
Make sesame sauce gluten, with no need to blanch water in advance? A lot of people do it wrong, no wonder gluten is sour and not tasty

author:Gourmet family season

Make sesame sauce gluten, with no need to blanch water in advance? A lot of people do it wrong, no wonder gluten is sour and not tasty

Since the beginning of spring, the temperature has gradually stabilized, the maximum temperature in our northern region has reached more than 20 degrees, and as the weather has become hotter and hotter, the night market food stalls in many places have begun to re-emerge from the rivers and lakes. When eating the night market, in addition to the barbecue skewers, cold dishes are also one of the must-order dishes, the most popular of which is the cold gluten with rich sauce and strong taste, which is one of the must-order appetizers!

Make sesame sauce gluten, with no need to blanch water in advance? A lot of people do it wrong, no wonder gluten is sour and not tasty

Cold mix gluten method seems simple, in fact, it is not easy, many friends say that they do cold mix gluten at home, the method seems to be similar to the outside snack stalls, but it is very different to eat both the taste and taste, especially the sour taste of gluten is particularly heavy, not delicious at all! So, how to make sesame sauce gluten to be delicious? Sauce is very important, learn this method, better than the restaurant!

Make sesame sauce gluten, with no need to blanch water in advance? A lot of people do it wrong, no wonder gluten is sour and not tasty

When making sesame sauce gluten, many friends react to the sour taste of gluten is relatively heavy, in fact, it is not difficult to remove the sour taste of gluten, we only need to put gluten in water before cold mixing, blanching water at the same time, adding some "material", sour taste is naturally gone, and gluten taste is still special! Let's take a look at the specifics!

Make sesame sauce gluten, with no need to blanch water in advance? A lot of people do it wrong, no wonder gluten is sour and not tasty

------【Sesame sauce gluten】------

Ingredients: 400g gluten, 100g cucumber, 3 cloves of garlic, 1/2 green onion, 2 tbsp sesame paste, 1 tbsp paprika, 1/2 tbsp peppercorn powder, a little white sesame seeds, 1/2 tbsp sugar, 2 scoops of light soy sauce, 2 tbsp vinegar, a pinch of salt

Preparation steps:

1, gluten can go directly to the supermarket to buy ready-made, and then cut into square pieces, gluten size according to their hobbies to decide, cucumber clean directly, with a knife crushed.

Make sesame sauce gluten, with no need to blanch water in advance? A lot of people do it wrong, no wonder gluten is sour and not tasty

2, boiling water in the pot, after the water is boiled, put in the gluten block blanched water for 1 minute, add a little edible alkali when blanching water, a little bit can be, not too much, edible alkali can be very good neutralizing the sour taste of gluten inside, and gluten blanched water, the taste is better.

Make sesame sauce gluten, with no need to blanch water in advance? A lot of people do it wrong, no wonder gluten is sour and not tasty

3: After blanching the gluten, put it in the cool white open to cool it, and then use your hands to clean the excess water inside the gluten and reserve.

Make sesame sauce gluten, with no need to blanch water in advance? A lot of people do it wrong, no wonder gluten is sour and not tasty

4: Prepare a small bowl, add minced garlic, paprika, minced green onion, pepper powder, white sesame seeds, pour 2 spoonfuls of hot oil to stimulate the flavor of the seasoning, and refine the red oil inside the pepper.

Make sesame sauce gluten, with no need to blanch water in advance? A lot of people do it wrong, no wonder gluten is sour and not tasty

5: Start seasoning, add soy sauce, aged vinegar, a pinch of salt, sugar and two spoonfuls of tahini in a seasoning bowl and stir well.

Make sesame sauce gluten, with no need to blanch water in advance? A lot of people do it wrong, no wonder gluten is sour and not tasty

6, finally pour the sesame sauce into the gluten, stir well, so that each piece of gluten is wrapped in a layer of sesame sauce, delicious sesame sauce gluten is ready, especially delicious!

Make sesame sauce gluten, with no need to blanch water in advance? A lot of people do it wrong, no wonder gluten is sour and not tasty

Lao Liu said:

Mochi gluten is a very popular street snack, especially in the night market on the street, in fact, the practice of mochi gluten is not difficult, we can make it at home. One of the essentials of making sesame sauce gluten is to blanch water, after adding edible alkali, the acid and alkali are neutralized, the sour taste inside the gluten is gone, and after the gluten is blanched, the taste is more powerful. The second point is the proportion of hemp sauce, the seasoning should first be choked with hot oil, in the stimulation of the aroma at the same time can prevent raw garlic from eating heartburn, hemp sauce must be less salt!

About the practice of sesame sauce gluten is shared here, I am Xiao Liu, a post-90s foodie who has to go up to the hall and the kitchen, if you are interested in family food, welcome to leave a message, forward, share, follow Oh! If you have any family food you want to eat, you are also welcome to leave a message, I will try to share it with you!

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