations of historical materials? And how to make a unique interpretation of the key passages in the historical data? It can be said that this is a very test of the quality of party history researchers. The author, as always, reflects in this new work his skillful tailoring skills in the historical materials of the Party, thanks to his vivid understanding of the historical texts, thus transforming a pile of solidified historical materials into vivid historical pictures.

The proper use of historical materials such as local revolutionary historical materials and memoirs has made the relevant theoretical expressions of party history have a vivid sense of historical scene. However, the sense of the scene does not mean indulging in some details of history, but to serve the historical view through tailoring, while conveying the historical and social structure characteristics of the local revolution. When analyzing the jute uprising, the author cites a passage from Wang Hongkun's "My Career in the Red Army": "In the past, Huang'an had a school field, which was specially supplied for reading, that is, the children of the beggars also had to let them finish primary school, so education was relatively popular, and there were many middle school students and high school students... But Macheng can't do it, without school fields, the children of poor families can't go to school. The counties of Guangshan, Shangcheng and Luoshan in Henan, which border us, are the same as Macheng. Among the Huang'an people, there are many people who read books, have a high level of cultural education, have many intellectuals, and accept the revolutionary truth quickly, and the revolutionary development is relatively common. This historical material vividly illustrates one aspect of the local historical social structure behind the revolutionary subjective consciousness that prevailed in the jute region.

The proper tailoring of historical materials such as memoirs of witnesses can also achieve a vivid sketching effect on history that ordinary researchers cannot replace. For example, in the author's cut of "Memoirs of Chen Zaidao", the reader not only saw how the revolutionary base area in Eyubian was established step by step, but also let the reader see the cross-influence between the different revolutionary base areas at that time: "The special committee clearly put forward the 'method of learning from Jinggangshan'". When analyzing the Encirclement and Suppression of the Jinggangshan Revolutionary Base Area by the Kuomintang in 1929, in order to vividly illustrate the situation at this critical juncture, the author cites first-hand local revolutionary historical materials such as "Yang Kemin's Comprehensive Report on the Situation in the Xianggan Border Soviet Area", as well as the first-hand memories of Jiang Hua, Song Renqian, Xiao Ke and other witnesses, as well as such precious documents as Sun Yang's notebook manuscript "The Autobiography of Commander-in-Chief Zhu". These reminiscences, concisely and vividly, restore the difficult situation in Jinggangshan and the complex tension of the Bailu Conference at that time.

When writing about the difficult situation of the Red Fourth Army leaving the Jinggangshan base area, the author quoted a passage from Chen Yi's "A Brief Discussion on the Red Fourth Army's Guerrilla Attack on Gannan": "At that time, the general public was not willing to show us the way, and we did not dare to find someone to be a guide. The people we were looking for were once somewhat related to the Northern Expedition. This kind of tailoring makes the rigorous narrative of party history contain a sense of historical depth.

Of course, the use of historical materials also benefits from the author's theoretical vision and vision. For example, when observing the complex changes in the base area, Jin Chong and abstract the terrain to observe the changes in the base area, which has a relatively stable exposition perspective. When examining the revolutionary situation in a place, he often noticed the historical connection between before and after.

The history of the Central Revolutionary Base Areas and the Chinese Soviet Republic has become a very important page in the history of our Party and the history of the revolutionary struggle in modern China, and is a rich and vivid textbook. Jin Chongji's "The Revelation of the Spark" has undoubtedly set up a solid academic beam for us to deeply understand the importance of revolutionary base areas.

Guangming Daily ( 2020-07-01 16 edition)

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