
My wife lied about the unit dinner, ran to date her lover, and was bumped into by my parents

author:Muzi Li

The picture comes from the network, and the picture and text are irrelevant

My wife lied about the unit dinner, ran to date her lover, and was bumped into by my parents

The netizen letter said:

My wife is an ordinary working class, I am a businessman, and I am busier on weekdays, so that I have less time to spend with my wife, and my wife basically takes care of housework. Feeling ashamed of my wife, I can only give most of the money I earn to my wife to manage, and there is no restriction on her spending. What I really think in my heart: Working so hard, don't you hope that your wife, children, and parents can live a good life? During this time, I was most pleased with the fact that my wife behaved very filial and unsparingly in front of my parents.

Recently, I have not been very busy in business, and I have more time at home, during which time, I will also take on some housework. A few days ago, my wife told me when she was leaving work that she was going to work overtime. Unfortunately, more than half an hour later, my mother called: Hurry up and take care of your daughter-in-law, I just went shopping with your father and saw the picture of your daughter-in-law and a man holding hands. Suddenly, I was a little uneasy. Immediately dial my wife's phone: Where? Wife: Didn't you tell you to work overtime? Me: Is what you call overtime just going shopping with men hand in hand? Wife: Where are you? Me: Hurry up and send me the location. Eventually, I found my wife at a mall. Then my wife followed me home.

Perhaps, being faithful to marriage was my bottom line, so much so that after my wife cheated on me, everything she did for the family was erased in that instant. I know that our relationship will end in divorce, but when we actually face divorce, there will still be some heartache inside, after all, two people have experienced a lot of things together, and our children are only in the 5th grade of elementary school. However, when my wife kept apologizing to me, my inner feeling was: the more she apologized, the more disgusting I felt.

My wife lied about the unit dinner, ran to date her lover, and was bumped into by my parents

Muzi Li emotional analysis:

One day more than ten years ago, I heard news from my parents: I have a distant relative who is getting married, and the marriage object is a wife who has spent tens of thousands of yuan. I also heard something about their married life: Wherever my relative went, he would take his wife with him, for fear that his wife would sneak back to her hometown. Later, they had children, and when their children were more than a year old, my distant relative let down his guard against his wife, so that his wife still ran away with someone. At this point, my relative never had any more experience of marriage.

To tell you this, the main thing to illustrate is two aspects: 1) some people are particularly eager for marriage, even if there is a woman around who knows that the other party does not love themselves, as long as they can hold hands with each other to marry, they feel particularly lucky; 2) not every man has the capital to divorce after his wife has done something out of the ordinary.

For you, in the face of your wife cheating on you to mention divorce, you will also be heartache, after all, more people are not willing to get used to the reality of being broken, but the humiliation brought to you by your wife's cheating is there, so that in the case of you have the capital to divorce, you will be more inclined to divorce decisions, so in the face of your wife's sorry, it is a normal result that you did not get your okay. We have followed the path of the past life. Because everyone's situation is different, it will also lead to different results when making choices about love.

How can there be "empathy" between people, so we always look at it with our own knowledge of something, so that after something happens, there will be different voices. In this case, following your heart is the best option.

Although your wife can exist very virtuously, but without your minimum company, your wife is also lonely, when people are in the vortex of loneliness, doing some irrational things, in fact, it is not difficult to understand. Despite this, your wife still has no idea of divorce and feels that she has an emotional basis with you and can live a carefree life. Therefore, your wife's involvement in extramarital affairs must be the result of greed: while enjoying the stable life you give, you also long to be nourished by love, and you can't give your wife the least escort because you are busy at work, and she can only find someone outside of marriage who can moisturize her.

Please believe that your wife is not willing to divorce you, and therefore break up with her lover, is the truest idea in her heart, after all, when you need to make a choice between two, you will definitely weigh the pros and cons, choose a person who has the most favorable ending for yourself, but have you ever thought of another question: not everyone in this world will revolve around you, when you hurt others, others may choose to withdraw from you?

Leading to the divorce ending, your wife does not deserve sympathy at all, of course, your mood is not much better, but you also understand: if you choose to forgive, you will be more painful. Because in the absence of divorce, your wife will dangle in front of your eyes every day, then the existence of your wife is equivalent to blocking you. So, since your choice is divorce, be firm in your choice.

About the feelings between adults: sweet, or fragile, because more often, marriage is just a contractual relationship, once in this relationship, someone loses the spirit of the contract, then the relationship may be terminated immediately. Therefore, regarding divorce, can we understand that two people who were once in love with each other eventually parted ways for some practical reasons, and in later life, there is only one common child left for each other. This result may be the result that some people do not want to see, but it is also the result of the loss of the spirit of the contract. For this reason, regarding the wrongdoer in divorce, after the divorce, it is important to reflect on yourself, at least, and not make similar mistakes in the next relationship. Unfortunately, people will always be driven by greed to interpret the scars and forget the pain, if this is the case, then their own emotional wounds will continue.

My wife lied about the unit dinner, ran to date her lover, and was bumped into by my parents

Muzi Li life insights:

"The wife cheated, we divorced", or "the husband cheated, we divorced", during which the party who took the initiative to propose divorce was the party who guaranteed the fidelity to the marriage. At this time, the divorced party may feel that the other party can't forgive himself once, and even feel that the other party mentions divorce is a very cruel thing, but it also needs to be understood: 1) Since you have no divorce idea, why do you want to get involved in extramarital affairs; 2) Although the divorce is proposed by the other party, when the habit is broken, the other party is also very heartbroken.

Many times, we will maintain a kind attitude to face life, but we must not forget one thing: those who often embarrass us are not good people. Therefore, kindness will have a good effect when it is used by the right person, and once the kindness is used by the wrong person, it will be exchanged for the other party's inch. For this reason, in life, we should be a person who loves and hates clearly, especially in the face of those who often embarrass us, we must not give each other a good face, because we have no responsibility and obligation to breed these people to wreak havoc on themselves. Of course, when we need to resist oppression, we also need to have the capital to resist, which is probably the real reason why we need to be constantly strong: we don't cause trouble, but we are not afraid of things.

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